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пособие географов англ. яз. ест. фак..doc
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The climate of a region refers both to its (1) ___ weather over a period of years and to the typical (2) ___ by which the various weather elements (3) ___ during each day and during each year. The most significant weather elements in determining climate are (4) ___ and (5) ___. Climates differ considerably around the world, (6) ___ from the tropics where there is no winter to the Polar Regions where there is hardly any summer. The belts in each (7) ___ between the tropics and the Polar Regions were once classed simply as the temperate zones. A more realistic appraisal shows that at least five broad types of climate can be distinguished, each with a number of subdivisions.

The present system of climate classification was devised in 1918 by Wladimir Koppen. The principal categories in the Koppen system are:

  1. Tropical rainy climates. The (8) ___ monthly temperature goes below 180C (64,40F) and there is little (9) ___. (10) ___ rainfall exceeds the water lost by (11) ___.

  2. Dry climates. The water lost by evaporation exceeds that brought by (12) ___.

  3. Warm temperature rainy climates. There are distinct summer and winter seasons, with the (13) ___ of the coldest month lower than 180C (64,40F) but higher than – 30C (26,60F).

  4. Cool snow-forest climates. The average temperature of the coldest month is lower than – 30C (26,60F) and that of the warmest month is higher than 100C (500F).

  5. Polar climates. The average temperature of the warmest month remains (14) ___ 100C (500F). Trees do not thrive in such climates.

Ex. 11. Choose the best alternative to complete the following sentences.

  1. The existence of different climates is due to …

  1. different precipitation levels

  2. proximity to the equator

  3. the variation with latitude

  1. The second element affecting climate is …

  1. the influence of the oceans

  2. duration of sunshine

  3. amount of rainfall

  1. Oceans act as reservoirs of heat which … the temperature extremes of the seasons.

  1. increase

  2. moderate

  3. influence

  1. Continental interiors … lower winter temperatures and higher summer temperatures than those of coastal communities.

  1. provide

  2. receive

  3. experience

  1. In Canada, temperatures in the city of Victoria on the Pacific Coast … from an average January minimum of 360F to an average July maximum of 680F.

  1. change

  2. range

  3. minimize

  1. The growers of citrus crops in Florida have concentrated in the central lake district to take advantage of the moderating influence of nearby …

  1. ocean currents

  2. water bodies

  3. water reservoir

  1. Like other highland areas of the British Isles, Wales is a region of heavy …

  1. rainfall

  2. gales

  3. hurricanes

  1. In Britain one can experience any kind of weather except …

  1. the most extreme

  2. the coldest

  3. the hottest

  1. The word clima was used by the Greek and meant a change of …

  1. longitude

  2. latitude

  3. altitude

  1. Ocean currents minimize … in water surface temperature.

  1. climatic conditions

  2. extreme heat

  3. seasonal variations

  1. The point is that British never can be sure when the different types of weather will…

  1. appear

  2. come

  3. occur

Ex. 12. Complete the text with a preposition or a negative form. Choose from the alternatives below.

(1) ___ recent years there has been increasing interest (2) ___global warming, and there is (3) ___doubt that man’s activities are partly responsible (4) ___it (5)___can we afford to ignore warnings of its possible effects (6) ___ climate. Forecasts of a warmer, wetter world suggest, (7) ___ instance, that the sea may rise by as much as five metres (8) ___ 2050. (9) ___ that case, large areas of London and many other coastal towns would be (10) ___ water.

  1. a) in b) on c) for d) no

  2. a) with b) on c) to d) in

  3. a) any b) no c) not d)none

  4. a) to b) by c) for d) with

  5. a) never b) nor c) none d) nobody

  6. a) for b) at c) in d) on

  7. a) for b)on c) with d) no

  8. a) until b) for c) by d) with

  9. a) on b) in c) by d) with

  10. a) on b) under c) over d) in

Ex. 13. Give the English equivalents.

Температура и влажность; широта; долгота; высота; изменчивость; южное полушарие; испытывать большие перепады температур; прибрежные территории; ежегодные колебания температур; смягчать климат; океанические течения; происходить (случаться); +35 0С; –10 0С; количество осадков (осадки); средние широты; влияние моря; полярный день; высокие и низкие температуры; годовая амплитуда; температура колеблется от … до …; умеренный климат; относительная влажность; совокупность погодных условий; обратный эффект; взаимодействие различных элементов.