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Henry James

Thank you for your letter of 15 February, asking a reference for Henry James, It is a pleasure to offer comments on this individual.

I have known Henry for over 12 years, since he joined our company. We have both worked in the same department.

Henry is a natural leader and organiser. He inspires enthusiasm among other members of our team He listens attentively to the opinions and desires of others and compromises when required.

He has shown himself to be responsible and trustworthy, both as a personal friend and as a valuable member of the community. It was a great pleasure to work with him. I believe he would be an effective contribution to your team.

If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Richard Snow


Dear Mrs Bridge

Julia Rose

I write to advise you that Miss Julia Rose who is currently a student at the University of Brighton has been in touch with me to say that she has applied for one of the posts in your company and has asked me if I could act as a referee for her and submit this reference to you.

I have to say that I am very happy indeed to do so.

Julia has worked for us each summer holiday since she left school and I think that the best way of describing her is as a very positive person.

She is a very serene person and with the confidence to deal with qny problems that arise from time to time either on her own initiative or, by asking a superior how a particular matter should be dealt with.

I have also found her an extremely willing person and one who never complains whilst she also has the ability to work independently, and in 1994, indeed, we sent her to a number of cities in Great Britain in order to carry out research in connection with the firm's business.

I have to say, therefore, that I have absolutely no doubts in recommending her to you.

I am absolutely sure that she will serve you well and will also mix in well with other colleagues.

I do hope that the foregoing is of help and if I can о 'sist further, please, do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Sarah Taylor


To Whom It May Concern

Jo Cowie

Mrs Cowie worked for me for 2 years as my personal assistant. During that time she delt efficiently with my general correspondence, telephone calls and other routine paper work. She also proved herself to be a resourceful and hardworking researcher.

She is a communicative person and works well independently. She is thoughtful and pays due attention to detail. She was punctual and frequently worked late when we had a deadline to meet. I regret that she had to leave us for family reasons.

I would recommend Mrs Cowie as an outstanding researcher and PA, and feel sure that she would be a valuable asset to her future employers.

Jim Manson

Marketing Manager


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Характеристика на Марию Трубецкую

Мария Трубецкая обратилась ко мне с просьбой дать ей характеристику на основании четырех лет нашей совместной работы, в группе по изданию и про­даже книг. Во время работы в компании она выполня­ла самую разнообразную работу, от продажи книг и стимулирования сбыта до вопросов связи с обще­ственностью и организации таких мероприятий, как поэтические чтения и презентации книг.

Марию Трубецкую отличает знание литератур­ной жизни России и русского языка, именно эти каче­ства послужили причиной приема ее на работу в на­шей компании; она оказала нам огромную помощь в проведении переговоров с руководством Третьяковс­кой галереи о приобретении прав на розничную тор­говлю. Умение убеждать и способность понять буду­щего партнера, свойственные ей, принесли нам боль­шую пользу. Кроме того, Трубецкая блестяще владеет английским языком; все это делает ее идеальной кан­дидатурой для участия в проведении любых форм пе­реговоров и рекламных компаний (общекультурного или коммерческого характера) с представителями как англоязычных, так и русскоязычных стран.

К ее большим достижениям можно отнести орга­низацию открытия Белорусского культурного цент­ра. Тогда в Соединенном Королевстве впервые было открыто официаль­ное представительство страны. На торжественной церемонии открытия присут­ствовал сам президент республики; кроме этого Ма­рии удалось организовать участие в церемонии це­лого ряда крупных банкиров, ведущих политиков и бизнесменов.

Подводя итог сказанному, отметим, что Мария Трубецкая могла бы стать идеальной кандидатурой для работы в любой организации, заинтересованной в рекламе в средствах массовой информации как в русскоязычном мире, так и в других странах. Она очень приятный и обаятельный сотрудник. Я могу поручиться, что Мария - честный и порядочный че­ловек, умеющий к тому же добиваться цели.

Роберт Оуен
