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2.7 Match up the parts of the sentences.

1. Electric engineers

2. Solar power

  1. A lot of subjects

  2. Bachelor's Degree

  3. Enterprising and competent specialists

  4. Students ' abilities for organization

  5. Great attention is paid to

  6. High voltage equipment

  1. are developed.

  2. students who do research work.

  3. is used as an alternative source of power.

  4. are studied by future engineers.

  5. is received after four years of training.

  6. are trained at Power Faculty.

  7. are required everywhere in industry.

  8. is widely used in electric industry.

Grammar revision:

2.8 Choose ten verbs from the text 2.2. Make up 10 sentences using these verbs in the Complex Object.

2.9 Use the following word combinations to make up sentences with Complex Subject:

The Power faculty; electropower education; electronic mounted energy; hydraulics; power systems; relay protection; electric nets; hydroenergy; industrial enterprise; high voltage.


2.10 Make a presentation on the topic “Power Engineering Faculty” using the information from texts above.

Unit 3

Before you read

3.1 Give the Russian equivalents to the English names of specialities provided by the Faculty of Power Engineering

  1. Power engineering economics and management.

  2. Heat power plants.

  3. Electric power plants.

  4. Electric power systems and networks.

  5. Power supply.

  6. High voltage electrical and power engineering.

  7. Relay protection and automation of electric power systems.

  8. Human and occupational safety.

3.2 Remember the time when you were a school leaver. Tell your groupmates why you have chosen the department you are studying at but not another one.

    1. Read the text and do the exercises given below.

Introduction to speciality faculty of power engineering

Power engineering is the basis for the whole national economy and it determines the level and rate of its development. Highly qualified electrical engineers are trained in several specialities at the departments of power engineering. There is also an individual training dealing with research, elaboration, design and operation of automatic and automated high-voltage installations and devices used in power and electrical engineering, electrophysics, power installations of thermal stations; it also deals with management problems.

The term of instructions at the Power Engineering Faculty is four years to receive Bachelor's Degree, after five years and a half students become professionally qualified engineers and after six years of training they can receive Master's Degree.

Management department

Power industry is the most stable, reliable and attractive for innovative management and business activities in all countries of the world. The development of power engineering, the improvement of administrative systems and world integrity require enterprising, competent and business­like managers having all modern scientific knowledge in management and able to take in account all the changes in industry and society. The curriculum provides advanced knowledge and comprehensive information on the problems of management, marketing, computerization, and banking. The students also acquire knowledge and skills in sociology and psychology of administrative activity, their abilities for organization are developed as well.

Thermal stations department

Power balance of the country depends to large extent on thermal stations operation. The speciality trains experts in operation, design, construction and adjustment of thermal stations power equipment. Nowadays the problem of production is of primary importance, it refers to electric power generation. Great attention is paid to training of students, capable to do research in this field, to work out new environmentally friendly technologies for power stations to be built in future. There are interesting tasks, for those, who like to solder complicated semiconductor circuits, to solve tasks, connected with programming, and for those, who are inclined to theoretical research based upon modern mathematical theories. As all branches of national economy consume electric power, the graduates of this speciality can work at different places, ranging from industrial enterprises to large ocean ships.

Technique and electrophysics of high voltage department

There is an acute need for specialists in high voltage technique in modern power systems, as millions of volts voltage is used for generation, transmission and distribution of electric power. High-voltage equipment is the basis of modern electric installations. Neither automatics nor electronics can ensure power system reliable operation without equipment. Students of this speciality study mathematics, physics, electronics and computer technology. Such training gives them an opportunity to specialize not only in the field of high-voltage equipment, but also in the field of electrophysical equipment: lasers, accelerators, electric ionizers, etc. Graduates of this speciality work at: power station electric shops; insulation service; high voltage equipment service; high-voltage lines service; reliability and accident prevention services; communication services; largest substations.

Electric systems automatic control department

Electric power is characterized by extremely quick process development in electric circuits and it is possible to store it for a long time, e.g. (that is) in case of some breakdown at a power station. Electric power must be generated at the moment it is consumed. Such complicated tasks can be solved only with the help of modern means of automation and telecontrol, based on microelectronics and computer technology.

Engineers of this speciality elaborate and improve means of automation and algorithms for its functioning; they provide optimum operation of automatic control systems of power plants, substations and electric power systems. The graduates have thorough knowledge of physics, mathematics, electronics, relay defense and other subjects which ensure a wide profile of their education. They also can conduct some actual research work.

What is Electrical Energy System Engineering?

  • Electrical Energy Systems Engineering (EESE) is a branch of Electrical Engineering which deals with all aspects of supply, control and use of electrical energy.

  • Energy is vital to modern life: for powering industry and transport; providing heating and lighting; and operating the domestic, recreational, healthcare, business and personal items of equipment on which we have come to rely.

  • Electrical energy is one of the most important forms of energy because it can be:

  • Derived (converted) from other energy forms such as heat, light, chemical energy, mechanical work, nuclear energy.

  • Easily derived in large or small amounts

  • Controlled

  • Clean, quite and safe when used correctly.

The need for electrical energy continues to increase as it replaces other forms for space heating, industrial processes and road\rail\sea transport. It is vital that this energy is made available at the minimum cost to our planet's resources and the environment. The challenge for engineers is to supply the energy and save the planet.


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