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Задания_МУ к контр. работе_з_зс_2004.doc
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II. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосочетаниям:

  1. валовой внутренний продукт

  2. рассчитывать валовой внутренний продукт

  3. анализировать различные определенные секторы экономики

  4. промышленное производство

  5. добывающая промышленность

  6. услуги (финансовые, профессиональные, научные)

  7. досуг, туризм

  8. энергетика (нефть, газ, уголь)

  9. сельское хозяйство

  10. строительство

  11. торговля и финансы

  12. транспорт и связь

  1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. What is GDP by definition?

  2. What sectors of economy are analysed in the United States when GDP is calculated?

  3. What percentage of people of the U.K. is engaged in agriculture?

  1. Поставьте глагол в The Present Continuous Tense или The Simple Future Tense для выражения будущего.

  1. Where you (to go) at the weekend? – To the seaside.

  2. - Is Mr. Dane in the office? – No, he (to be) in the office in an hour.

  3. - When you (to meet) Mr. Cartright? – At 9. – Why so early? – Because at 10 I (to have talks) with the manager.

  4. - Have you signed the contract with the British company? – Not yet. I (to do) it tomorrow.

  5. - You (to accept) the sellers’ prices? – I’m not sure.

  6. Who (to study) the latest catalogues of American companies? – I will.

V. Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в Present Perfect.

  1. The foreign businessmen already (to arrive) but we (not to speak) with them yet.

  2. We (not to make) many contracts this year.

  3. - Where is Mr. Brown? - He (to go) to the airport to meet Mr. Green.

  4. - (to be) you ever to the USA? - Yes, I (to be) to New York several times.

  5. We (to make) a lot of transactions lately.

  6. - The secretary (to finish) typing letters? - Not yet. In fact she just (to begin).

  7. Mr. White (to go) on business to Minsk.

VI. Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в Past Indefinite.

Mr. Bell works at a big firm in London. His firm has good business contacts with the firms in Belarus. Last week Mr. Bell (to go) on business to Minsk and (to stay) about a week there.

On Friday evening Mr. Bell (to come) back from his business trip.

On Monday morning he (to come) to work at 8 o’clock. In his office he (to find) some letters on his desk. He (to sit) down and (to begin) to look them through. After that he (to speak) on the telephone with his boss. After the talks with him Mr. Bell (to give) his secretary the answers to the business letters. At 12 o’clock he (to go) out for lunch. In the afternoon he (to have) talks with the representatives of foreign companies. Mr. Bell (to be) busy all day long. That day he (to leave) the office later than usual.

VII. Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужном времени.

  1. Planes for London (to leave) from Sheremetyevo airport.

  2. When the plane (to leave)? The plane (to take off) in ten minutes.

  3. Last year we (to spend) our holiday in Sochi. The weather was fine. We (to swim) and (to sunbathe) a lot.

  4. - How long you (not to see) Mr. Bell?

  • I (not to see) him since last year.

  1. The plant (to be going) to produce a new model of compressors. We hope that the model (to be) in great demand.

  2. I just (to look through) the morning mail and now I (to be going) to write some letters.

  3. The English seaside (to become) very popular lately.

  4. - Where is Mr. Brown now?

  • He (to clarify) some business matters with the customers.