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Задания_МУ к контр. работе_з_зс_2004.doc
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XII. Переведите письменно образец контракта.

Continental Equipment Plc, Brighton, England, hereinafter referred to as “the Seller” on the one part, and TST Systems Ltd., Kiev, Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as “the Buyer” on the other part, have concluded the present Contract for the following:

  1. Subject of the Contract. The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought the machinery, equipment, materials and services (“Equipment”) as listed in Appendix 1 being an integral part of this Contract.

  2. Prices. The prices are understood to be CIF Odessa including cost of packing, marking, loading on board a ship.

  3. Time of Delivery. The equipment specified in Appendix 1 to the present Contract is to be delivered within two (2) months from the date of opening the letter of credit.

  4. Terms of Payment. Within thirty (30) days from the date of signing this Contract, the Buyer is to open an irrevocable confirmed Letter of Credit with CityBank, London, for hundred per cent (100%) of the total contract value. The Letter of Credit is to be valid for three (3) months.

  5. Packing and Marking. The equipment is to be shipped in export sea packing suitable for the type of equipment delivered. All the containers are to be marked on three non-opposite sides.

  6. Insurance. The Seller is to take care of and cover expenses for insurance of the equipment under the Contract from the moment of its dispatch up to the moment of its arrival at the port of Odessa.

  7. Sanctions. In case of delay in delivery of the equipment the Seller is to pay the Buyer a penalty at the rate of 1.0 % of the total Contract value for every week of delay. However, the total amount of penalty for delay in delivery is not to exceed 10 % of the total contract value.

Words and word combinations

  1. plc (public limited company) – акционерное общество открытого типа

  2. hereinafter referred to as … - в дальнейшем именуемая …

  3. to conclude a contract for the following – заключить контракт о нижеследующем

  4. an integral part of this Contract – неотъемлемая часть настоящего контракта

  5. to open a letter of credit with a bank – открыть аккредитив в (определенном) банке

  6. irrevocable – безотзывный

  7. confirmed – подтвержденный

  8. valid – действительный, имеющий силу

  9. transshipment – перегрузка (с одного вида транспорта на другой)

  10. delay in delivery – задержка в поставке

  11. to exceed – превышать

XIII. Найдите и выпишите из текста английские эквиваленты следующих выражений.

  1. Оборудование, перечисленное в приложении 1 к настоящему контракту, должно быть поставлено в течение 2 месяцев с момента открытия аккредитива

  2. Безотзывный подтвержденный аккредитив на 100 % от общей суммы контракта

  3. Все контейнеры маркируются с 3 не противоположных сторон

  4. Продавец производит страхование оборудования, поставляемого в соответствии с настоящим контрактом, и покрывает все связанные с этим расходы с момента отгрузки оборудования и до момента прибытия его в порт Одессы.