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Задания_МУ к контр. работе_з_зс_2004.doc
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VI. Переведите на английский язык предложения с использованием форм простого будущего времени, либо других способов выражения будущего.

  1. Посмотри на эти облака! Собирается дождь.

  2. - Ты встретишь Анну на вокзале? – Не могу, т.к. я работаю завтра.

  3. - Когда начинаются испытания насосов? – В двенадцать часов.

  4. Джек слишком устал, чтобы идти пешком. Он возьмет такси.

  5. Мы собираемся обсудить условия платежа с представителями Bell & Co завтра в 10 утра.

  6. Они обсудят условия поставки на следующей неделе.

  7. Когда они подпишут контракт?

  8. Мы проводим испытания машин на следующей неделе.

VII. Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени:

  1. What you (to do) yesterday? I (to have) talks with the inspectors.

  2. We just (to have) talks with the representatives of GML.

  3. - … Ann (to go) on a holiday this year? – Not yet? But she (to leave) for Spain in a week.

  4. Look! The man (to try) to open the door of your car.

  5. - … you (to go out) last night, Tom? – Yes, I (to go) to the cinema but I (not to enjoy) the film.

  6. The trains for Moscow (to leave) in the evening.

VIII. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

  1. (may, must, can) I write a letter to Mr. Blake now?

  2. I haven't seen this performance yet. I think I (must, may, can) see it some day.

  3. (must, may, can) I invite you to the concert on Saturday?

  4. When (must, may, can) we see the tests of the tools?

  5. We are afraid, we (mustn't, may not, can't) discuss the matter now. We are very busy.

  6. (must, may, can) I have another cup of tea, please?

  7. They (must, may, can) deliver only 20 machines in September.

IX. Задайте специальные вопросы с вопросительными словами, данными в скобках:

  1. She can play the piano very well. (What)

  2. I can go to Italy in July. (Where)

  3. He can help you, madam. (Who)

  4. John may take my dictionary. (Whose)

  5. Mr. Bell must leave for Paris tomorrow morning. (Общий)

  6. You mustn't tell anyone what I said. (Why)

X. Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную:

  1. The inspector: "At what hotel are you going to stay?"

  2. Belov: "During our talks in Moscow you promised us to deliver the goods in December."

  3. Borisov: "When shall we meet to discuss the price and terms of delivery?"

  4. The customs officer to the passenger: "Have you got any things to declare?"

  5. Mr.Blake: "I am afraid, we are heavy with orders."

  6. Mr. Smith: "There are many places of interest here and you will enjoy sightseeing."

  7. Voronin: "Have you had a good trip, Mr. Write?"

XI. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степени данных прилагательных:

Cold, early, good, lazy, few, fine, high, comfortable, little, large, popular, interesting, bad, much, many, beautiful, attractive, difficult.

XII. Откройте скобки и вставьте вместо точек местоимения "some, any, no, every":

    1. Is there … news about the new model of computers?

    2. There is a concert hall, … museums but … theatres in this town.

    3. There were … famous people at the museum.

    4. Rossexport could offer … spare parts and … pumps to the customer if they signed the contract.

    5. Let Mr. Smith tell us … sentences about his trip to London.

    6. … customer could go to the shop and buy food there.