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Activities for Pleasure

Can you answer the questions about wizard game – Quidditch!

  1. How many players are on a Quidditch team?

  2. What colour is the Quaffle?

  3. What do the Chasers do with the Quaffle?

  4. How many points do you get for a goal?

  5. Who is the Gryffindor Keeper?

  6. What do the Bludgers look like?

  7. What do the Beaters try to do?

  8. Who are the Gryffindor Beaters?

  9. How is the Golden Snitch described?

  10. How many points do you get for catching the Golden Snitch?

  11. What is Harry`s position on team?

  12. When does a game of Quidditch end?

  13. How many ways are there of committing a foul?

  14. What strange things have happened to referees?

  15. What type of broomstick does Harry have?

You are now a Quidditch Expert!

Use your knowledge to create a leaflet all about Quidditch.

* You are trying to inform people who have never heard of the game.

* Think carefully about the information you will need and how you will arrange the information.

Harry potter and philosopher´s stone


The mirror of erised

I. Vocabulary to the chapter:

draughty ['drQ:ftI] a – продуваемый насквозь

brandish ['brxndIS] v – (угрожающе) размахивать

crumpet ['krAmpIt] n – сдобная лепёшка

flute [flu:t] n – флейта

maroon [mq'ru:n] n – тёмно-бордовый цвет

chipolata ["tSIpq'lQ:tq] n – свиные сардельки, чиполата (рагу/соус с сардельками)

tureen [tjV'ri:n] n – супник, супница

nag [nxg] v – придираться (к кому-л.), пилить (кого-л.)

four-poster ["fO:'pqVstq] n – кровать с пологом на четырёх столбиках

eerie ['I(q)rI] a – жуткий

eerie shriek – вопль, от которого кровь стынет в жилах

to give the creeps – привести в содрогание, бросить в дрожь

stain [steIn] n – пятно

curdle ['kE:dl] v – леденить (кровь)

ornate [O:'neIt] a – изысканно украшенный

crossly ['krPslI] adv – сердито, раздражённо, сварливо

short-sighted ["SO:t'saItId] a – близорукий

II. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

  1. to grind one’s teeth

  2. to give a hint

  3. a fortnight

  4. a drawback

  5. askew

  6. to stumble backwards

  7. ajar

  8. to spot something

  9. to have a close shave

III. The meaning of Harry Potter character names:

  1. Madam Irma Pince: Irma is from German irmen for "whole" or "complete". Pince is from pince-nez, a pair of glasses with no side ear temples, but just lenses and their frames. They clip on the bridge of the nose. Pince-nez is "pinch (the) nose" in French. This type of eyeglasses is sometimes seen on stern or bookish people in literature, movies, TV, etc.

Activities for Pleasure Hogwarts is a very strange place, filled with many strange objects.

  1. Why were Ron and his brothers staying at Hogwarts for Christmas?

  2. How many Christmas trees were in The Great Hall?

  3. Harry and his friends look for ′Nicolas Flamel′ in four different books. What are they called?

  4. What do these four books have in common?

  5. What sorts of books are kept in the ′Restricted Section′ of the library?

  6. What is wizard chess?

  7. What presents did Harry get for Christmas? Who were they from?

  8. Using words from the book, write a description of the Invisibility Cloak.

  9. What did Harry get from the wizard crackers?

  10. Why did Harry use the cloak without telling Ron?

  11. What happened in the library?

  12. Why did Harry hide in the unused classroom?

  13. Describe the mirror and its inscription. What do you think it means?

  14. What did Harry see in the mirror?

  15. What did Ron see in the mirror?

  16. According to Dumbledore, what is the problem with the mirror?

  17. What do you think Hermione would see if she looked into the mirror?

  18. If you looked into The Mirror of Erised what would YOU see?

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