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IV. Quote analysis

An author can describe important events in a story by just telling you about them: The whole shack shivered and Harry sat bolt upright, staring at the door. Someone was outside, waiting to come in.

Sometimes, though, what characters say are just as important, telling us what the speaker is like, and often telling us what has happened in the past or what to expect in the future

You can explain what a quote means in four parts, called a “quote analysis”:

  1. Write the quote.

  2. Explain who said the quote and to whom they were talking.

  3. Paraphrase the quote. That is, put it in different words that mean the same thing that you understand.

  4. Explain what this quote says about either the character or the plot of the story that you might not have known without it. What kind of person would say these things? Why would they say it? What would they have to know or be thinking to say it?



“I forbid you to ask him, Fred. No, don’t you dare. As though he needs reminding of that on his first day at school.”


Mrs Weasley says this to her son Fred.


“Don’t bother Harry Potter about Voldemort! He doesn’t need to think about scary things when he’s already nervous about starting school.”

What does this tell you?

This tells you that Mrs Weasley knows that even though Harry is famous, he will probably be nervous on the first day of school just like anybody else, and that she expects her boys to treat people respectfully.

V. Talking points

  1. Harry’s confusion due to the absence of the platform nine and three-quarters.

  2. Give the description of Harry’s new acquaintances.

  3. The similarity between Draco Malfoy and Dudley.

  4. Hermione’s erudition in comparison with Harry’s and Ron’s ill-information.

  5. Arrival at the Hogwarts.

VI. Writing prompts: Hogwarts Express

Writing Prompt # 1 It is time to board the Hogwarts Express. Describe what it would be like to enter Platform 9-3/4.

Writing Prompt # 2 You are on the Hogwarts Express and the goodie cart has just stopped at your compartment. Which treat would you like to buy? There are Chocolate Frogs, Bernie Bott Every Flavor Beans, Pumpkin Pasties, Caldron Cakes, Levitating Sherbet Balls, Ice Mice, and Jelly Slugs. Choose your favorite and describe what happens when you eat it. Writing Prompt # 3

The conductor of Hogwarts Express has just stopped by your compartment and introduced himself. Describe the conductor and your conversation. Writing Prompt # 4 You just entered a compartment on the Hogwarts Express and there are two other students there that you have never met. Who are they? Where are they from? Are their parents Muggles or Wizards? Describe what they look like and their personalities. Writing Prompt # 5 Describe the scenery as you travel to Hogwarts.

Harry potter and philosopher´s stone


The sorting hat

I. Vocabulary to the chapter:

stern [stE:n] a – суровый

cross [krPs] v – противоречить

he has been crossed in love – ему не повезло в любви

peer [pIq] v – вглядываться, всматриваться

common room ['kPmqnru(:)m] – комната или зал отдыха (в учебном заведении)

senior common room – профессорская

junior common room – комната отдыха для студентов

credit ['kredIt] n – репутация (обыкн. хорошая); надёжность; доброе имя

he is a man of credit – он человек, пользующийся хорошей репутацией

smudge [smAdZ] v – пачкать

to smudge smb.'s record – запятнать чью-л. репутацию, опорочить кого-л.

monk [mANk] n – монах

mutely ['mju:tlI] adv – молча, безмолвно, безгласно

splendid ['splendId] a – блестящий, роскошный

goblet ['gPblIt] n – бокал

patched [pxtSt] a – зачиненный, залатанный

frayed [freId] a – потёртый, поношенный

rip [rIp] n – прореха; распоротый шов

bowler ['bqlq] n – котелок (мужская шляпа)

chivalry ['SIv(q)lrI] n – рыцари, рыцарство

toil [tOIl] n – тяжёлый труд

cunning ['kAnIN] a – коварный, хитрый, лукавый

to achieve one's end – добиться своего

to get into a flap – разнервничаться, потерять голову

troll [trql] n – сканд. миф. тролль

I feel queasy ['kwi:zI] – меня тошнит

catcall ['kxtkO:l] v – освистывать

swagger ['swxgq] v – расхаживать с важным видом

ruff [rAf] n – ист. круглый плоёный жёсткий воротник

thumbs up ["TAmz'Ap] – выше голову! ура! браво!

scroll [skrql] n – возвыш. список

on the scroll of fame – на скрижалях славы

nitwit ['nIt"wIt] n – сл. олух, кретин; простофиля

blubber ['blAbq] n – ворвань

tweak [twi:k] n – сл. увёртка; уловка

airily ['e(q)rIlI] adv – беззаботно; весело

miff [mIf] v – разг. разозлиться, надуться

gaunt [gO:nt] a – исхудалый, измождённый

treacle ['tri:k(q)l] n – патока

tart [tQ:t] n – фруктовое пирожное

trifle ['traIf(q)l] n – бисквит, пропитанный вином и залитый сбитыми сливками

jelly = jelly-roll ['dZelIrql] n – рулет с вареньем

meringue [mq'rxN] n – кул. Меренга

greasy ['gri:|sI, -zI] a – сальный, засаленный

sallow ['sxlq] a – желтоватый, болезненный, землистый (о цвете лица)

ahem [m'hm, q'hm] – int гм!

to pass all bounds – переходить все границы, не знать границ

tapestry ['txpIstrI] n – гобелен

squashy ['skwPSI] a – мягкий

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