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4.7 Speak on new developments in sphere of television and broad casting Unit 5

Before you read

5.1 Answer the questions

  1. Have you heard anything about nanotechnology?

  2. Do you know the meaning of the prefix “nano”?

  3. Do you know its origin?

  4. Where and how can nanotechnologies be applied?

  5. What is known about the affect of nanotechnologies on the environment?

  6. Can you interpret the title of the article?

5.2 Read the text nanotechnology: how the science of the very small is getting very big.

(written by Mario Ritten)

The history of nanotechnology begins in the 1950s and 1960s. Nanotechnology gets its name from a measure of distance. A nanometer, or nano, is one-thousand-millionth of a meter. This is about the size of atom and molecules. Nanotechnologies work with materials this small. Many experts credit the idea to physicist Richard Feynman. In ninety fifty-nine, this Nobel Prize winner gave a speech. He called it “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom”. In his lecture he described how the entire Encyclopedia Britannica could be written on the head of a pin. The term nanotechnology was suggested later by Norio Taniguchi of the Tokyo University of Science. The prefix “nano” comes from the Greek word “nanos”, meaning “dwarf”, i.e. very small.

Nanotechnology is defined as the science and technology of building electronic circuits and devices from single atoms and molecules, or the branch of engineering that deals with things smaller than 100 nanometers.


Nanomaterials – materials having unique properties arising from their nanoscale dimensions can be stronger or lighter, or conduct heat or electricity in a different way. They can even change colour; particles of gold can appear red or blue, depending on their size. These special attributes are already used in manufacturing computer chips, CDs and mobile phones. Researchers are progressively finding out more about the nanoscale world and aim to use nanotechnologies to create new devices that are faster, lighter, stronger and more efficient.

Is nanotechnology good or bad?

Although nanotechnology is exciting, there are reasons for concern. A study by NASA researchers found that nano-particles caused severe lung damage to laboratory mice. Other studies suggest that nano-particles could suppress the growth of plant roots or could even harm the human body’s ability to fight infection.

The Environment protection Agency says that as there is not much known about the affect of nano-structures on the environment, the governments need or develop rules for their usage.


1. measure (n) – мера (длины, поверхности и т.д.)

2. measure (v) - измерять

3. measurement - измерение

4. about (adv) - приблизительно

5. to credit the idea to smb. – приписывать идею к-л.

6. physicist - физик

7. at (the) bottom - фактически

8. head of a pin – кончик иглы (головка булавки)

9. dwarf – очень маленький

10. property - свойство

11. arise (arose, arisen) (v) - возникать

12. conduct (v) – проводить (тепло, электричество)

13. particles - частицы

14. appear (v) - появляться

15. depend on (v) – зависеть от

16. specific attributes – характерные черты

17. find out (v) - узнавать

18. aim (v) - стремиться

19. device - прибор

20. exciting - захватывающий

21. reasons for concern – причины для беспокойства

22. cause (v) smth. – вызывать ч.-л., приводить к ч.-л.

23. lung damage – поражение легких

24. severe – тяжелый (заболевание)

25. suppress (v) - подавлять

26. affect (v) – влиять на

27. harm (v) – наносить вред, ущерб

28. environment – окружающая среда

29. need + inf. – нужно что-то делать

30. to develop rules – разработать правила (законы)


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