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V. Translate the rhyme into Russian:

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

внимать, внять, учитывать

грех; жадность, алчность

вор; остерегаться

VI. Writing Prompts: Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley . . . Who would want to shop in this magical place? Wands, treats, cloaks, books, and magical creatures are just a few of the things you will discover in these shops. So wander the streets of Diagon Alley and explore them.

Writing Prompt # 1
You just won a shopping spree at Diagon Alley. Make a list of all of the things you would like to buy for your stay at Hogwarts. You are only allowed one thing from each store. List the store and what you would purchase.
Writing Prompt # 2
Flourish & Blotts just agreed to publish your first book. What is the title and what is it about?
Writing Prompt # 3
You have just stopped by the Magical Menagerie to pick up a magical pet for your stay at Hogwarts. Which pet do you want to bring? A cat, a toad, a rat, or an owl?

Writing Prompts: Gringotts Bank

Gringotts Bank - is the main banking establishment of the wizarding world. It is an eerie place where goblins are the bank tellers and a maze of tunnels lead to elaborate vaults of untold riches. We learn about the security system of dragons and spells.

Writing Prompt # 1
Gringotts is the famous bank run by goblins. Inside the bank are treasures of all sorts. You have just found out that you inherited a vault from a long lost uncle. Write a passage about what you find when you go to Gringotts to open the vault.
Writing Prompt # 2
You are a Wizard that has tried to rob one of Gringotts vaults. You failed and the vault has sucked you inside . . . for the next 20 years! Since you are a Wizard you can survive in the vault. What would it be like to be by yourself for the next 20 years? What would you do to make it endurable?
Writing Prompt # 3
You got lost on the way to your vault inside of Gringotts. As you turn a corner, there is a huge dragon looking menacingly at you. What do you do?
Writing Prompt # 4
You are the chief goblin in charge of internal communications at Gringotts. Each week you publish a short newsletter explaining what has happened at the bank. Write this week report and detail the special visitors, attempted break-ins, and other happenings at Gringotts.

VII. Talking points:

  1. Harry’s visit to Diagon Alley.

  2. His embarrassment because of his sudden richness. (at Gringott’s Bank)

  3. Harry’s acquaintance with Draco Malfoy

Activities for Pleasure

Can you answer these questions without cheating?

  1. Which book is Harry Potter very keen to read? Why?

  2. Name two books Harry has to buy for Hogwarts.

Invent more books that you could buy from Flourish & Blotts.

  1. Tell about the goblin standing outside Gringotts?

  2. What did Harry see near the underground lake?

  3. Tell about the item Hagrid collects from the vault.

Madam Malkin’s

Robe Shop

  1. How long have Ollivanders been making wands?

  2. Why does Harry’s neck tingle?

  3. Tell about Harry`s wand.

  4. How much does the wand cost?

  1. What does Madam Malkin look like?

  2. What impression do you get of the boy Harry meets here? Give reasons.

  3. What does the boy want to smuggle into Hogwarts?

* Create an advert for one of the shops, or even a whole page of adverts!

* Act out a conversation between a broom salesman and a reluctant customer – can you persuade the customer to buy the broom?



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