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1.11 What do these dates refer to?

1994 1961 1958 1966 1963

Grammar revision

    1. Find the Perfect Active and Passive forms in each line.

  1. a) are determining, b) determined, c) has been determined

  2. a) have furnished, b) is being furnished, c) furnish

  3. a) turn, b) were turning, c) has turned

  4. a) is meeting, b) will have met, c) are being met

  5. a) had refused, b) refused, c) refuse

  6. a) had been offered, b) offered, c) shall offer

  7. a) was discovered, b) has been discovered, c) discovers

  8. a) are following, b) will follow, c) had been followed

1.13 Match the correspondent forms of the verbs.

to write gave written

to speak met left

to go left read[e]

to see read [e] given

to be went met

to give saw spoken

to leave spoke gone

to read [i:] wrote been

to meet was/were seen

    1. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the appropriate tense -aspect forms.

  1. This book (to write) by Gubarev V. V. in 2005.

  2. The faculty (to offer) Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

  3. I’m (to study) at the faculty now.

  4. After graduating from the university, she (to start) working for Microsoft Company.

  5. Students (to give) an opportunity to obtain the most up-to-date knowledge in the area chosen.

  6. We (to study) at this faculty for three years.

  7. The results of my examinations (to know) tomorrow.

  8. Since 1994 the Faculty (to locate) in the seventh teaching block.

  9. She (to use) a computer without asking her teacher again.

  10. By the end of June we (to study) at the faculty for a year.


    1. Discuss the main ideas of the text in class. Unit 2

Before you read

2.1 Read the following words, pay attention to their pronunciation:


mechanical calculator






2.2 Match the words to their Russian equivalents

  1. field of study

  2. antiquity

  3. become available

  4. abacus

  5. constrain

  6. initially

  7. application

  8. punch-card machine

  9. mathematical calculation

  10. to be in developmental stages

  11. predecessor

  12. difference engine

  13. predate

  14. mechanical calculator

  1. перфокарточная машина, выч.  счётно-аналитическая машина

  2. в начальной стадии, в начале; в исходном положении

  3. математический расчёт

  4. быть в стадии развития

  5. предшественник; предок;

  6. применение

  7. разностная машина

  8. стать доступным

  9. область исследования

  10. античность

  11. счёты

  12. ограничивать

  13. предшествовать во времени, появиться раньше чего –либо

  14. механический вычислитель; механический вычислительный прибор

2.3 Think of some famous people and their contribution to computer science. Read the text and say what new names and facts you have found.

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