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How It Works

The closed Airtight centrifuge operates with the bowl comp­letely filled with milk, eliminating contact between product and surrounding air.

Thus there is no chance for the product to foam (у продукта нет возможности пениться). Elimination of foaming (исключение пенообразования) on the skim is very important for the process. They lose yields (теряют производительность) in processing when there is air in it and finished product isn't аз good.

In operation, milk is fed from below through a hollow bowl spindle (через полый вал сепараторной корзины) and is gradually (постепенно) brought up (доводится) to the same rotational speed as the bowl. After passing through a stack of disks (серия дисков), the separated products leave the top of the bowl at or near the centreline.

The pressure is maintained on the centrifuge (поддерживается давление) because the cream can be pulled out (могут быть сняты) with a higher fat content (более высокой жирностью).

Efficient skimming is very important because cheese gets pasty (клейкий) and does not grave well if fat in the product gets too high. Pat content is equally important when the cream is sold. Better separation also means greater quantities of skim milk (обезжиренное молоко). In the past much was being sent to the butter maker because it couldn't be get out before.

The centrifuge, with piping was installed in such a way that it can be used three ways: as a standardizer (стандартизатор) as a separator as described above (text A) or as clarifier. Occasionally the Twin Town plant makes chedder cheese (сыр Чеддер) and Ludy (it's manufacturer) believes, that milk used in Cheddar should be clarified. Because the centrifuge does not split fat globules (не расщепляет шарики жира) in separation, the plant can clarify milk and put back the butterfat (молочное масло) before the milk goes to the cheese vats (чаны).

Nearly all Twin Town products are sold in bulk (без упаковки) but that may change. Ludy is installing drying and packaging lines to put cheese into retail packages (розничная упаковка).

II. Найдите в тексте В предложение, где говорится о возможности использовать центрифугу.

III. Прочитайте следующие предложения и определите, какие из них соответствуют содержанию текста В.

1) The closed airtight centrifuge works eliminating contact bet­ween product and surrounding air.

2) Elimination of foaming on the skim is not important for the process.

3) In operation milk is fed through a hollow; bowl spindle and brought to the same rotational speed as a bowl.

4) The pressure is maintained on the centrifuge to pull out the cream with a lower fat content.

5) After passing through a stack of disks the separated products leave the bowl.

6) In the end of the process the centrifuge is dismantalled for cleaning.

7) The centrifuge with piping installed in a certain way can be used as a clarifier, standardizer and a separator.

IV. Используя отобранные предложения из упражнения III в качестве клю­чевых, расскажите о работе центрифуги.


I. Прочитайте текст С со словарем. Найдите предложения, где говорится об устройстве системы фильтрации.