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Пособие по English (2-3 курс).doc
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Причастие I, II. Participle I, II

Participle (причастие) – неличная форма глагола, сочетающая свойства глагола, прилагательного и наречия.

В английском языке различают два причастия: Причастие I и Причастие II

Participle I. Причастие I

Participle I соответствует русскому причастию с суффиксами –ущ.,-ющ.,-ащ.,-ящ.

(asking - спрашивающий, writting пишущий), а также деепричастию несовершенного вида с суффиксами -а.,-я. ( goingидя, cryingплача) или совершенного вида с суффиксом –в (seeingувидев)

Образование Причастие I

основа глагола ing


Причастие I имеет формы относительного времени и залога.



Present Participle

Perfect Participle

Participle II


having asked

being asked

having been asked


Present Participle употребляется для обозначения действия, одновременного с действием глагола в личной форме.

Being late I took a taxi. Так как я опаздывал, я взял такси.

Perfect Participle употребляется для обозначения действия, предшествующего действию глагола в личной форме.

Having passed the exams he went to the Cremea.

Сдав экзамен, он уехал в Крым.

Причастие I выполняет две функции: определения и обстоятельства.

Participle I в функции определения может находиться:

  1. перед определяемым словом, переводится причастием

a shining star сияющая звезда

  1. после определяемого слова, переводится причастным оборотом

The stars shining in the dark sky seem blue. Звёзды, сияющие в тёмном небе, кажутся голубыми.

Participle I в функции обстоятельства чаще в начале предложения и отвечают на вопросы как? когда? Переводится деепричастием.

Translating the article he consulted the dictionary. Переводя статью, он пользовался словарём.

Причастие II. Participle II

Причастие II имеет только одну форму, которая совпадает с 3 формой глагола, образуется от переходных глаголов.

Причастие II выполняет в предложении функцию определения и обстоятельства.

Participle II в функции определения отвечает на вопрос какой (-я,-е) и может стоять:

  1. перед определяемым словом, переводится причастием страдательного залога совершенного и несовершенного вида оканчивающиеся на –нный,-емый, -имый,-тый

The injured man was taken to hospital. Потерпевшего (человека) отвезли в больницу.

  1. после определяемого слова, переводится обособленным причастным оборотом

The theatre built last century needed reconstruction. Театр, построенный в прошлом веке, нуждался в реконструкции.

В функции обстоятельства перед причастием II могут стоять союзы if, unless, when, тогда будет переводиться обстоятельственным придаточным предложением, в котором подлежащее то же, что и в главном.

When asked this question, the student could not aswer it at once. Когда студенту задали этот вопрос, он не смог ответить.

Задание 1. а) Образуйте Participle I (Indefinite Active) от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык:

To build, to grow, to think, to bring, to determine, to follow, to move, to refuse, to obtain, to produce, to use, to include, to offer, to enter, to get, to happen, to carry, to teach, to tell, to make, to begin, to keep, to devide, to return, to develop, to save.

b) Образуйте Participle II от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык:

to find, to send, to throw, to add, to change, to keep, to take, to save, to maintain,to install, to consider, to burn, to achieve, to show, to develop, to decide, to receive, to leave, to equip, to devide, to return, to write, to read, to make, to do, to give, to see, to say, to speak.

Задание 2. а) Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на причастие.

The student attending all lectures

The plan containing many details

Using new methods

Having entered the Institute

The achieved results

Dividing the apple into three parts

Having developed the speed of 120 km.

Help offered by the teacher

b) Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания.

Профессор, читающий лекцию

Студент, спрошенный преподавателем

Читая книгу

Изучив один иностранный язык

Мальчики, играющие на улице

Университет, основанный Ломоносовым

Устанавливая новое оборудование

Решив важную проблему

Задание 3. *Определите функцию причастия и переведите следующие предложения.

  1. He heard the voices coming through the open window.

  2. Waiting for him I looked through the magazines lying on the table.

  3. They remained at home refusing to go anywhere that day.

  4. The channel linking the two seas is being built now.

  5. The explanation given was not complete.

  6. The new materials recommended for bridge construction were described in the article written by our professor.

  7. The results received were of great importance for further work.

  8. A balsa tree (бальзамическое дерево) found in South America is lighter than any other.

  9. Having been shown the way I could find this house easily.

  10. Having passed all the examinations he left for his native town.

  11. When studing elements Mendeleyev found that they could be divided into nine groups.

  12. Having waited for him for half an hour they went home.

  13. When burnt, coal produces heat.

  14. When reconstructed, the theatre looked more beautiful than before.

  15. Being built in a new way modern houses have better facilities.

Oral practice. Topic. My native city Novosibirsk.

Task 1. *Read and translate the text about Novosibirsk, then retell the main content.


locate [lou′ keit] – располагаться The State Theatre [′θiətə] of Opera [′opərə] and

founder [′faundə] – основатель Ballet [′bəlei] – театр Оперы и Балета

construct [kən′ str kt] – сооружать, строить abroad [ə′ bro:d] – за границей

bridge [′brid ] – мост performance [pə′ fo:məns] – представление

take part – принимать участие paintings [′peintiŋ] – картины

building [′bildiŋ] – строительство The State Scientific [′saiəntifik] Technical

railway station – ж\д вокзал Library [′laibrəri] – ГПНТБ

subway [s bwei] – метро Great Patriotic War [pətri′ otik wo:] –

build [bild] – строить Великая Отечественная война

population – население The Siberian Division of scientists [′saiəntists] –

ассамблея учёных

My native city Novosibirsk.

I was born in Novosibirsk. It is my native city. It is located in Western Siberia on the banks of the Ob river. Garin Mickaylovsky was the founder of Novosibirsk. Last century (век) he constructed the first bridge across the Ob river and took part in its building. Then he built the railway station in Novosibirsk. Garin Mickaylovsky was not only a talented engineer but also a writer. A Metro station is called by his name.

The construction of the Metro was begun about ten years ago. Novosibirsk subway still has not many stations and now Metro stations are being buit.

Novosibirsk is one of the biggest cities of Russia. It’s population is about two million. There are many interesting sights (достопримечательности) in our city. The State Theatre of Opera and Ballet is well – known not only in our country but also abroad.

A lot of famous performances have been put on the stage of the Theatre. The Picture Gallery has a good collection of paintings. It is located not far from the centre of our city. The State Scientific Technical Library is one of the biggest building in the city.

It has a big collection of books with a lot of volumes (тома).

There are many monuments in Novosibirsk. One of them was established in honour of (устанавливать в честь) Alexander Pokryshkin – the thrice (трижды) hero of the Great Patriotic War.

Academgorodok is one of the largest scientific centres in the world. It is situated on the right bank of the Ob river not far from Novosibirsk. The Siberian Division of scientists have made significant contribution (значительный вклад) to biology, mathematics, economics, physics, geology, chemistry and others.

Novosibirsk has a highly developed industry. There are hundreds of industrial enterprises (предприятия) in the city which produce agricultural machines, iron (железные) things and articles (изделия), textile, foot wear, food and other goods.

Novosibirsk is also known as a city of students. There are about twenty higher educational establishments (учебных заведений) there, the biggest of which are the State University, the Agricultural University and the Technical University.

I have been living in Novosibirsk for 16 years and I like it. I like its parks and streets, the Theatre of Opera and Ballet, the Theatre of Young Spectators (ТЮЗ) and the fountain near it.

Disscussion. Groupwork. “It is better to live in the city or in the country”

Task 1. In the 20th century cities grow very quickly. People from villages move to towns and cities. But still some people living in cities dream of having a house in the country. Is it better to live in a big city or in the country?


country – сельская местность cover [k və]– преодолевать

grow [grou] – расти to be in a hurry [h ri] – спешить

numerous [′nju:mərəs] – многочисленный performance – представление

various [′vεəriəs] – различный to take time – занимать по времени

sport facilities [fə′ silitiz] – спорт.оборудование to be busy [bizi] – быть занятым

suffer [′ s fə] – страдать field [fild] – поле

a)* Read pros (for) and cons (against) given below. Think of some more which are important in your opinion.

It is better to live in a big city

It is better to live in the country



1. Numerous cultural centres.

2. Various sport facilities.

3. Many proffesions to take.

1. Fresh air and beautiful nature.

2. One can have a lot of physical activity, working in the garden, etc.

3. Actors, even theatres sometimes give their performances in the very place you live.



1. You suffer from noise and air pollution.

2. You have to cover too long distances every day.

3. You are always in a hurry.

1. It takes a lot of time to get to town.

2. You have to get up very early in the morning.

3. In summer you are very busy working in the fields and in the garden.

b) Discuss the problem in group of 3-5 students to order to make a decision(решение). You may use the following expressions:

to express your opinion

I think ... я думаю … I’m sure ... я уверен …

I believe ... я верю … In my opinion ... по моему мнению…

I suppose ... я полагаю …

to agree with somebody

Yes, I agree (with you) … да, я согласен … I think so too … я тоже так думаю …

That’s true … это верно … You are quite right … вы вполне правы …

to disagree with somebody

On the other hand ... с другой стороны … It’s not true ... это не верно …

I don’t agree with you .... я не согласен … I don’t think so ... я так не думаю …

We think that it is better to live in the city (better to live in the country) because ...

1 ... 2 … 3 …

Модуль 4. “Travelling by car”. «Путешествие на машине»

Listening practice “A driving test”.

Task 1. Can you drive a car? Do you have a driving license (водительские права)? Is it difficult to pass a driving test in order to get a driving test?

a) Listen to the text “A driving test «Тест на права» and fill the chart.


Times of the test

Number of mistakes

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3


drive [draiv] – водить carelessly [′kεəlisli] – небрежно

driving license [′draiviŋ ′laisəns] – водит. права congratulate [ken′ grətjuleit] –

examiner [ig′ zəmainə] – эгзаменатор поздравлять

fail [feil] – заваливать экзамен through [′рou] – хотя

sign [sain] – знак red light [lait] – красный свет

pay [pei] – платить smile [smail] – улыбка

slowly [′slouli]– медленно glasses [glasi:s] – очки

carefully [′kεəfuli] – осторожно read [ri:d] – читать

speed limit – ограничение скорости