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44. Created different

For days our home became a preparation center for the retreat weekend. Each planning committee member had a special responsibility; for food, trip, social, spiritual part, recreation, seminars. From time to time we would get together to check how things were developing and share ideas and work on details. We all had so much fun shopping, preparing surprises, choosing music and planning other activities. Mum, Miriam and Natasha helped as much as they could. We were so sorry that Natasha was not of age to attend the retreat.

The choice of our guest speaker was for different reasons. Gordana Puskas, specialized in Biblical Counseling. Her special interest was in different temperaments and that was the theme for the retreat weekend. Gordana’s life story was even more impressive. In 1995, in the fifth year of her marriage, she was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia. Predictions for life expectancy with the illness were three to four years the most. Gordana, well supported by her husband Rudika, treated her illness as an uninvited co-passenger but not the guide of her life. She engaged herself in studies and completed BA and MA in Biblical Counseling. She actively supported her husband’s pastoral ministry. The women were eager to meet this knowledgeable, brave and humble young lady who was under God’s special care.

At our first meeting each woman introduced herself. With delight mum said “I’m privileged that at this retreat there are three generations of my family represented, my granddaughter Miriam, daughter Marica and I Marija.” What a privilege that was for me too.

We were all tested for temperaments and how different we all were. Miriam was mostly melancholic, mum was mostly sanguine and I was mostly choleric. Through her seminars Gordana presented the differences in thinking and behaviour of each of the four temperaments and their different combinations. In practical terms she showed how our differences impact our reactions and relationships, showing strengths and weaknesses of each group. The women started understanding themselves better and those closest to them.

Mum enjoyed every aspect of the retreat and didn’t want to miss anything, like a real sanguine. She specially enjoyed the Saturday evening party when in our temperament groups we engaged in different tasks. We could all see how each group valued different things, taught differently, organized themselves differently, did things differently.

It wasn’t hard to conclude that God loves diversity. In His creativity he made differences between us to complement one another. We need to respect and value each other for whom God made us to be.

45. The best christmas present

Christmas season in Germany is marked in a special way. Starting on 6 December with St Nicolas’s day when presents are piled in Christmas stockings or boots, then baking Christmas cakes, Christmas trees, decorations, cards, advent wreaths and calendars, Christmas concerts and the list goes on. Miriam and Natasha participated in different Christmas programs and activities organized by their schools, so as a family we learned much about German traditions.

Nearly all towns set up Christmas markets. Little wooden houses decorated with winter motifs are built, where you can buy festive drinks, food, handmade things ideal for presents. The festive atmosphere is enriched with an entertainment program prepared by different groups. The market performers, who are much appreciated and rewarded by the market visitors, play a special role.

Miriam and Natasha, teamed up with the grandparents, had an excellent plan. The girls wanted to earn some money for Christmas presents for the poor and lonely people they knew. They were good singers and played the recorder. After preparing a good repertoire of Christmas songs, they were ready to perform. The grandparents took them to the local Christmas market. In a couple of hours of freezing but enjoying themselves, they earned enough money for their Christmas project.

In all the excitement and glitter of the season we were trying not to forget the true meaning of Christmas. God gave the greatest gift to humanity, His Son, to live and die for us as our Messiah. In our family circle we enjoyed reading, singing and reflecting about God’s readiness to deny Himself for the sake of saving us sinners. Those thoughts always directed us to other people and things we could do for them to make a positive difference in their lives.

I remember as a child, at Christmas time mum and dad would bring some straw and put it in the corner of the room where the Christmas tree was. This was a reminder that Jesus was born in a stable. What a contrast to our births where parents try to provide the best hospital, the best care for the baby’s entry into this world, even more so those who are wealthy and influential.

The birth of Jesus, who was the son of the most important being in existence, did not match spender and riches where He came from. That thought fascinated us all; how God humbled Himself, in every respect, in order to reach out and offer salvation to humanity. It is only when we humble ourselves too, can we find our Saviour. Commercialized Christmas turns our attention to ourselves and to material things. However, salvation from our sins and the offer of eternal life is the most valuable Christmas gift, and a gift worth sharing with others.

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