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Unit 11 questions Special questions

1. Ask a question about the information underlined in each of the following sentences using who, what or another question word.

1. We live in the old town. 2. I gave the book to Valerie. 3. Michael lent me his car. 4. I got married 20 years ago. 5. He plays basketball best. 6. I'd like the green pullover, please. 7 I like big woolly pullovers. 8. A madman murdered the President 9. A madman murdered the President 10. A madman murdered the President 11. I go to the cinema at least once a week. 12. The journey takes about six hours from here. 13. To get to my house, you take the bus and get off at Wood Green. 14. He keeps the key in that box. 15. There's a liter of milk left.

2. Put the words in the questions in the right order

1. Where / you / born / were? 2. Where / you / did / grow up? 3. What / like / did / you / doing / at school? 4. What / like / were / you / as / a young child? 5. When /.decide / you /.did / an actor / to become? 6. How / parents / your / did / react? 7. What / say / when / told / did / you / they / them? 8. How / you / when / old / left/ were / you / home? 9. What / job / first / your / in the company / was? 10. What / of / directors / working / kind / with / you / do / like?

3. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Кто звонил вам вчера после обеда? 2. Что бы вы хотели узнать о нашей фирме? 3. Где находится ваш офис? 4. Сколько стоит ваша последняя модель этого оборудования? 5. Кому вы отправляете факс? 6. Когда и где мы могли бы встретиться и обсудить детали нашей будущей сделки (deal). 7. С кем вы обсуждали вчера вопрос цены и качества продукции этой фирмы? 8. Почему я должен следовать вашему совету? 9. Что было написано в последнем отчете? 10. На что похож его новый проект?

Tag questions

1. Fill in the spaces with the correct tag

1. Your dad does the cooking,…? Yours never does the housework,…? 2. There's not much we can do about it,…? 3. It's a beautiful day,…? Yes. Let's go for a walk,…? 4. You've got a bicycle,…? Yes. You no longer have yours,…? 5. You weren't cheating in the test,…? No, I'd never cheat,…? 6. You don't know his secret,…? 7. You could take up tennis,…? 8. You'd rather carry on with volleyball,…? 9. She lost her temper,…? 10. Yes, but she shouldn't have,…?

2. Complete the sentences using an appropriate tag and any other necessary words

Example: You enjoyed the film.

You say: 'That film was great, wasn't it?'

1. Your friend has just read a book which you like, too.

You say: 'It's a ……………….?'

2. You look at your watch. It's early.

You say: 'We've got………………..?'

3. You're thirsty. You like tea.

You say: 'Let's have…………?'

4. You want to make sure your name is on the list.

You say: 'I'm………………………………………?'

5. You want to go out for a walk

You say: 'Let's…………………?'

6. You want to check if the train leaves from platform 2.

You ask: 'The train…………………………………….?'

7. You can't reach the salt.

Ask someone to pass it to you: 'Pass …………………?'

8. Your little sister has got cake crumbs on her sweater.

You say: 'You've been………………………………….?'

9. You're worried about your friend going climbing.

Tell your friend: 'Take care,………………………?'

10. You want to check that you are leaving tomorrow morning, as agreed.

You ask: We’re…………………………………….?

3. Choose the best sentence in each context

1. Why did you forget your keys! You are silly!

a) I didn't tell you to forget them, did I?

b) I told you not to forget them, didn't I?

2. Ugh! I can't believe it! I'm sure they must taste horrible!

a) You like eating snails, don't you?

b) You don't like eating snails, do you?

3. If we go to Italy, we might have problems with the language.

a) You speak Italian, don't you?

b) You don't speak Italian, do you?

4. I told you to keep the party a secret. It's supposed to be a surprise for Stella. So, I just want to make sure.

a) You didn't tell her, did you?

b) You told her, didn't you?

5. Well, Mr. Robinson, I think it's time you told the police the truth. You see we've found your fingerprints on the murder weapon.

a) You didn't murder Lord Chumley, did you?

b) You murdered Lord Chumley, didn’t you?

6. Only two minutes to the end of the match and United are still 5-1 in the lead. It looks certain now.

a) United aren't going to win, are they?

b) United are going to win, aren't they?

7. I haven't see Ann for ages. She's working abroad I think.

a) She's got a job in France, hasn't she?

b) She hasn't got a job in France, has she?

8. I just can't answer this question. It would be nice to have some help.

a) You could help me, couldn't you?

b) You couldn't help me, could you?

4. Translate from Russian into English

1. Он хорошо разбирается в цифрах, не так ли? 2. Мистер Эванс сейчас говорит по телефону, не так ли? 3. Они прислали это письмо позавчера, не правда ли? 4. Ни твои ни мои родители не могут одолжить нам такой суммы денег, не так ли? 5. Их новая мебель, которую они стали производить в прошлом месяце, лучше прежней, не правда ли? 6. У нас сегодня очень важная встреча с поставщиками, не так ли? 7. Вы напишете это письмо, не правда ли? 8. Ты только, что закончил работу, не так ли? 9. Я надеюсь ваш отдел уже разработал новый каталог, не так ли? 10. Мы ничего не можем с этим поделать, не правда ли?