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29. “I heard him sing”

After two weeks our car was ready to be collected in Serbia. Branislav travelled to collect it, and on the way back Joseph accompanied him. It was such a treat to see him, and that in Germany. Although the trip was long and not so comfortable he made it. He was able to walk well and regained his weight and strength and none could tell that he had had such an accident. He told us how for Christmas he went for a 3 km run and although he felt as if his whole body was falling apart he didn’t give up. He tested his strength and determination.

Mum and dad were so happy to see Joseph and eager to share their news with him. Mum let dad have that privilege. The following day dad and Joseph walked Miriam and Natasha to the music school, and as they waited there dad shared their decision with Joseph. “Son, mum and I have decided to get baptised and Branislav is getting us ready for that.” Joseph’s reaction was, “I always thought that I would be the first one to make that step. Congratulations! I’m proud of both of you.”

Joseph continued giving dad instructions, “Dad when you return home as baptised Christians you need to be brave and not to hide or apologize to anyone for your faith. When people ask you why is it that you don’t keep pigs and don’t eat pork don’t say it’s for health reasons, say because the Bible teaches me so. On Saturday when you get dressed to go to church and wait for the bus, say to people that you are going to church because it’s the Biblical Sabbath although they might disagree with you. Don’t be ashamed of who you are and be brave.” This definitely encouraged my dad; the support of the son whom they respected so much and his opinion always mattered. They were so deeply wrapped up in the conversation that they didn’t notice when the girls came out from their classes and went home without them.

Joseph joined us for the church services and the evening concert. The church community was glad to see the man for whom they had earnestly prayed. When we returned home and before getting ready for bed I went to see if Joseph was comfortable. I saw him crying and thought that he was in pain. “Joseph was the whole day just too much for you?” I enquired. “Oh, no. On the contrary it was all so enjoyable. I’m so happy and I can’t help crying. Today for the first time in my whole life I heard our father singing. When we stood up for the hymnals in the church dad sang. I couldn’t believe my ears. Our Father sang and he sang praises to God.” As Joseph spoke both of us were crying.

We were brought up to respect our parents, which we did. Our father was a hard- working and honest man. We knew that life was hard for him, but we missed tenderness and joy from him. There were rare moments that we could recollect seeing dad truly happy. He was more a family man and social occasions were a burden for him rather than a treat, and he never sang. So what Joseph experienced that day was a miracle. Our father sang and he sang praises to God.

30. Dancing on the edge

Weeks of intensive Bible study followed. Mum and dad were craving to learn God’s word and about God’s word. They used every opportunity to learn something new.

Miriam and Natasha took the role of Bible teachers and they tremendously enjoyed it. The girls studied their bible lessons for children with the grandparents. Mum and dad really appreciated the lessons because they were written in an easy and understandable way. They tried to memorise lesson key verses as well. They played games to memorise the names and order of the books of the Bible and other bible games to explore and memorise facts about events and people. Whatever Miriam and Natasha thought the grandparents had to know they shared with them. Natasha gave them special instructions how to treat the Bible as a holy book, never to put it on the floor and to look after it for as it contains the words of God.

Branislav spent time in scheduled bible studies where different doctrinal topics were covered. Each topic triggered so many new questions. Mum and dad were not able to absorb all the information shared with them. However, they were so eager to explore the many things that the Bible was talking about that was relevant for our times and our lives.

Whatever new things they studied we talked about them. Mum and dad were trying to tell them back to me as to confirm what they understood was correct. I spent a lot of time talking to them about practical things concerning Christian lifestyle. They were trying to discover in what ways they could make their contribution in the local church and in the Kingdom of God in general.

Mum and dad understood that being a Christian is not only being a member of a church, but being a church in action. The study on being a part of the body of Christ from 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 was very important for them. “There are so many parts of our body and they are all important. Unfortunately from my experience I see how hard it is for the whole body when an organ is not working properly or has to be taken out. To be in full strength and productive the body counts on good working condition of all its parts,” mum commented.

“How can two of us be useful in the small church community when we go back to Slavonski Brod?” was the question. The study on gifts and talents from 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 was of great interest to them. “I never considered myself to be a talented man and with not much education I have no confidence that I can speak or do things publicly” was dad’s concern. Mum laughed, “you are excellent at physical work, you’ll be excellent for the church work parties.”

It was so great to observe how mum and dad were focused on being useful and making a difference. Instead of being drained with the thoughts of surviving they were energised with the thoughts of living. They were dancing emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

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