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  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian:

process of detecting and encoding stimulus, the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, dedicated to receiving the stimulation, take the message to the brain, balance, smell and taste, physical properties of stimuli, irrelevant and competing stimuli, a subliminal perception, difference threshold, motivation, urgency, selective and shiftable attention, an average level of stimuli, light has different wavelengths, sclera, iris, pupil, cornea, features detectors, the temporal lobe, the parietal lobe, location, movement, hue, saturation, brightness, dimension, constancy, three-dimensionally, movement aftereffects, different images, frequency and amplitude, timbre, send it to the brain for interpretation, pinna and the external auditory canal, the auditory nerve, distraction from tasks, sensation of touch, temperature, pain, warns us of damage to our body, to reduce pain, respond to sweet, posture.

  1. Find English equivalents in the text:

сообщение поступает в головной мозг, значение, слух, осязание, воспринимать импульс/раздражитель, порог, не осознавая ощущения, ожидание/прогноз, избирательное внимание, слепое пятно имеет недостаточно рецепторов, височная доля головного мозга, теменная доля головного мозга, глубина, отражать, форма, на наше восприятие влияет, трехмерно, звуковые волны, посылать в головной мозг, слуховой нерв, источник звука, реагировать/отвечать на, целое отличается от суммы его частей, кожное чувство/осязание, язык, рассматривая перцептивные факторы.

  1. Multiple Choice:

1. Sensation is defined as the process by which organisms ………………… .

a) detect stimuli in the environment

b) transform the energy of stimuli into electrochemical energy

c) respond to selected aspects of a stimulus

d) organize and interpret sensory information

2. On New Year's Day, members of "Polar Bear" clubs will swim in the ocean or lakes, often having to break through a layer of ice to enter the lake. The fact that they can stay in the water for several minutes is example of ……………… .

a) sensory adaptation

b) perceptual set

c) the Stroop effect

d) selective attention

3. A psychologist who is identifying neurons in the brain that fire when pictures of lines drawn at varying angles is studying ………………. .

a) selective attention

b) perceptual set

c) feature detectors

d) binding

4. When a person looks at an object like a dog, all neurons throughout pathways that are activated by the object vibrate at the same frequency to unite the features of the object into a unified perception. This process is called ………………. .

a) parallel processing

b) selective attention

c) transduction

d) binding

5. As a person walks around a rectangular table, the image on the retina changes, e.g., appearing as a parallelogram at certain points. The fact that the person continues to perceive the table as a rectangle is an example of …………….. .

a) size constancy

b) depth perception

c) shape constancy

d) parallel processing

6. The hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of the ………………. .

a) pinna

b) middle ear

c) inner ear

d) semicircular canals

7. Which of the following injuries would be signaled to the brain by the slow pathway?

a) Arthritis of the knee.

b) A headache resulting from a blow to the head.

c) A burn from touching a heating element on a stove.

d) A puncture wound to the foot.