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VIII. Talking points:

  1. Dursley’s attitude towards their relatives – Potters.

  2. Signs which foretell Harry’s arrival at the Dursleys.

  3. Dumbledore’s confidence (McGonagall’s distrust) in Hagrid.

IX. Multiple meanings

Many words have more than one meaning. How many different meanings can you find for these words? If you only know one meaning, check the dictionary.


park 1. a place where people go for picnics or fun.

2. to leave a vehicle in a certain place for a time.









X. Meanings of Harry Potter character names:

Dursley: The family has plant-oriented names! Vernon (uncle) is from a French last name for "alder tree." Petunia (aunt) is a type of annual flower with delicate, bell-shaped flowers (Aunt Petunia is not delicate). Dudley means "from the meadow."

Potter: Harry is a medieval English version of the name Henry, "ruler of the home." It also can be a nickname for Harold, "army ruler." Potter is a name derived from a trade practiced by an ancestor - far enough back, someone in the family line made earthenware items (compare to Smith or Cook). Rowling got his name from some kids with whom she played in Winterbourne, England, in the late 1960s. Lily (mom) is a flower of the genus Lilium that often symbolizes purity. James (dad) means "supplanter." This is one who takes the place of someone else, especially by force.

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore: His first name is from the Latin word alba, "white." His last name, according to Rowling interviews, is Old English for "bumblebee." In color symbolism, white often stands for purity, so the headmaster's name suggests honor and a hard-working nature ("busy as a bee").

Professor Minerva McGonagall: Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom and war. Her pet was an owl, like Athene, who was her equivalent in Greek mythology. The name Minerva also means "wise." The Scottish name McGonagall (or McGonigle, McGonegal) is from the Celtic name Conegal, meaning "the bravest," plus Mc, or "son of."

Voldemort/Tom Riddle: Voldemort is French for "flight of death." Tom Marvolo Riddle was made into the anagram "I am Lord Voldemort." An anagram is one or more words that can be rearranged into new words or phrases. A riddle is a clever puzzle asked as a question or something that can't be explained. Tom proved to be this in life and in projected form through his diary. To riddle also means to pierce with numerous holes. Thomas means "twin". Marvolo is like marvel, (1) to be amazed or astonished by something, or (2) a thing that causes wonder. (From Latin mirabilis, "wonderful," from mirari, "to wonder".)

Rubeus Hagrid: Rubeus, possibly from the Latin rubinus, "red." Also possibly from Hagrid Rubes, "Giant of the Jewels." He was a kind giant in ancient Greek mythology. (Hagrid is a nice, generous man.) Zeus, chief of the gods, framed him for murder. (Hagrid and Aragog were framed for deaths of Hogwarts students.) Zeus banished him from Mount Olympus, home of the gods, but allowed him to take care of the animals. (Headmaster Dippet expelled him from Hogwarts, but Dumbledore convinced him to keep Hagrid on as head gamekeeper.) Hagrid also may mean "hung over," as from alcohol. Hagride is a verb that means "to torment."

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