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Hospice and Home care

Part I

The hospice movement has been developed to serve older persons and others in need of a particular level of medical and nursing care. In ancient times, hospices were a sanctuary for the poor wayfarer, and medieval hospices were operated by religious orders. Hospices have been revived today as care facilities for the dying and their families. Patients are admitted to the facility at the request of their doctor. They generally have one of several diseases with a terminal prognosis, some to stay, some to return home again, and some who improve to be returned to a treatment hospital. All patients receive personal care. Bereaved families are supported by visits from the staff and volunteers.

The hospice is actually a flexible concept which can fit into many settings. Some hospices today function in an established hospital setting, while others have independent inpatient facilities or are affiliated with some other community service. Many offer home care and bereavement services. Two divergent types of hospice seem to be developing: 1) independent and heavily volunteer hospices with unstable funding; and 2) institutionally based hospices providing both inpatient and home care.

Part II

The Aim of Hospices

The purpose of hospices is to care for and support patients and their family and friends.

There are 3 main aims of hospice care:

  1. To relieve pain. Today it is thought it is not necessary for terminally ill patients to die in pain. Hospices specialize in pain control. Hospice staff believe all pain, however severe can be brought under control.

  2. To help patients, friends and relatives face up to death. Although many hospices are Christian foundations, no attempt is made to persuade patients to become Christians. Opportunities are given to the patients and to family members to discuss death and dying.

  3. To care for the emotional needs of friends and family. Hospices help families cope with bereavement before, during and after the death of their relative.

The hospice movement believes that the patient is still living and should be encouraged to have a life while they are dying. In a hospital, the patient wouldn't be given the personal care he/she would receive in a hospice. In a hospice, hair dressers come in, patients can have manicures. They are encouraged to get dressed and get up rather than stay in bed. The first time a patient may only stay for a couple of weeks to give their carers a rest or to sort out the correct pain relief. As the illness progresses, he/she might stay for longer. If they wish to die at home, nurses attached to the hospice can often support patients at home.

Many who do not support euthanasia believe that hospices allow people to die with dignity. If the pain is kept under control the individual can live well up to the moment they die. Many Christians support the hospice movement and believe that if there were enough spaces available for all who wished to go there, that euthanasia would not be needed.

  1. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. When and how were hospices developed?

  2. What are hospices today?

  3. What two types of hospices exist?

  4. What are the aims of hospices?

  5. What services do hospices provide?

  1. Make a summary of the text using the following phrases:

I believe that...

I am sure...

I do not think that...

I am not sure that...

As far as I know...

It seems likely/unlikely that...

I`d like to note...

I`d like to stress the fact that...

5. Cамостоятельная работа студентов

Реферирование: текст Palliative care as public health issue, about.com

Перевод текста: Hospice in Great Britain, Hospice in the USA,about.com

6.Формы и содержание контроля

лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа:

    1. Ответьте на вопросы: (3 вопроса)

  1. What is the goal of palliative care?

    1. Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в правильную форму: (5 предложений)

  1. Before beginning his investigation the scientist (to select/to be selected) the most effective technique.

3. Монологическое высказывание по теме: «Palliative care as public health issue»


    1. The goal is to prevent and relieve suffering and to improve quality of life for people facing serious, complex illness.

    1. Before beginning his investigation the scientist selects the most effective technique.



Факультет социальной работы и клинической психологии, III семестр

Тема раздела: Personality. Humanistic psychology (A.H. Maslow, C. Rogers).

Время изучения темы: 12 часов

Цель: Овладеть активной лексикой и основными лексико-грамматическими конструкциями, необходимыми и достаточными для построения монологических и диалогических высказываний на тему: «Personality. Humanistic psychology»
