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My Future Speciality

I study at the Mechanical faculty of the Voronezh State Technology Academy. My future speciality is а mechanical engineer at the food enterprise. I consider this speciality to be one of the most interesting at our academy. The students of our faculty study many different subjects such as: mathematics, economics, theoretical mechanics, elements of machines and others. To become qualified specialists we must know all the latest achievements in science and engineering.

After graduating from the academy I am going to work at a food enterprise. But may be I shall work in trade or in my own business. Some of the graduates of our Academy work at research institutes or at experimental offices, some happen to become directors or managers of big enterprises. Some of our graduates are known to be engaged in business, working in joint ventures, joint-stock companies, at exchange markets, some have limited partnerships. As for me, I’d like to work in a joint venture (to take part in scientific investigations of our department). Of course it’s very difficult to choose our road in life and to find a good job due to many reasons, but I hope for the best. One of my friends applied for a Sales manager in “Proctor & Gamble” company and of course he was very glad to get this job, because it’s a good-paid job and provides a good opportunity to communicate with specialists of foreign companies. My parents graduated from our academy in 1975 and since then they have been working at our confectionary factory. My mother works as an accountant there and as for the father he is a foreman of the cake-making shop.

There are many technological academies in our country. They are studying the most important problems of the food industry such as freezing of food products, dehydration, modeling of technological processes, packaging, canning and so on. The food industry is an important branch. The scientists of our academy work in different fields of knowledge. They develop new technologies of food manufacturing, they investigate different problems of food engineering, economics and ecology. Some of the students take part in this research through the Students Scientific societies. Those students who are interested in research and are successful in their studies have opportunities to be trained abroad (usually they have a term training).The administration of our academy have established contacts with educational institutions of China, Germany, the USA etc. Some graduates take post- graduate course upon graduating from the academy.

I. Дайте ответы на вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. What faculty do you study at?

  2. What are you going to be?

  3. What subjects do you study?

  4. What perspectives will you have after graduating from the academy?

  5. Name the problems being studied at technological academies of our country.

  6. How can students interested in research continue their education?

II. Перескажите текст, используя вопросы упражнения I, как план пересказа.


Прочитайте текст С, пользуясь словарем, укажите

номера абзацев, служащих ответами на следующие вопросы:

1. How can we classify the whole technological equipment of the food


2. How many branches of food industry can you name?

3. What do you know about the machines employed in the food manu-


4. What can you tell about the organization of the modern food Indus-


5. What does multiple-line production include?