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Industrial robots' functions

The word "robot" was first used by Czech playwright Karel Ĉapek, who in 1920 wrote a drama about machines that could move like human beings and do their work. Today this idea has become a reality. Industrial robots now being manufactured perform certain tasks even better than a human being. We are thus at the threshold of the era of robots what might be called a "robolution".

An industrial robot is a unit which has movement functions with a high degree of freedom similar to human arms and hands and is able to move autonomously on the basis of sense and perceptions.

There are six categories of robots: (1) the manual manipulator, remotely controlled by a person, which carries out hand-and-arm functions to hold and move objects; (2) the fixed-sequence robot, which performs a series of operations in a preset order, always in the same series of locations in space; (3) the variable-sequence robot, which operates in the same manner as the fixed-sequence robot but can easily be reprogrammed for a different sequence of operations; (4) the playback1 robot, which repeats a sequence of movements and operations that are first "taught" by manual movements of a manipulator and stored in the robot's memory unit; (5) the numerically-controlled robot, which moves from one position to another according to numerical instructions in such forms as punched paper tapes or cards; and (6) the intelligent robot, an advanced type that can decide its course of action on the basis of its sensing devices and analytical capability.

Today, robots play a major role in welding, press-forming2, coating and other operations, particularly in the automotive industry.


1playback – воспроизведение; считывание

2forming – формование; штамповка

  1. Translate the title of the text.

  2. Formulate the main idea of the text.

  3. Choose the main information from every paragraph.

  4. Make up the plan of the text.

  5. Write down the annotation of the text in Russian.

Unit 14 The functions of automated production lines


  1. automated production line – автоматическая поточная линия; автоматическая станочная линия

  2. workstation – рабочая станция; рабочее место

  3. to transfer – перемещать; транспортировать

transfer system – транспортная система, система транспортировки

transfer line – автоматическая линия

  1. to fix – фиксировать; устанавливать

  2. to run – работать; эксплуатировать; приводить в действие

run – работа; эксплуатация; партия; серия; прогон (цикл работы)

production run – партия обрабатываемых деталей;

крупносерийное производство; производственный прогон

  1. to change – заменять; изменять; переключать

changeover – переналадка; перенастройка; переключение

  1. step – ступень; шаг

stepwise – ступеньками; постепенно

  1. raw – сырой; необработанный

raw work part – необработанная заготовка

  1. to proceed – продвигаться

  2. to emerge – появляться; выходить

  3. simultaneously – одновременно

  4. to time – рассчитывать по времени; согласовывать во времени

  5. automotive – автомобильный

  6. machinery – оборудование; машины; механизмы

  7. pressworking – прессование; штамповка

  8. to cut – разрезать; срезать; прорезать

cut – разрез; срез; прорез

cutting tool – режущий инструмент; резец

  1. to shape – придавать форму; профилировать

shape – форма; профиль; конфигурация

shaping tool – фасонный(профильный) резец

  1. sheet – лист;(тонко)листовой материал

sheet metal – тонколистовой металл

  1. shell – обшивка; кожух; оболочка

  2. appliance – приспособление; устройство; прибор

  3. laundry machine – стиральная машина

  4. range – кухонная плита

  5. file cabinet – шкаф для подшитых документов; канцелярский шкаф

  6. handling mechanism – манипулятор; транспортно-загрузочное устройство

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