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Model 1

a) You will be surprised how little it costs. For fifty-two weeks in the year your Stenogram works hard far you, without lunch breaks or holidays. You can't ever give it too much to do. And all for less than an average month's salary for a secretary. It will take your dictation at any time, and anywhere - after office hours, at home, or even while you are travelling. It does away with mistranscriptions in shorthand and can even do away altogether with typewriting since recorded messages can be posted.

b) Dear Mr Reddy

c) Some of your business friends are sure to be using the Stenogram. Ask them about it before you place an order; or, if you prefer, fill in the enclosed prepaid card and we will arrange for Mr James Baron, our representative for your area, to call and give you a demonstration. Just state a day and time.

d) Have you ever thought how much time your typist wastes in taking down your letters? It can be as much as a third of the time she spends on correspondence. Why not record your dictation - on our S tenogram - and save this time for other jobs she can be doing while dictation is in progress?

e) Yours sincerely

f) The Stenogran is efficient, dependable, time-saving and economical and, backed as it is by our international reputation for reliability, is in regular use in thousands of offices all over the country. It gives superb reproduction quality - every syllable clear as a bell. It is unbelievably simple to use. You just slip in a pre-loaded cassette, press a button, and your Stenogram is ready to record dictation, instructions, interviews, telephone conversations, or what you will. Nothing could be simpler — or more efficient either. Our unique after-sale service contract ensures lasting operation at the peak of efficiency.


a) You are already aware of our terms of dealing, but to encourage you to lay in a stock of the new solid "Reliance", we are prepared to allow you a special discount of 3% on any order received by the end of this month.

b) Yours faithfully

c) Reports from all over the world confirm what we had known before we put the now famous "Reliance" solid tyre on the market - that it is the fulfilment of every car-owner's dream.

d) You are of course well aware of the weaknesses of the ordinary air-filled tyre - punctures, split outer covers under sudden stress and a tendency to skid on wet road surfaces, to men­tion some only of the motorist's chief com­plaints. Our "Reliance" tyre enables you to offer your customers a tyre that is beyond criticism in those vital qualities of road-holding and reliability.

e) Dear Sirs

f) We could tell you a great deal more about these tyres, but prefer you to read the en­closed copies of reports from racing drivers, test drivers and motor dealers and manufacturers.

Model 3

a) At the cost of a few pounds a month you can buy peace of mind for your wife and children - and yourself. You cannot, you dare not leave them unprotected. So let me call on you to tell you more about a scheme that so many families are finding attractive. I shall not press you to join; I shall just give you the details and leave the rest to you. I will call at any time if you will use the enclosed prepaid reply card, and say when.

b) Yours sincerely

c) Should he die within the next twenty years his wife and family will now be provided for. For less than £2 a week his wife would receive £50 a month for a full twenty years and then £10,000 in a lump sum.

d) A client of mine is happier today than he has been for a long time - and with good reason. For the first time since he was married ten years ago, so he tells me, he.feels really comfortable about the future

e) Such protection would have been beyond his reach a short time ago but now, under a new and novel scheme, he has been able to provide for his family. The scheme need not be for twenty years. It can be for fifteen or ten, or any other number of years. And it need not be for £10,000. It can be for much more or much less to give the protection you want.