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Unit 3 modern development of Automation


  1. storage – запоминание; хранение

  2. software –программное обеспечение (ПО)

  3. sensing – считывание; опознавание; восприятие

sensitive – чувствительный

sensory – сенсорный

sensor – датчик, чувствительный элемент; считывающий элемент

  1. derivation –вывод(теории)

  2. to sophisticate – усложнять

  3. integrated circuit – интегральная схема (ИС)

  4. multicircuited device – многоконтурное устройство

  5. to propel – продвигать вперёд; стимулировать

  6. predecessor –предшественник

  7. medium(pl.media) – среда; носитель

  8. memory –память; запоминающее устройство (ЗУ)

bubble memory – память на цилиндрических магнитных доменах (ЦМД-память)

beam-addressable memory – память с адресуемым лучом

  1. array –массив; совокупность; набор

  2. probe –щуп; контактный датчик

  3. machine – машина, станок

machine vision – машинное зрение

  1. versatile – универсальный

  2. guidance –наведение; управление

  3. artificial intelligence –искусственный интеллект (ИИ)

  4. equation – уравнение

  5. governor – (автоматическое) управляющее устройство; регулятор

  6. reasoning – мышление; осмысление

  7. to render – толковать; представлять

  8. statement – предложение; формулировка; оператор

programming statement – оператор программирования

vocabulary exercises

I. Read and translate the words of the same stem:

  1. digit – digital

  2. to program – program – programming – programmable – programmer

  3. to sophisticate – sophisticated – sophistication

  4. to integrate – integrated – integration

  5. to process – process – processing – processor

  6. circuit – circuitry – multicircuited

  7. to store – storage – storing

  8. electron – electronic – electronics

  9. to sense – sense – sensitive – sensitivity – sensor– sensory

  10. to scan – scanning – scanner

  11. to guide – guidance

  12. to differ – different – difference – differential

  13. to govern – government – governor

  14. to assemble – assembly – assembler

II. Look through text 3a and find 10 international words. Read and translate them.

III. Read and translate the word-combinations:

1. computer program, 2. programming command, 3. data-processing capability, 4. laser beam, 5. quality inspection, 6. robot guidance, 7. sensor measurement, 8. control strategy, 9. expert diagnosis, 10. computer science, 11. data storage, 12. part identification, 13. high-level instruction, 14. programming statement.

IV. Make up the word-combinations and translate them:

  1. computer

  2. data-storage

  3. program storage

  4. feedback control

  5. optimal control

  6. automation

  7. beam-addressable

  8. adaptive control

  9. mathematical control

  10. sensor

  11. magnetic bubble

a. theory

b. technology

c. memory

d. system

Text 3A

I. Read and translate the text:

Modern Developments in Automation Technology

A number of significant developments in various fields have occurred during the 20th century: the digital computer, improvements in data-storage technology and software to write computer programs, advances in sensor technology, and the derivation of a mathematical control theory. All these developments have contributed to the progress in automation technology.

The development of the electronic digital computers called ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) in 1946 and UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) in 1951 has permitted the control function in automation to become much more sophisticated and the associated calculations to be executed much faster than previously possible. The development of integrated circuits in the 1960s propelled a trend toward miniaturization in computer technology that has led to machines that are much smaller and less expensive, than their predecessors, yet are capable of performing calculations at much greater speeds. This trend is represented today by the microprocessor, a miniature multicircuited device capable of performing all the logic and arithmetic functions of a large digital computer.

Along with the advances in computer technology, there have been parallel improvements in program storage technology for containing the programming commands. Modern storage media includes magnetic tapes and disks, magnetic bubble memories, optical data storage read by lasers, videodisks, and electron beam-addressable memory systems. In addition, improvements have been made in the methods of programming computers and other programmable machines. Modern programming languages are easier to use and are more powerful in their data-processing and logic capabilities.

The advances in sensor technology have provided a vast array of measuring devices that can be used as components in automatic feedback control systems. These devices include highly sensitive electromechanical probes, scanning laser beams, electrical field techniques, and machine vision. Some of these sensor systems require computer technology for their implementation. Machine vision, for example, requires the processing of enormous amounts of data that can be accomplished only by high-speed digital computers. This technology is proved to be a versatile sensory capability for various industrial tasks, such as part identification, quality inspection, and robot guidance.

Finally, there has evolved since World War II a highly advanced mathematical theory of control systems. The theory includes traditional negative feedback control, optimal control, adaptive control, and artificial intelligence. The traditional feedback control theory makes use of linear ordinary differential equations to analyze problems, as in Watt's flying-ball governor1. Although most processes are more complex than the flying-ball governor, they still obey the same laws of physics that are described by differential equations. The optimal control theory and the adaptive control theory are concerned with the problem of defining an appropriate index of performance for the process of interest and then operating it in such a manner as to optimize its performance. The difference between optimal and adaptive control is that the latter must be implemented under conditions of a continuously changing and unpredictable environment; it therefore requires sensor measurements of the environment to implement the control strategy.

Artificial intelligence is an advanced field of computer science in which the computer is programmed to exhibit characteristics commonly associated with human intelligence. These characteristics include the capacity for learning, understanding languages, reasoning, solving problems, rendering expert diagnoses, and similar mental capabilities. The developments in artificial intelligence are expected to provide robots and other "intelligent" machines with the ability to communicate with humans and to accept very high-level instructions rather than the detailed step-by-step programming statements typically required of today's programmable machines. For example, a robot of the future endowed with artificial intelligence might be capable of accepting and executing the command "assemble the product." Present-day industrial robots must be provided with a detailed set of instructions specifying the locations of the product's components, the order in which they are to be assembled, and so forth.


1Watt’s flying-ball governor – центробежный регулятор Уатта

II. Find the English equivalents in the text:

1. важные разработки, 2. соответствующие вычисления, 3. интегральные схемы, 4. выполнять расчёты, 5. многоконтурное устройство, 6. запоминающая среда, 7. языки программирования, 8. измерительные приборы, 9. система управления с обратной связью, 10. электромеханические контактные датчики, 11. машинное зрение, 12. сенсорные системы, 13. обработка информации, 14. линейные простые дифференциальные уравнения, 15. умственные способности, 16. искусственный интеллект.

III. Fill in the blanks and translate the sentences:

  1. The development of electronic … computer has permitted the control function in automation to become more sophisticated.

  2. The development of integrated circuits propelled a trend toward … in computer technology.

  3. Present-day machines are much smaller and less … than their predecessors.

  4. Modern computers are capable of performing … at much grater speed.

  5. The advances in sensor technology have provided a vast array of

measuring … .

  1. Artificial … is an advanced field of computer science.

  2. Modern programming … are more powerful in their logic capabilities.


a. miniaturization, b. calculations, c. digital, d. expensive, e. languages,

f. devices, g. intelligence.

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