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  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian. Make up 5 sentences using these words:

the process of thought, unit of thought, mental representation, to visualize, a few details, identical, to complete the task, pattern, a number of meanings, to enable, large amounts of information, to experience, changes in appearance, mental activity, to devise new ways of acting, pros and cons.

  1. Find the matches between figures and letter:

1) career

a) a substance with a consistency like that of water or oil, i.e. flowing freely but of constant volume

2) idea

b) 1 an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form. 2 a whole with interdependent parts

3) liquid

c) a thought or suggestion about a possible course of action

4) thought

d) a definite or clear expression of something in speech or writing

5) organism

e) an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life, usually with opportunities for progress

6) to participate

f) an idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind

7) statement

g) to take part

  1. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What do the processes of thought depend on?

  2. What`s the example of the representation?

  3. What are the most common symbols in thinking?

  4. Why don`t we have to treat every new piece of information as unique?

  5. What are the building blocks of mental activity?

  6. What do the building blocks provide?

  1. Make a summary of the text using the following phrases:

As far as I know…..

It is rather surprising that…..

I’d like to add that…..

I have doubts about….. because…..

It seems that…..

The main idea of the text is…..

I agree that…..

Text Kinds of Thinking, Understanding Psychology, 2003, p. 297

  1. Read the text using the vocabulary and express the main idea of the text in Russian:

directed – направленный, ориентированный

attempt – попытка

goal – цель

convergent – конвергентный (сходящийся в одной точке)

deliberate – взвешенный, спланированный, обдуманный

purposeful - целенаправленный

to set – устанавливать

nondirected – неориентированный

divergent – дивергентный, расходящийся, отличающийся

imagery – ряд, группа изображений

reverie – задумчивость, мечтательность

boredom – скука

insight – проницательность; понимание, догадка

to drift – гнать

aside – в сторону; отступление, отклонение от темы

to tackle – браться с усердием, приниматься

Kinds of Thinking

People think in several ways. Directed thinking is a systematic and logical attempt to reach a specific goal or answer, such as the solution to a math problem. This kind of thinking, also called convergent thinking, depends on symbols, concepts, and rules. Directed thinking is deliberate and purposeful. It is through directed thinking that we solve problems; formulate and follow rules; and set, work toward, and achieve goals.

In contrast, another type, called nondirected (or divergent) thinking, consists of a free flow of thoughts with no particular plan and depends more on images. Nondirected thinking is usually rich with imagery and feelings such as daydreams, fantasies, and reveries. People often engage in nondirected thought when they are relaxing or escaping from boredom or worry. This kind of thinking may provide unexpected insights into one’s goals and beliefs. Scientists and artists say that some of their best ideas emerge from drifting thoughts that occur when they have set aside a problem for the moment.

A third type of thinking is metacognition, or thinking about thinking. When you tackle an algebra problem and cannot solve it, thinking about your strategy may cause you to change to another strategy.