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Harry potter and philosopher´s stone


The potions master

I. Vocabulary to the chapter:

tickle ['tIk(q)l] v – щекотать

dumpy ['dAmpI] n – невысокий кряжистый человек, крепыш

talking to ['tO:kINtu:] – разг. выговор

to give smb. a talking to – выбранить/пробрать кого-л.

ward off [wO:d] v – отвращать опасность

dungeon ['dAndZqn] n – подземная тюрьма, темница, = donjon – главная башня (средневекового замка)

snigger ['snIgq] v – хихикать, посмеиваться

dunderhead ['dAndqhed] n – глупая башка, болван, дубина

infusion [In'fju:Z(q)n] n – настой, настойка

wormwood ['wE:mwVd] n – полынь

wormwood wine /water/ – полынная настойка

tut [tAt] – int ах ты! фу ты!

bezoar ['bezqVq] n – вет. везоаровый камень (в желудке жвачных)

nettle [netl] n – бот. крапива

crossbow ['krPsbqV] n – ист. самострел; арбалет

patchwork ['pxtSwE:k] n – лоскутное изделие

quilt [kwIlt] n – стёганое одеяло; лоскутное одеяло

rock-cake ['rPkkeIk] n – печенье из крутого теста

II. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

  1. to stand on tiptoes

  2. a rickety staircase

  3. a trick staircase

  4. to pull a rug from under smb’s feet

  5. to whisk off

  6. to scribble down

  7. to have a head start

III. Are the statements true or false? Comment them.

  1. The life at Hogwarts wasn’t easy because of ghosts and a hundred and forty-two staircases.

  2. Harry felt himself a celebrity.

  3. The lesson of History of Magic was one of the most boring.

  4. The dearest wish of every student was to give the Blood Baron a good kick.

  5. Two points had been taken from Gryffindor House for Harry’s check.

  6. Hagrid invited Ron and Harry for tea to get to know the last rumours.

  7. Harry couldn’t notice Professor Snape’s negative attitude toward Hermione.

  8. The students suspected Professor Quirrell was lying about the fight against zombie.

  9. Harry’s strong desire was to know what Hagrid took from the vault seven hundred and thirteen.

  10. Hagrid definitely wanted to speak about Charlie Weasley.

IV. The meaning of Harry Potter character names:

  1. Professor Binns: A bin is a large storage container. A dustbin is British English for a garbage can. This boring professor could be described as a ghostly storage for information that many Hogwarts students view as rubbish.

  2. Professor Filius Flitwick: Filius is Latin for "son of." Flitwick is a town in England but also suggests movement of a wand. To flit is to move quickly from location to another. A wick is a loosely woven strand of fabric or fibers, often used in a candle or oil lamp. A wick has a similar shape to a stick (wand).

  3. Professor Sprout: Her very appropriate plant-oriented name means to (1) spring up and grow; (2) to send out new growth.

V. Talking points:

  1. Harry’s first week at school.

  2. Snape’s attitude to Gryffindor House, and to Harry especially.

Activities for Pleasure Can you complete the table?




Professor Binns


Professor McGonagall

Defence Against The Dark Arts

Professor Snape

Flying Lessons

  1. What would be a suitable name for the teacher of Astronomy?

  2. How often does Harry have Herbology?

  3. When are Flying lessons?

  4. When is Astronomy?

  5. Who is ′tiny little wizard′?

  6. Which boring lesson is taught by a Ghost?

  7. What did Prof. McGonagall change her desk into?

  8. Where are Potions lessons?

  9. What is a bezoar?

  10. Name three ingredients in the potion to cure boils.

1. 2. 3.

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