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  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian. Make up 5 sentences using these words:

mental experience, to be dependent on, some research evidence, to take part in, the most famous experiment, to undergo an operation, consciousness, right and left hemispheres, to perceive, to contribute greatly, brain function.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary.

  1. The surgery, designed to treat epileptics with …, involves …, the area of the brain used to transfer signals between the right and left hemispheres.

  2. He left in 1946 to become an …, and later …, at the University of Chicago.

  3. Before Sperry's experiments, some research … seemed to indicate that areas of the brain were largely ...

  4. Roger Wolcott Sperry won the 1981 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work ...

  5. Sperry and his colleagues tested these patients with tasks that were known to be dependent on … of the brain and demonstrated that the two halves of the brain may each contain …

  6. This research contributed greatly to understanding the … of brain function.

  1. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. Who was Roger Wolcott Sperry?

  2. What is he famous for?

  3. In what field of science did he win Nobel Prize?

  4. Why did Sperry perform split-brain operation?

  5. What is the corpus callosum?

  6. How did Sperry and his colleagues test their patients?

  1. Group Discussion: What conclusions can you make after reading the text?

  1. Make a summary of the text using the following phrases:

I believe that...

I am sure...

I do not think that...

I am not sure that...

As far as I know...

It seems likely/unlikely that...

I`d like to note...

I`d like to stress the fact that...

  1. Translate the text into Russian:

In other words, each hemisphere [of the

brain] seems to have its own separate and private

sensations; its own perceptions; its own concepts;

and its own impulses to act. . . . Following surgery, each hemisphere also has

thereafter its own separate chain of memories

that are rendered inaccessible to the recall

processes of the other.”

Roger Sperry first became well-known in the specialized area of developmental neurobiology. He devised experiments that helped establish the means by which nerve cells become wired in particular ways in the central nervous system. Sperry is probably best known for his pioneering split-brain research. In the 1950s and 1960s, Sperry devised a number of experiments to test the functions of each hemisphere of the brain. He argued that two separate hemispheres of consciousness could exist under one skull. Sperry pioneered the behavioral investigation of split-brain animals and humans. His experiments and techniques laid the groundwork for constructing a map of mental functions.

Text One Person…Two Brains, Understanding Psychology, 2003, p. 169

послетекстовые упражнения: р. 169