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Vocabulary Notes on the Text

1 indemnity — обеспечить возмещение убытков.

2 insurance premium — страховое вознаграждение, премия.

3 insurance coverage — страховое покрытие.

4 insurance against fire — страхование от пожара.

5 theft/burglary insurance — страхование на случай кражи.

6 accidence insurance — страхование от несчастных случаев.

7 against all risks — страхование от всех рисков.

8 "with average" — включая аварию.

9 "free off particular average" — свободно от частной аварии:

10 general average — общая авария.

11 a floating policy — генеральный страховой полис.

12 a cover note — «ковернот», свидетельство о страховании.

Exercises on the Text

1. Read and translate the text.

2. Translate the following words and learn their pronunciation:

indemnity; burglary; threat; premium; coverage; average; pilfer­age; vibration; hazards; adventure; financial; particular; towing; ware­housed; accidentally; extraordinary; repair; lighten; neglect

3. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the general idea of insurance?

  2. What kind of hazards can arise while goods are being stored or are in transit?

  3. How are goods normally insured?

  4. How is insurance value calculated?

  5. What types of insurance coverage can you mention?

  6. What do W.A. and P.P.A. clauses mean?

  7. What's the difference between a particular average and a general average?

  8. What kind of documents are issued by insurers?

4. Explain the meanings of the following terms in English:

insurance premium; insurance policy; insurance certificate; a floating policy; a cover note; particular average; general average; W.A. clause insurance; F.P.A. clause insurance;

  1. Use the terms of Exercise 4 in sentences of your own.

  1. Reproduce the situations from the text where these collocations were used:

to gain indemnity; to go wrong; to disappear without trace; to cause damage; to put out a fire; to act as a contract; to cover goods up to a large sum of money; to give proof of smth

7. Give English equivalents of the following:

страховка (страховая сумма); страховое дело; страховая пре­мия; страховое покрытие; страхование от пожара/на случай кра­жи/от всех рисков; генеральный страховой полис; воровство; мел­кая кража; плохое обращение (с товаром); риск

8. Sum up the contents of the text according to your own plan.

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

9. Insert the appropriate prepositions:

1) Nowadays carrying … goods can be .effected … sea, … air, … rail and … road. One transaction may involve both land and sea transportation, that is first goods may be carried … railway or road means … conveyance and then … ships. Henceforth the export trade is subject … many risks, because consignments may be damaged … transit.

2) Usually exporters insure their goods … all kinds … risk … professional insurance companies, … example Lloyd's …Great Britain or "Ingosstrakh" … Russia, which … return … a fee known as a premium will compensate … them if any loss or damage … the goods occurs. Insurance is therefore a contract … indemnity which is called an Insurance Policy.

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