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Harry potter and philosopher´s stone


The midnight duel

I. Vocabulary to the chapter:

I can't put up with it any longer – я не могу больше выносить/терпеть это

spot [spPt] v – разг. узнать, заметить, увидеть

narrowly ['nxrqVlI] adv – чуть; еле-еле

hang-glider ['hxN"glaIdq] n – дельтаплан

eagle-owl ['i:g(q)l"aVl] n – зоол. филин

gloating ['glqVtIN] a – злорадный

in a flash – мгновенно; в одно мгновение

breezy ['bri:zI] a – свежий, прохладный (о погоде)

javelin ['dZxv(q)lIn] n – метательное копьё; дротик

skip [skIp] v – прыгать, скакать

scowl [skaVl] v – сердито смотреть

dodge [dPdZ] v – увёртываться, уклоняться

to dodge the law — обходить закон

snout [snaVt] n – рыло, морда (животного)

bogy ['bqVgI] n – домовой; пугало

to be chicken – трусить, перепугаться

petrified ['petrIfaId] a – застывший; оцепеневший

II. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

  1. to make a fool on oneself

  2. boastful story

  3. to have an argument

  4. out of earshot

  5. to stretch out a hand

  6. to stride

  7. a burly boy

  8. a puzzlement

  9. to have a clue

  10. decent

  11. to push one’s luck

  12. to be an interfering person

  13. a trapdoor

III. The meaning of Harry Potter character names:

  1. Patil: Patil may be a variation of Patel, Hindi for "village leader." Parvati means "gentle." Parvati was the consort of Shiva, the chief god of Hinduism.

  2. Lee Jordan: Lee is a field or meadow. Jordan means to "flow" or "descend." Jordan is also old English for a chamberpot (a small container in the bedroom, used for going to the bathroom, before indoor plumbing).

IV. Writing Prompts: Difficult Relationships

Writing Prompt # 1 How would you handle the situation if someone treated you the way Draco Malfoy treats Harry Potter? Now imagine the situation if you had magical powers like Harry does. What would you do?

Writing Prompt # 2 Harry Potter doesn’t get along with his cousin Dudley Dursley. Do you have a particular family member with whom it is hard to get along? What makes your relationship so complicated?

Writing Prompt # 3 Think of one person in your life who you disagree with all of the time. Write down three ways you could work out your differences.

V. Similarities and differences

To understand things around us, it helps to think about how they are alike, and how they are different. This is called “comparing and contrasting.” One way to show this visually is with a chart which shows how two things “have some things in common” – they share some characteristics or ways they are alike – but also have differences.

When describing these differences, look for things that are meaningful. The letter that the words begin with is not a good choice; what the things are used for is much better. It’s also better to compare the same kinds of information.


socks and shoes

baseball and basketball

books and movies

pens and pencils

Quidditch and soccer

Snape and McGonagall

Gryffindor and Slytherin

Peeves and Nearly Headless Nick

History of Magic class and Potions class

After organizing similarities and differences into a chart, you can then make a Venn diagram, where two circles overlap. The similarities are listed in the overlapping section, while the differences are written in the outside parts. This type of diagram is a simple visual way of showing an abstract relationship.

Baseball and basketball


often shown on television at professional level

one team plays against another team

being a fast runner is good for both!




played outside

equipment includes small balls, leather

gloves and wooden bats

nine people on each team

often played outside on playgrounds;

played inside by professionals

equipment includes large balls and a

tall pole with a basket

five people on each team

Make your own charts to show similarities and differences of the words given above:





Activities for Pleasure

Harry Potter & Friends

Write a detailed description of the characters.

Harry Potter

Dudley Dursley

Vernon & Petunia Dursley

Fred & George Weasley


Albus Dumbledore

Draco Malfoy, Crabbe & Goyle




I. Vocabulary to the chapter:

know-it-all ['nqVIt"O:l] n – всезнайка

spite [spaIt] n – злоба, злость

club [klAb] n – клюшка (хоккей, гольф), бита (бейсбол)

jacket potato – картофель в мундире

askew [q'skju:] adv – криво, косо

lumpy ['lAmpI] a – комковатый; грузный

boulder ['bqVldq] n – валун

racket ['rxkIt] n – разг. шум, гам; грохот

II. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

  1. not to believe one’s eyes

  2. to fill somebody in something

  3. to smother one’s laughter

  4. to recite

  5. to reel off

  6. to trudge

  7. to roll up the sleeves

  8. to bite one’s lip

  9. to go berserk

  10. out of breath

  11. to tell a downright lie

  12. to hang one’s head

  13. to get somebody out of trouble

  14. to be disappointed in somebody

  15. an embarrassed pause

III. Put in the prepositions:

  1. to know … sure

  2. a way of getting back … Malfoy

  3. do not open the parcel … the table

  4. to unwrap the broomstick … private

  5. they're not … the same league

  6. twig … twig

  7. Nimbus Two Thousand written … gold … the top

  8. either end … the pitch

  9. poles … hoops … the end

  10. to speed …

  11. players … each side

  12. she was … tears

  13. … their way

  14. put somebody … … the minds

  15. … the start-of-term banquet

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