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Lecture 12. Annotative translation

P l a n

1. Four types of annotation.

2. The structure of an annotation.

3. Several stages of writing target language annotations.

Annotative translation as a separate type of technical translation involves preparing a target language annotation of the source language text.

An annotation is a brief explanatory or critical note added to the text which characterizes its content and lists major points under discussion. It is a concise descriptive characteristic of the original. It gives a brief statement about the contents of the book, i.e. gives the reader an idea of what the book (technical article, etc.) is about.

The description of the original is the main distinguishing feature of this kind of translation. You do not actually translate, you describe the original in the target language, characterize it as to its content, structure, purpose, length, topical questions. You supply the source text with explanatory notes in the target language, comment upon it in these notes

Annotations can be grouped into four types in accordance with their content and aim:

1) descriptive annotations (описові анотації) contain a brief descriptive characteristic of the original:

Методи та обладнання для визначення відсутності пош­коджень комунікаційних систем кабельного телебачення.

Braun Warren L. Methods and apparatus for reproducible measurement of CATV' system shiding integrity, "11th Int. Telev. Symp. Montreux, 1979. Symp. rec seoc." 8A-8B, 8A-9B, SI., Sa. IXB7/1-IXB7 (англ.).

Розглядаються питання захисту комунікацій до ТБ. Наводять­ся ймовірні причини пошкодження комунікацій, методи усунен­ня цих причин, а також методика оцінки впливу промислових та навколишніх умов на тривалу якісну роботу комунікацій та пе­релік вимірювального обладнання. Бібл. 9.

2) reference annotations (довідкові) contain references for purposes of information;

3) recommendatory annotations (рекомендаційні) give recommendations to certain categories of readers;

4) abstract annotations (реферативні анотації) contain an extended description of the original work:

Результати дослідних цифрових передач телебачення зі швидкістю ЗО Мбіт/с через супутник.

Murakami Hitomi. Satellite test results of 30 mbits/s digital TV transmission. "5th Int. Conf. Digital Satell. Commun. Genoa, 1981". S.I., S. a. 149-155 (англ.).

Подаються результати досліду стосовно передачі ТБ у циф­ровій формі через ретранслятор ШСЗ типу Intelsat-IV з використанням нещодавно розроблених кодексів для сигналів зі швид­кістю ЗО Мбіт/с. Під час досліду робилася суб'єктивна оцінка якості передач ТБ шляхом порівняння переданого та отримано­го зображення, а також отриманого зображення із застосуван­ням цифрових сигналів та ЧМ. Якість зображення ТБ зі швид­кістю передачі ЗО Мбіт/с дещо краща, від якості передачі ТБ методом ЧМ у межах половини ширини смуги одного ствола ретранслятора ШСЗ, яка дорівнює 17,5 МГц. Іл. 8, табл. З, бібл. 5.

You should also learn the structure of an annotation. Well-written annotations have several parts:

1) Introductory part contains bibliographical description of the original technical article, book, including the following: the title (in the target language), the name of the author (last name first; in the source language), the title of the book or the name of the article (source language), the source of the article (the name of the magazine or newspaper), the date of the magazine or newspaper, the piace of publication, the name of the publishing company, the year of publication, the number of pages in the book or the page numbers of the article, the source language.

2) Descriptive part gives a brief statement about the contents, structure, topical questions, major points, and purpose of the source language technical article or book.

3) Conciuding part contains comments on the distinguished features of the original work, its intended audience, illustrative material, etc.

Сучасний стан та перспективи розвит­ку техніки цифрового радіозв'язку.

Hartmann Paul R. Digital radio technology: l и і .-sent and future. "IEEE Commun. Mag.", 1981, I9, No. 4, 10-14 (англ.).

Аналізуються тенденції розвитку цифрових систем радіозв'язку діапазону НВЧ. У центрі ува­ги висвітлення наступних питань: методи моду­ляції, цифрова обробка сигналів, адаптивне ви­рівнювання, керування та контроль. Іл. 6, бібл. 4.

introductory part

descriptive part

concluding part

Writing target language annotations entails several stages:

1. Reading the original work.

Skim the original (read at a fast rate) to get the general idea of what the selection covers. Concentrate on understanding what you read. Look up any unfamiliar words or phrases. Consult dictionaries and oilier reference materials.

2. Gathering information: deciding on main ideas.

Read the passage a second time selecting the major points of the original and making notes on the main ideas. Make up a topic outline or a tree diagram of the original. It will help you in finding the most important ideas and details to include in your annotation.

An outline shows you not only what information is included into the selection, but also how the ideas and details are arranged. It is made up of main headings — the most important ideas — and subheadings. Subheadings are the details that support the idea expressed in a main in heading. Each heading of the outline is expressed in a word or phrase.

3. Writing a draft annotation.

Formulate the main ideas of the original work, the most important questions of the selection, its purpose. Describe the original clearly and briefly shaping your target language annotation.

Writing target language annotations involves critical thinking. An important skill in writing annotations is the ability to compress the mass of the material into an annotation of ordinary length. The usual rule is that an annotation should contain approximately 200—500 printed characters (200—300 for descriptive annotations, 350—400 for abstract annotations). It should be brief and objective. There are two ways that you compress information:

1. You summarize by giving only the main ideas and omitting unnecessary details.

2. You paraphrase (repackage information) by putting the material in your own words. Your target language annotation should be written in your own words. Use indefinite personal sentence and passive constructions.

Avoid phrases which do not convey essential information.

4. Evaluating and Revising.

I valuate and revise your draft annotation. Think about its content, ionization and style. Make sure you have chosen words and created sentences that are appropriate. Then correct the problems you have found. Use the following Guidelines to evaluate and revise your draft notation.

Guidelines for Evaluating Draft Annotations


1. Does the information included in the annotation characterize the original text as to its content, topical questions, purpose? Is the characteristic objective?

2. Is enough information provided? Does ail the information "belong" in this annotation? Have repetitive and unrelated details been left out?


3. Is the annotation well-structured. Does it contain all the necessary parts?

4. Is the information arranged in a way that will be clear to the reader? Is the pattern of organization appropriate?


5. Is the language precise and objective? Are indefinite personal sentences and passive constructions used to enhance the informative function of the annotation?

6. Are sentences concise?


7. Is the annotation suitable for the audience?


8. Is the annotation brief?

Guidelines for Revising Draft Annotations





The wrong information is included.


Add descriptive details. Cut unimportant details.

There are not enough details and information included.


Add more information

Some of the information does not "belong" in the annotation.


Cut sentences or parts of sentences that do not relate directly to the description of the original text.


Some structural parts are missing.


Add the missing parts.

The reader will find the arrangement of ideas unclear.


Reorder sentences or ideas. Move the ideas or details to make the meaning clear.


Indefinite personal sentences and passive constructions are not used.

Add/ Replace

Add indefinite personal sentences and passive constructions.

Some words do not make the meaning clear.


Replace them with words that are precise and exact.

The sentences are too long and complicated.

Replace/ Reorder

Replace or reorder long sentences or numerous subordinate clauses.


The annotation doesn't seem right for the audience.

Replace/ Add

Replace words and senten­ces to make them more suitable for the audience. Add the necessary information.


The annotation is too long.

Cut/' Replace

Cut unimportant details.

5. Proofreading.

Proofread your annotation for errors in grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation

6. Preparing the final copy.

Prepare a final copy of it.

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