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  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian.

the word patient implies illness, a negative label, full functioning, other people value in them, constantly struggling, more complete and perfect, the essence of humanism, approval, you accept, conditions of worth, rejecting or denying parts of their person that do not fit their self-concept, cold and distant, cutting off a part of your whole being, the greater the gap between the self and the person, defensive, unconditional positive regard, to grant, self-regard, evil and despair, we freely choose, theories cannot be tested, describe behavior rather than explain it, theories cannot predict behavior.

  1. Find English equivalents in the text:

путь к самореализации, две стороны в каждом человеке, реализовать возможности; представление о том, кем ты являешься; наблюдая, постепенно приобретать, одобрение, позитивное отношение, впечатлительный, достойный, действовать определенным способом, значимый для вас, соответствовать определенным условиям, соответствовать представлению о самом себе, целостность, дарить/предоставлять, уважение к другим, перевешивать/быть более важным, сознательный опыт, свободно выбирать, спорить, проводить жизнь, описывать поведение.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary.

self-concept, impressionable, emphasized, cure, regard, struggled, entirety, predict, approval, significant, self-fulfillment, counseling

  1. Through direct … psychologists help clients identify their concerns.

  2. He gave his … to our plan.

  3. They … to remain alive.

  4. … is fulfillment of one's aspirations, hopes, etc. through one's own efforts.

  5. Doctors are now able to … people of many diseases which in former times would have killed them.

  6. She … its importance to me.

  7. How often an observer can … man's actions better than the man himself.

  8. How you view yourself, or your …, is how you will experience life.

  9. To appreciate the poem, one must read it in its ….

  10. I … him so much, for you know we have been like brothers.

  11. ... means easily affected by impressions.

  12. This is one of the most … studies of the subject.

  1. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What area of psychology did Rogers concern with?

  2. How did Rogers call the people he counseled? Why?

  3. What conflict do people suffer from according to Rogers?

  4. What is a “self”?

  5. What is “conditions of worth”?

  6. What did Rogers mean by “fully functioning”?

  1. Retell the text.

Text Humanistic Psychology, Куликова, 2003, стр. 117-119

а) предтекстовые упражнения: упр.3, стр. 117

б) послетекстовые упражнения: упр. 4-5, стр. 119

2. Работа над грамматикой

The Gerund

Куликова, 2003, упр. 13-19, стр. 124-130

Никошкова, 2004, 7-8, стр. 79

Murphy units 52-57

3. Информативное чтение:

Text Alfred Adler, Understanding Psychology, 2003, р. 385

    1. Read the text using the vocabulary and express the main idea of the text in Russian:

reward – поощрение

spontaneity – непосредственность

driving force – движущая сила

inferiority – неполноценность

speech impediment – заикание

overpampering – чрезмерная избалованность

self-centered – эгоцентричный

revenge – месть

social urge – общественные побуждения

self-reliance – уверенность в своих силах..