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1.6 Answer the following questions on the text.

  1. When was Physical Engineering Faculty founded?

  2. Who were the founding fathers of the faculty?

  3. What was the aim of setting up this faculty?

  4. How do discoveries in physics promote technical innovations?

  5. Who was the first dean of the faculty?

  6. What was the name of the first department?

  7. What were the four basic departments up to 1992?

  8. Why is the year of 1992 considered to be a landmark in the history of the faculty?

  9. How many departments are there in the structure of the faculty now?

  10. What degrees does the faculty award?

  11. What are the main directions of training B.Sc. students?

  12. What are the main areas of specialization in physics?

  13. What degrees can students get in such areas of specialization as optical systems of location, communication and data processing and physics of optical phenomena?

  14. What spheres of technology does the faculty train engineers for?

  15. Students can also get the profession of a television camera-man, can’t they?

  16. `Are there any postgraduate programs?

  17. Where can graduates continue their work and study?

  18. What do you know about the teaching staff of the faculty?

  19. What is the role of the basic research institutes in training and research work at the faculty?

1.7 Complete the following sentences.

  1. The Physical Engineering Faculty was set up in…

  2. The founding fathers of the faculty were ……

  3. The founding fathers were sure that the discoveries in physics ….

  4. They realized the urgent need of…

  5. The first dean of the faculty was…

  6. The faculty consisted of the only department of…..

  7. The faculty continued……..

  8. Till 1992 the faculty consisted of the 4 following departments…..

  9. The year of 1992 is considered to be …..

  10. Firstly, the faculty structure was….

  11. Secondly, the Institutes of Nuclear Physics and Laser Physics became…

  12. This event was of great importance because…….

  13. Now the faculty comprises 4 departments. They are…..

  14. The faculty introduced multilevel….

  15. The main directions of training are….

  16. The main areas of specialization are….

  17. Students can obtain qualification of an engineer in….

  18. Those who choose cameramanwork can get the profession of a ……

  19. During the first 2 years students are given fundamental training in….

  20. From the third year students are given….

  21. The faculty graduates may….

  22. The staff……

1.8 Fill in the gaps.

I study at the faculty of ______. The dean of our faculty is_______. The faculty was founded in_______. Its founding fathers were _________ and _________. The aim of its foundation was to train specialists in _______ capable of _________. At the beginning there was only _________ department. It was _________. Now the Physical Engineering Faculty consists of________departments. They are: 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ During its history the faculty _________several changes. One of the most important was in ________ when two institutes of SB RAS became the _________institutes. The training process is unique. It is based on such_________as: -careful selection of the most talented young people, -active participation of leading researchers in the training process, -individual ________to students, -forming _________atmosphere for study and __________ corresponding to the key concepts. Thus during the first two years students are given __________. From their third year students are given training both __________ and__________. Competent and __________teaching staff work at the faculty. It includes 53_________ and 38___________. After graduation from the university students have_________opportunities of getting __________ jobs.


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