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    1. Read and learn the vocabulary.

1. various, adj.

различный, разный

2. variety, n.

множество, ряд, разнообразие

3. embody, v.


4. contribute to smth., v.

делать вклад

5. associate degree

диплом техника

6. interdisciplinary processes

междисциплинарные процессы

7. obtain, v.


8. encourage, v.

поощрять, стимулировать

9. undertake a course

проходить курс

10. career-oriented students

студенты, ориентированные на карьерный рост

11. emphasis, n.


12. carry out a research

проводить исследование

13 accelerated programme.

ускоренная программа

14. vocational school

профессионально-техническое училище

15. seek, v.


16. array,n.


17. otherwise, adv.

иначе, по-другому


    1. Decide if the statements are true(t) or false(f).

  1. The faculty started to work in 1963.

  2. Electromechanics is the major subject taught at the faculty.

  3. The faculty offers various programmes at associate, baccalaureate, postbaccalaureate and professional diploma levels.

  4. Students of the faculty are awarded a Bachelor’s degree after four years of study.

  5. After five years of study students are awarded a Master of Science degree.

  6. Training is offered only on a full-time basis.

  7. Students have to pay for their education.

  8. Graduates may prefer to take an accelerated two-year programme leading to the award of Candidate of Science degree.

  9. Career prospects for graduates are good, they are offered jobs at plants and companies.

Vocabulary development

    1. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. seek

a. a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way

2. research

b. smth. that happens faster than usual, sooner than you expect

3. contribute

c. professional

4. variety

d. look for

5.carry out

e. make yourself responsible for smth. and start doing.


f. chances of success


g. qualification given by university


h. serious study of a subject in order to discover new facts or test new ideas.


i. give money, time, help.

10. degree

j. conduct, do

1.6 Match the words in order to get the pairs of antonyms.

1. various

a. find

2. seek

b. part-time

3. contribute

c. give

4. obtain

d. similar

5. full-time

e. take back

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