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1. resin [`rezιn] - смола, канифоль

2. fly-by-wire flight control systems - системы дистанционного управления полётами

3. рropulsion systems - движительная система, силовая установка

4. embed - заделывать, заливать

5. spar - (авиац.) лонжерон

6. rib - (авиац.) нервюра

7. ally[`ælaι] - друг, помощник

Vocabulary development

4.2. Choose the synonyms for the following words.

1. composite a) heavy, b) complex, c) expensive, d) similar;

2. tough a) flexible, b) light, c) innovative, d) strong;

3. maintain a) keep up, b) produce, c) control, d) operate;

4. bond a) connect, b) limit, c) divide, d) separate;

5. property a) shape, b) characteristic, c) material, d) element;

6. fatigue a) accident, b) conception, c) corrosion, d) exhaustion;

7. adjust a) find, b) apply, c) adapt, d) replace;

8. thoroughly a) entirely, b) partly, c) slightly, d) hardly.

4.3. Replace the Russian words with the appropriate English equivalents.

allows fibres tough dense missile generation application expand

1. Применение of modern methods provides the high speed of the manufacturing process.

2. To follow all the modern trends it is necessary to use extremely прочные materials.

3. Practically all materials used in production of such components are сплавы.

4. Synthetic волокна is the integral part of high-strength structures.

5. Oxygen is quite a плотный gas.

6. Guided ракета was detected by the air-raid system.

7. The latest поколение of military aircraft is aimed to protect the aerial frontiers.

8. These technologies continue развиваться.


4.4. Match the beginning of the sentence with its ending.

1. They have produced extremely tough and stable materials…

2. Advances in structural technology have…

3. Until the late 1960s, almost all tactical aircraft…

4. Big advantage of composites is…

5. Computer-aided design (CAD) has made

6. Composites already have had a major impact…

7. Metal aircraft and missiles will be seen…

a)…were composed primarily of aluminum and its alloys.

b)… to develop composite structures. influenced the way.

c)…that are replacing aluminum and aluminum alloys.

d)…aircraft are designed, produced and maintained.

e)… as a throwback to an earlier era it much easier…

f)… that they are relatively insensitive to flaws.

g)… on military aircraft design.

4.5. Answer the questions.

1 .What has been changed in modern aircraft due to the advances in technology?

2. What are the drawbacks of using titanium in high-speed aircraft?

3. Will the F-35 joint strike fighter have a composite content of at least 35 per cent or 20 per cent?

4. Composite material is made up of more than three separate components, isn’t it?

5. What is Kevlar used for?

6. Are composite materials stable?

7. Why must careful attention be paid to composite/metal interaction in the design process?

8. How can design, production and quality-control personnel take full advantage of the potential of composite materials?

9. Composites haven’t been used extensively in the latest generation of aircraft, have they?

10. What do new techniques call for?

Grammar revision

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