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  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian. Make up 5 sentences using these words:

mood disorder, mood swings, ability to function effectively, to lose touch with reality, to experience, irresponsible behavior, the activity level, a manic-type reaction, a depressive-type reaction, to feel a tinge of sadness, to develop a deep depression, to lift spirit, sufferers can be treated by, people tend to sleep and eat excessively.

  1. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. Who experiences mood swings?

  2. How is a major depressive disorder characterized?

  3. What is a bipolar disorder?

  4. What is the difference between a major depressive disorder and a bipolar disorder?

  5. How is season connected with depression?

  6. How are mood disorders treated?

  1. Group discussion: Recall the last time you failed or did not do well at something. What kind of explanation did you offer for your failure? Was this explanation pessimistic or optimistic? Explain. How did your explanation affect your mood or feelings?

  1. Make a summary of the text using the following phrases:

I wonder about…..

In connection with….. I’d like to say that…..

I’d like to add that…..

I have doubts about….. because…..

As far as I know…..

I’d like to add in connection with…..

I am puzzled by…..

I’d like to stress the fact that…..

The following conclusions are…..

Without going into details I should say that…..

Text Explaining mood disorders, Understanding Psychology, 2003, p. 471

  1. Read the text using the vocabulary and express the main idea of the text in Russian:

trait – характерная черта, особенность

failure – неудача, провал

currently – в настоящее время

neurotransmitter – нейротрансмитер, нейромедиатор

noradrenaline – норадреналин, норэпинефрин (постганглионарный адренергический медиатор)

faulty – неисправный; ложный, ошибочный

Explaining Mood Disorders

Psychological factors underlying mood disorders include certain personality traits (such as self-esteem), amount of social support, and the ability to deal with stressful situations. The cognitive theories of Aaron Beck and Martin Seligman have often served as the basis for research on depression. Beck (1983) believes that depressed people draw illogical conclusions about themselves; they blame themselves for normal problems and consider every minor failure a catastrophe. Martin Seligman (1975) believes that depression is caused by a feeling of learned helplessness. The depressed person learns to believe that he has no control over events in his life and that it is useless even to try. Psychologists developed theories to provide a physiological or biological explanation of depression. Researchers are currently searching for the neurotransmitters (such as serotonin and noradrenalin) that cause mood disorders. They are also looking at genetic factors and faulty brain structure and function as possible causes. Many causes of depression may result from an interaction of biological and psychological factors.