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Aseptic Packaging Machines

Interest in aseptic packaging is growing worldwide. There are several systems available for aseptic processing - packaging, but many of these rely on hydrogen-peroxide sterilization methods. Among the new genre of aseptic equipment is Neutral Aseptic System (NAS) which is very popular in most industrialized countries. Product sterilization with the NAS equipment is accomplished by the use of heat, either steam or hot-dry air. Extensive laboratory teats suggest that the NAS technique assures sterility of both the packaging material and the product. The systems rely on hydrogen, peroxide sterilization techniques. Not only is hydrogen peroxide bath (ванны с перекисью водорода) sterilization considered diffi­cult to handle; precautions are necessary (необходимы меры предосторожности) to protect people working on the machines from the exposure of vapours. The efficiency of the technique is moat ef­fective in sterilizing foods, using either steam or hot-dry air. Circulation of sterile, hot cir is maintained continuously (непрерывно поддерживается) during the processing-packaging sequence (в последовательности обработка-упаковка). And leakage of the machines sterility (потеря стерильности из-за не плотности соединения) is eliminated by keeping the sterile areas and a pressure higher than atmospheric pressure. The NAS design (тип системы нейтрализующей стерилизации) also includes a number of automatic controls and an alarm system to prevent any starting of produc­tion until all pre-sterilization has occured. These controls also stop the machine during the production if one of the assuring ste­rility (условия гарантирующие стерильность) - temperature, air pressure, etc. - has not been met (не были соблюдены).

A wide range of package sizes and shapes (широкий диапазон упаковок различных размеров и форы) can be produced with this sys­tem and the output for this process is estimated (производительность данного процесса составляет) at 20.000 to 40.000 containers per hour. One interesting packaging that can be produced by the NAS unit for example is a thermoformed container for milk and other drinks. But the NAS machine is not limited to beverage-type containers. This new genre of aseptic packaging machines produces wide range of containers.

I. Переведите следующие сочетания слов из текста c

Participle II - определением по образцу:

packed (III ф.гл. от pack) product - упакованный (при­частие с cуф. -анн) продукт;

desired result - желаемый (причастие с cуф. -ем, -им) результат.

Devices used, sterilized product, sealed container, desired tem­perature, controlled temperature, controlled packaging, cooled fruit, machine produced.

II. Дополните предложения словами, приведенными под чертой

1) There are ... for aseptic processing - packaging.

2) Many new systems for aseptic packaging rely on ... methods.

3) Product sterilization with the NAS equipment ... by the use of heat, steam or hot dry air.

4) And leakage of the ... is eliminated by keeping a pressure hi­gher than atmospheric pressure.

5) ... stop the machine if the conditions assuring sterility (tem­perature and air pressure) have not been met.

6) The NAS system produces ... for beverages and other products.


Hydrogen-peroxide sterilization, several systems, is accomplished, machine's sterility, a number of automatic controls, wide range of containers

III. Дайте ответы на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. Is the Neutral Aseptic System (N.A.S.) very popular in most in­dustrialized countries?

2. How does the N.A.S. -technique assure sterility of both the packaging material and the product?

3. Why is hydrogen peroxide bath sterilization; nation considered diffi­cult to handle?

4. How is the leakage of the machine's sterility eliminated?

5. What purpose does the N.A.S. include the automatic controls for?

6. What type of packages can be produced by this system?

IV. Перескажите текст, используя вопросы упражнения III как план пересказа.


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