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Задания_МУ к контр. работе_з_зс_2004.doc
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    1. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

  1. We (can, must, may) deliver the goods only next September.

  2. - (Can, must, may) I smoke here?

- Yes, you (can, must, may).

  1. Passengers (can, must, may) come to the airport an hour before the take-off time.

  2. - (Can, must, may) I open my suit-case?

- No, you (cannot, mustn’t, mayn’t, needn’t).

  1. - (Can, must, may) I watch television, mother?

- No, you (cannot, mustn’t, mayn’t, needn’t). It’s too late.

    1. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

  1. You must go to the office on Saturday.

  2. She can type some letters for me.

  3. They can’t stay at this hotel.

  4. He may use your PC.

  5. There are some computers in our office. (общий)

  6. Our director looks through the mail every morning.

  7. Our manager made a contract with GML last week.

  8. They have delivered the goods CIF, Riga, this week.

  9. Our company receives much mail every day. (разделительный)

  10. Mr. Brown has gone on business to Belarus (Germany). (альтернативный)

X. Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

  1. Mr. Bell: “Your prices are very high. We can’t accept them”.

  2. The General Director: “We must clarify the matter as soon as possible”.

  3. Voronin: “We require the compressors in July”.

  4. The passenger: “I haven’t collected my luggage yet”.

  5. Mr. Bell: “How long has Mr. Lavrov been to London?”

  6. The secretary: “Who are you waiting for, Mr. Brown?”

  7. Lavrov: “Where did your family spend the holiday last summer, Mr. Bell?”

  8. Voronin: “When will the plane land in London?”

    1. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степени данных прилагательных.

Large, big, fine, small, sunny, cold, few, noisy, busy, comfortable, attractive, interesting, narrow, important, popular, good, bad, little, many, much.

    1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст на русский язык.

A Visit to the Restaurant.

Last week I had talks with Mr. Stanley, the Manager of Blake & Co. At the talks we discussed the terms of our contract. The talks were successful. We signed the contract and I invited Mr. Stanley to the restaurant to have dinner. This restaurant is famous for its traditional Belarusian dishes. The specialities of the house are delicious there. We came into the restaurant and took our seats at a table near the window. The waiter brought us the menu and some minutes later we made our order. We chose mushroom soup for the first course. It was very tasty. For the second course the waiter recommended us to take fried potatoes and roast-beef. We also ordered green salad and a bottle of dry red wine. There was a good choice of fruit and ice-cream for dessert. We finished our dinner with black coffee. We enjoyed our meals at the restaurant.

Then we asked the waiter for the bill. I should say that the service was excellent and the prices were quite reasonable at this restaurant.

Слова и словосочетания:

  1. a dish – блюдо

  2. specialities of the house – фирменные блюда

  3. delicious – восхитительный (о вкусе, о запахе)

  4. a waiter – официант

  5. for the first course -- на первое

  6. a choice -- выбор

  7. a bill -- счет

  8. quite -- вполне

  9. reasonable – умеренный