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6. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. Why is sleep necessary?

  2. Why may sleep disorders occur?

  3. What sleep disorders can you name?

  4. What is insomnia characterized?

  5. What is sleep apnea? What may cause it?

  6. What is narcolepsy characterized by?

  7. What is the difference between nightmares and night terrors?

  8. What is sleepwalking?

  9. What is sleep talking?

  10. Are sleepwalking and sleep talking harmfull?

7. Retell the text.

Text Dreams, Understanding Psychology, 2003, p.188 – 189

1. Read the text using the vocabulary and express the main idea of the text in Russian:

deprived – бедный, лишенный

make a point – обратить особое внимание на что-л., удостовериться, проследить

recall – вспоминать

subsequently – впоследствии

vague – неопределенный, неясный

wear on – проходить


We call the mental activity that takes place during sleep dreaming. Everybody dreams, although most people are able to recall only a few, if any, of their dreams. (However, in cultures in which dreams are highly valued and talked about frequently, people remember their dreams almost every morning.) Sleep researchers sometimes make a point of waking study participants at regular intervals during the night to ask them about their dreams. The first few dreams are usually composed of vague thoughts left over from the day’s activities. A participant may report that she was watching television, for example. As the night wears on, dreams become longer and more vivid and dramatic, especially dreams that take place during REM sleep. Because the amounts of time spent in REM sleep increase during the night, the last dream is likely to be the longest and the one people remember when they wake up. People, however, can rarely recall more than the last 15 minutes of a dream when they are awakened. Researchers have found that after people have been deprived of REM sleep, they subsequently increase the amount of time they spend in REM sleep. Thus, it appears that a certain amount of dreaming each night is necessary.

2. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:

mental activity, everybody dreams, people are able to recall their dreams, dreams are highly valued, vague thoughts, the night wears on, dreams become more vivid, people deprived of REM sleep

3. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What is dream?

  2. Do all people dream?

  3. What are usually first dreams composed of?

  4. In what stage of sleep do dreams become more vivid?

  5. Why is dreaming each night necessary?

4. Retell the text.

3. Работа над грамматикой:

The Complex Subject, Куликова, 2003, стр. 99 - 100

упр. 15 – 19, стр. 100 -103; Murphy 44.

4. Информативное чтение:

Text Dream Repairwork, Куликова, 2003, стр. 98 – 99

а) послетекстовые упражнения: упр. 12, стр. 98

Text, Куликова, 2003, упр. 21, стр. 108 – 110

  1. послетекстовые упражнения: упр. 1-5, стр. 28

Text Dreams, Куликова, 2003, упр. 22, стр. 110 – 111

послетекстовые задания: упр. 23, стр. 111

Text Dream Interpretation, Understanding Psychology, 2003, p.189 – 190

1. Read the text using the vocabulary and express the main idea of the text in Russian:

acknowledge – признавать, допускать

clue – ключ, информация

current – текущий, нынешний, современный

daydream – мечта, грезы

departed – покойный, умерший

housecleaning – уборка

idle – свободный, незаполненный

mundane – земной, светский, бытовой