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Discostrainer Unit

(Strainer screen)

Belle River Canning in Belle River Ontario (консервный за­вод в Бель Ривэ, штат Онтарио) packs both whole tomatoes and juice. Searching for ways (изыскивая путь к) to improve operating efficiency the company felt that much of their potential profit was drawing out of plant with the wastewaters (доход вытекает со сточными водами). Cans were hand packed and overfilled with whole tomatoes to achieve proper can weight and content (надлежащий вес и наполнение банки) after the cooking and sealing pro­cess (процесс герметической запайки банок). This overfill (переполнение) meant wasted product as the excess (избыточные) tomatoes and juice fell onto the conveyors and washed down. Effluent (вытекающая жидкость) from their peeler also is wasted due to its lye content (из-за содержания в ней щелочи). This led to very high BOD and solids loading to their wastewater which the city could not accept. The company had to install the pretreatment equipment for their plant wastewater, which was costly to maintain and run (дорогое в обслуживании и эксплуатации).

When a tested Discostrainer unit on their wastewater the screen removed 75-85 % solids and up 45 % BOD from the total plant effluent. This led them to install (это привело к установлению) a model DS 484 Discostrainer unit equipped with 44 micron (0017-inch) screen openings for use in this innovative process to both product waste and wastewater problems.

The system allowed Belle River to discontinue their use (позволила фирме прекратить использование щелочи) and use their pre­sent peeler with hot water instead, which works equally will. Peeler effluent is pumped at 120 gpm over an existing 36-inch wide static screen with 030 in. openings to remove peels arid seeds. These solids are used as animal feed (пища для скота).

The static screen filtrate falls by gravity to the new Discostrainer screen. This is operated at the slowest possible speed; (1.2 rpm) in order (с тем чтобы) to achieve maximum fine solids capture. From the Discostrainer tomato solids are captured and collected in large vats. Effluent from the Discostrainer is wast­ed.

Some of the fine solids captured by the strainer are thinned and used to top up the cans of tomatoes which are then cooked, sealed and labled. The rest of the captured solids are added to the tomato juice production process.

How tomato cans no longer have to be overfilled (не надо переполнять банки), so a 5-10 % additional canned fruit is assured. Tomato juice production have been exceeded, and BOD loading (нагрузка на сточные воды) have been reduced. Lye is not purchased for the use in peeler.


Прочитайте текст С и переведите его, пользуясь словарем.

Heat Recuperator

1. A direct contact heat recuperator (рекуператор-подогреватель теплом отходящих газов) can deliver150-160°F process water by capturing (путем улавливания) waste energy from flue gases (дымовые газы). 2. According to manufacture (как утверждает фирма-изготовитель), the recuperator can improve overall system efficiency up to 98% by recovering energy from the flue gases of boilers, furnac­es (топка, печь), dryers, kilns (сушильная печь), etc. 3. The recu­perator operates by distributing (вводя) cold waters into a gas stream and capturing the heat that normally is wasted. 4. The heated water may then be used directly in the end process or it can be passed through an intermediate (промежуточный) heat exchanger to heat another liquid or gas stream. 5. The direct contact heat recu­perator is en economical multy-stage system that delivers 150-160°F water and offers a chance of payback (имеет шанс окупиться) in as little as 9-18 months.

6. Because the recuperator uses a uniquely (уникально) disigned tower to provide direct contact of water droplets (капли) with hot gases, no intermediate transfer surfaces (промежуточные поверхности переноса) are required and the potential of corrosion is re­duced. 7. An added benefit (дополнительная выгода) is scrubbing (улавливание) of particulates (примесные частицы) from the flue gas stream.

8. A typical Trane Thermal (название фирмы) heat recuperator consists of a vertical tower with water distribution pipework (трубопровод с водораспределителем), gas-liquid contact zone, hot-gas inlet (впускное отверстие) and outlet fain (выпускная лопасть). 9. Construction is of corrosion resistant materials (стойкие к корозии материалы) and units are available with nominal flue gas ra­tings (номинальная проходная мощность дымового газа) of from 1.600 to 80.000 pounds per hour at temperatures up to 1000 F. Heat recuperator uses waste heat to deliver 150-160º F process water.

Figure 1 illustrates how the direct contact heat recuperator works. Heat captured by droplets of cold water distributed into the flue gas stream are then used in a process or heat exchanger to heat another liquid or gas stream.

Figure 1. The work of the direct contact heat recuperator.

I. Какие из данных предложений служат ответами на следующие во­просы.

1) Why is the efficiency of the direct contact heat recuperator so high?

a) Because the recuperator uses a uniquely disigned tower to pro­vide direct contact of water droplets with hot gases.

b) Because the construction is of corrosion resistant materials.

c) Because the recuperator operates by distributing cold water into the flue gases of boilers and kilns and capturing the heat that normally is wasted.

2) Why does the direct contact recuperator provides the environment?

a) Because the construction is of corrosion resistant materials and the potential of corrosion is reduced.

b) Because the recuperator provides scrubbing of particulates from the flue gas stream.

c) Because the recuperator uses a uniquely disigned tower to pro­vide direct contact of water droplets with hot gases and no intermediate transfer surfaces are required.

II. Переведите письменно предложения 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 и 8. Найдите в них и запомните ключевые слова.

III. Разбейте текст на смысловые абзацы, озаглавьте их.

IV. Используя план упражнения III и выученные ключевые слова, коротко рас­скажите о тепловом рекуператоре



I. Грамматика

1. Инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты.

2. Сложные формы причастия настоящего времени (Participle I).

II. Тексты

A Trackside Rail Car Unloader.

В Engine-powered Industrial Lift Truck.

С Bucket Conveyor.

Активная лексика

rail car - вагон, платформа

trackside rail car unloader - рельсовый разгрузчик железнодорожных вагонов

rail track - железный путь

densifier - уплотнитель

vibrating unit (vibrator) - вибрирующее устройство

linear actuator - линейный привод

actuate - приводить в движение

hopper - хоппер, вагон с откидным дном

roll - откатываться, катиться

energize - возбуждать, сообщать или проявлять энергию

support legs - опоры

support springs - рессоры

bucket conveyor - ковшовый подъемник

engine powered industrial lift truck – автопогрузчик


unit (n) I) агрегат, аппарат, 2) блок, узел, элемент, 3) единица измерения


densifier, fittings - уплотнитель

unloader, discharger (n) - разгрузчик

empty, unload, discharge (v) – разгружать