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4.3 Read the text and give a heading to each passage of the text. Advancing it Professionals. Simulation Software.

Working with computers and information technology can be both exiting and challenging. Computers are concerned primary with the processing of information, which is found in many forms including information required for business transactions, information on materials and products made during the manufacturing processes, or information required to monitor and control the operation of complex processes of satellite systems. Computers also may be used to control devices which help the physically handicapped, or to provide detailed maps of land use from information collected by satellite observation. The effective use of information has become crucial in the management of most businesses and industries. Consequently, information is now regarded as a major resource, just as people are an important resource, in most enterprises.

IT professionals have a crucial and challenging part to play in the effective application of computers and computing technology. The ever-growing list of activities to which computing is applied can impress everybody. Most professional IT work can be classified into three broad areas: information systems, computer engineering and computer science. Information systems area is engaged with designing and implementing systems which collect, validate, store and report information from customers or other business transactions. IT professionals in the computer systems engineering are involved in the application of computer in a wide range of industrial control. Computer systems of this type require the design of special computer hardware , and the writing of specialized software to interact with the industrial control systems. The third main area of interest is undertaking research into the design of specialized hardware or software.

Writing a computer program to carry out numerical simulations can be daunting for those without experience in programming and numerical methods; even for those with experience, the drudgery of writing data entry, and the usual exasperation of debugging programs, may be enough to scuttle a simulation project. Fortunately, today there are software packages to make simulations not only easier but fun. To understand what simulation software is, it is important to understand the simulation software is different from equation-solving ware. Simulation software allows the user to describe a complex system in bits and pieces, to draw a block diagram of the system on the computer screen, and to observe how the variables of the model change over time.

4.4 Which word is similar in meaning to the underlined word in each extract?

1. … systems which collect, validate, store and report information from customers or other business transactions.

a) to change

b) to make smth approved

c) to challenge

2. Writing a computer program …….. can be daunting for those without experience ….

a) discouraging

b) stimulating

c) entertaining

3. … even for those with experience, the drudgery of writing data entry ….

a) important work

b) work that needs great accuracy

c)hard boring work

4. … and the usual exasperation of debugging programs …

a) much pleasure

b) surprise

c) extreme annoyance

5. … may be enough to scuttle a simulation project.

a) to move quickly

a) to move quickly

c) to improve

6) … and observe how the variables of the model change over time.

a) smth that changes frequently

b) smth that is stable

c) differences

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