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Практическая работа № 6.


Реферат статьи.

Реферат – это конспективное изложение статьи или книги, которое передаёт её основной смысл. Реферат содержит в обобщённом виде все основные положения оригинала.

Объём реферата определяется степенью важности реферируемого материала, составляет не более 2000 печатных знаков.

Реферат составляется по определённой схеме:

  1. Автор (фамилия и инициалы на англ.языке), название статьи или книги (на англ.языке), перевод заголовка статьи или книги;

  2. Выходные данные: номер, год издания, место издания, том, серию выпуска, количество страниц реферируемой статьи (от и до), количество рисунков, таблиц и т.д.;

  3. Краткое содержание работы;

  4. Выводы или резюме составителя реферата.

Образец реферата статьи.


1. Рolyakova Tatyana Yurevna.

New Energy from old sources.

(Новые ресурсы энергии из старых источников)

2. Automobile Engineer, vol.82, № 5, 1990, New York, p. 368-387

3. Статья посвящена важной проблеме поиска путей получения энергии. Вследствие того, что залежи полезных ископаемых, являющихся в настоящее время основным источником энергии, истощаются, необходимо разрабатывать способы получения энергии из других источников. В качестве таковых автор предлагает использовать тепловую энергию солнца, ветер, приливные течения и подземные запасы пара.

В статье приводятся данные о возможности отопления жилых домов за счёт солнечного тепла и снабжения электроэнергией небольших посёлков от ветряных мельниц.

4. По моему мнению, упомянутые в статье источники смогут дать в будущем неограниченные возможности получения энергии.

Задание 1.* Составьте реферат статьи по образцу. Статьи прилагаются.

Практическая работа № 2.

Formal letters. Деловая переписка.

1.Проанализируйте правила оформления деловой переписки.

Примечания по оформлению.

1. Транслитерация русских имён, т.е. передача их буквами английского алфавита, может вызвать у вас затруднения. Руководствуйтесь приведёнными ниже соответствиями:

Русские буквы

ё,ё  e,yo (Semyonov) ч  ch (Chehov)

ж  zh (Zhukov) ш  sh (Shukshin)

з  z (Kuzmin) щ  sch (Hruschov)

й  iy или y (Chaikovsky) ы  y (Bykov)

х  kh или h (Khruschov) ь  ’ (Belen’kiy)

ц  ts (Tsokov) ю  yu (Yurkin)

я  ya (Yakovlev)

2.Адрес, номер телефона и дата ставится в правом верхнем углу, слева на том же уровне пишется адрес получателя (имя, название компании, адрес)

Порядок написания элементов адреса противоположен принятому в России. Сначала указывается номер квартиры, номер дома, название улицы, а затем город и страна. Здесь возможны сокращения: Apt. (apartment), Ave. (avenue), Bld. (building), Sq. (square), St. (street)

Например: Victor Sokolov

Apt 56, 27 Suvorova Street



3.Оставляем строчку (пробел) между каждым абзацем.

4.Первый абзац – предложение, раскрывающее причину (цель) вашего письма.

5.Напишите, что вы знаете о занятости работодателя и обратите внимание работодателя на то, что ваше резюме, которое вы прилагаете к письму, заслуживает внимание.

6. Опишите себя как продукт на продаже. Перечислите ваши умения и такие личные качества как высокая мотивация, энтузиазм и приспособляемость.

7.Если у вас есть ещё какое-либо дополнительные специальности, перечислите их.

8. Положительное отношение очень важно, поэтому объясните, почему это единственная фирма, где бы вы хотели работать.

9. Попросите назначить собеседование. Скажите, что вы хотели бы придти в любое время, даже если сейчас нет вакансии. Поблагодарите работодателя за уделённое вам время и напомните, что вы будете ждать ответ. Используйте слово ”Yours sincerely” (с уважением), если вы общаетесь по имени и слово “Faithfully” (с уважением), если начинаете письмо со слов “Dear Sir/ Madam” (когда вы не знаете имени работодателя).

Поставьте свою подпись слева от письма и расшифруйте её ниже.

2. Рассмотрите образцы оформления деловых писем, резюме и факса, отметьте различия в оформлении британского и американского стиля.

A business letter. (1)

Manesty Clothes Ltd

15 Clifton Court

Manchester MR3 5PY

England, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 161 932 2628

Fax: +44 (0) 161 932 2884

Email: enquiries@manesty.co.uk

Production Manager

Suntrek Fabrics

Box 167

Brown Street PO


2nd January 2010

Dear Sir or Madam

Re: Visit to Singapore

I am now planning my nest trip to Southeast Asia, and would be very pleased if we could meet to discuss our production requirments for next year.

I hope to be in Singapore on May 3 or 4. Would it be convenient to visit you on May 3 at 10.30 am? I would be grateful if you could tell where your office are located.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Christine Burrows

C. Burrows

Senior Buyer

T his is the letterhead. It can go on the left, right or in the centre. In the USA it is often on the left.

This the name and address of the person you are sending the letter.

This is the date.

This is the salutation.

You do not put a comma (запятая) here.

In US letters you should use a colon (двоеточие) after

the person.

This is the subject heading,

a summery of the contents of

the letter. It helps the reader to understand quickly what the letter is about.

You do not need to put commas after Dear Sir or Madam or Yours faithfully. But if you choose to put a comma after Dear Sir or Madam, you should put one after Yours faithfully as well. US letters usually use commas.

Formall letter. American style. (2)

Asking for information

American style

179 San Jacinto Blvd

San Antonio, TX 78210

September 3, 2010

Denver Chamber of Commerce

124 Highfield Road

Denver, CO 80201-1023

To whom it may concern:

We are planning to spend our vacation in Denver over Christmas and would like some information on available lodging in the area.

We would appreciate it if you could send us information about inexpensive hotels in the Denver area. A city map and brochures about activities and sights in the city would also be appreciated.

Thank you.


Laura Jensen

Laura Jensen

В правом верхнем углу обычно пишется ваш адрес, также можно слева. Но ваше имя не указывается.

Дату можно ставить и слева и справа.

Ниже слева пишется имя или должность и адрес человека, кому адресуется письмо.

Formall letter. British style. (3)

Applying for a job

British style

26 Windmill Road

Bristol BS2 6DP

24 May 2010

Ms Emma Campbell

Personal Manager

Multimedia Design

4 Kennington Road

London SE1 8DD

Dear Ms Campell

I am writing to apply for the position of assistant designer advertised in the Evening Post of 23 May. Please find enclosed a copy of my CV.

I have a degree in Graphic Design from Anglia Polytechnic University. Since graduation last summer I have been working for EMS Corporate Imaging on a contract basis. I have become particularly interested in interactive and multimedia work and now wish to develop my career in that direction. I would welcome the chance to work as part of a small, dynamic team where I could make a significant contribution while developing my skills yet further. I would be happy to show you a portfolio of my work.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Peter Green

Peter Green

Если вы не знаете имени адресата, используются следующие приветствия:

Dear Sir

Dear Madam

Dear Sirs

Dear Sir / Madam

Dear Sir or Madam (British style)

To whom it may concern:

(American style)

Если вы знаете имя адресата


обращение и фамилию:

Dear Dr Smith (BrE)

Dear Dr. Smith (AmE)

(not Dear James Smith or

Dear Dr James Smith)

Чтобы закончить письмо

в американском английском

используются фразы:


Sincerely Yours

Yours Truly

В британском английском


Yours Sincerely если вы

знаете имя адресата,

Yours faithfully если

не знаете имени.

Writing CV, resume and fax.

American style.


Jennifer Roberts Married

1320 Forest Drive No children

Palo Alto, CA94309

tel: (650) 498-129

e-mail: jlroberts@mailbox.com

Objective To obtain a position as a German-English translator

with a firm in the Bay Area.


    1. Master of Arts in Translation, Stanford University

    1. Bachelor of Arts

Major: German; Minor: Russian, Georgetown University


1998-present Freelance technical translator, German-English,

mostly for hi-tech industries in California

    1. Teaching Assistant (German), Stanford University

    1. English Teacher, Cambridge Institute, Heidelberg, Germany

Languages Fluent German and Russian

Personal Interests include sailing, cooking and entertaining friends.

Reference Dr.M.Rosen, Chair, Department of Modern Languages,

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA94305

British style.


Name Peter James Green

Address 26 Windmill Road, Bristol BS2 6DP

Telephone 0117 945649

Nationality British

Date of birth 11 March 1977

Marital status Single


1996-99 Anglia Polytechnic University: BA in

Graphic Design (First Class Hons)

    1. Clifton school, 1 A levels:

Art (A); Design and Technology (A);

Mathematics (C) 10 GCSEs

Employment to date

1999-present EMS Corporate Imaging, Design

Department, Riverside House,

22 Charles St, Bristol

Skills Computer literate:familiar with a number of

Design and DTP; Clean driving licence

Interests Tennis, swimming, jazz

В британском CV обычно указывают дату рождения, в американском резюме можно указывать дату рождения, семейное положение, можно не указывать.

В CV и резюме можно указать несколько рекомендаций (Reference) или вложить их вместе с



Fax from: Falcon Publishing

452 Walnut Street

Philadelphia, PA 19106

Fax: 215 865 8722

Fax to: Charles H. Reed, Badger Books

Fax no: 202 736 5412

Date: May 22, 2010

Subject: Publicity material

No.of pages including this one: 1

From: Amy Cavadino, Publicity Assistant Children’s Books, cavada@falcpub.com

Following our phone conversation last Friday, I am sorry to say that the publicity material for The Magic Pineapple will not be available untill next week. I will arrange for it to be sent to you as soon as we receive it from thevprinters.

Amy Cavadino

3.* Вы собираетесь в бизнес поездку в Австралию, составьте сообщение факса для вашей коллеги Sally Jones, расскажите о своих планах и попросите забронировать гостиницу и заказать такси.


Manor Park Parade




To: Sally Jones

Fax No: 0011 61 39452


Fax No: +44 (0) 171 123 4567



Pages (including this one): 1


This is to let you know about the arrangements

For my trip to Australia next week. I’m taking

Flight BA135T..................................................


Could you...........................................................


4. * Cоставьте деловое письмо, резюме и CV используя фразы ниже.

Formal phrases:

Thank you for your letter of 22 January concerning ...

I am writing to inquire about ...

I am writing to inform you that ...

I am pleased to inform you that ...

I regret to inform you that...

I hope this information has been of use.

Please give my regards to Peter Hogan.

Thank you for all you have done.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Listening practice “The story of American schools”.

Task 1. People have always been concerned about their children’s education. In the 19th century Americans also discussed this problem. There were three groups of people who had different ideas.


Puritans [′pjuəritəns] – пуританин public school [p blik sku:l] –

religious beliefs – религиозные убеждения общественная школа

Bible [baibl] – библия Thomas Jefferson – Томас Джеферсон

attend [ə′tend] – посещать support [sə′ po:t] – поддерживать

education [edju:′ kei∫ən] – образование Abraham Lincoln – Абрам Линкольн

spend – проводить Horace Mann– Хорас Манн

factory – завод, фабрика lawyer [′lo:jə] – адвокат, юрист

manufacturing [mænju′ fækt∫əriŋ] – производство devote [di′ vout] – посвящать

create [kri:′ eit] – творить, создавать supporter [sə′ po:tə] – сторонник

society [sə′ saiəti] – общество express ideas [iks′ pres aidiəs] – выражать мысли

a) Listen to the text The story of American schools” «История американских школ». Formulate your ideas about the problems in the chart and place ticks in its corresponding boxes.

The children should

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Learn to read, to write, etc.

Work at factories

Know the Bible

Help their families at home

The winners of the debate

b)Check your answers with the teacher or your groupmates.

Reading practice.

Task № 1.* Read the text “The history of Education” and complete the table.

The name of the country

Who was taught

What was taught


The sons of nobles

Reading, physical education, good behaviour, writing

Ancient India




Roman State

Great Britain

The text “The history of Education”

1. As long as we live we continue to learn, and the education we receive when we are young helps us to continue learning. We are taught to read and write, and are taught many of the essential facts about the world and shown how to sort them out1 so that later in life, we shall be able to find out things ourselves and not to ask other people.

The first teachers were fathers and mothers, but very early in the history of man children began to be taught by people other than their fathers and mothers. It is thought that schools first started in Egypt 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, and that it was the invention of writing which made them necessary. Reading and writing were quite different from the skills used in everyday life, and writing made it possible to store up knoledge which grew with each generation. Specially trained people were therefore needed to teach it.

2. Only the sons of nobles2 attended the first Egyptian schools, which taught reading, physical education and good behaviour. In ancient India the priestly caste desided what should be taught to each of the four castes, or groups, into which people were devided.

Only the priestly caste3 was allowed to learn the Hindu scriptures. In China, until the 19th centure, education was organized according to social classes, and consisted largely of learning the scriptures by heart.

3. A clear example of the way in which even neighbouring people produce different types of education comes from ancient Greece. Sparta and Athens were two Greek states. The Spartans, hard and warlike people, gave a purely military education to their children. At the age of seven all boys of noble families were taken from their homes and sent to live in schools. They were kept under a very strict discipline and were taught hunting, military scouting, swimming and the use of weapons. The Spartans despised (презирать) literature, and some people think they could not even read.

At the very same time, also for the nobles only, the Athenians were building what we call a liberal education4 – one that helps a man to develop all sides of his nature, helps him to make and appreciate beautiful things and helps him to find the best way of life. They thought it important to educate the body as well as the mind, and had a programme of physical training which consisted of running, jumping, wrestling and throwing the discus. As time went on Athenian education paid special attention to reading, writing and literature and these were taught by a special teacher, known as the “grammatist”. Common people were not educated; they were trained in craftmanship, workmanship and trades.

4. The Romans were very good at organizing, and they were the first people to have schools run by the government5 free of charge. Throughout their great empire there was a network of these schools which provided for three stages of education.

At six or seven all boys (and some girls) went to the primary school, where they learned “three R’s”: readind, writing, and arithmetic. Most children were not taught more than this, but at 12 or 13, boys of the rich families went on to the “grammar” school to study the Greek and Latin languages and literatures, that is, what had been written in those languages. At 16, young nobles who wanted to enter politics or the service of their country went to the schools of rhetoric to be trained in rhetoric, or public speaking.

5. In Great Britain the first teachers we read about were craftsmen. They taught children to read, write and count, to cook and mend their own shoes. In the early 19th centure the main system of teaching was the “Monitor” system6. The teacher could manage a class of 100 or more by using older pupils or “monitors” to help him. The schools had long desks which were sometimes arranged in tiers so that the teacher could see every child in a large class.


1 to sort out – отбирать

2 nobles – знатные, богатые люди

3 the priestly caste – привилегированная каста духовенства

4 a liberal education – гуманитарное образование

5 schools run by the government – школы, находящиеся в ведении государства

6 the “Monitor” system – Ланкастерская система образования, при которой старшие ученики следят за младшими

Практическая работа № 4.
