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What You Can Do to Maintain Your Health? Do my habits really affect my health?

Yes, very much so. All of the major causes of death (such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung disease and injury) can be prevented in part by making healthy lifestyle choices.

Don't smoke or use tobacco.

Smoking and using tobacco are very dangerous habits. Smoking causes 440,000 deaths in the United States every year. More preventable illnesses (such as emphysema, mouth, throat and lung cancer, and heart disease) are caused by tobacco use than by anything else. The sooner you quit, the better.

Limit how much alcohol you drink.

This means no more than 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink a day for women. One drink is equal to 1 can of beer (12 ounces), a 4-ounce glass of wine or a jigger (1 ounce) of liquor.Too much alcohol can damage the liver and contribute to some cancers, such as throat cancer and liver cancer. Alcohol also contributes to deaths from car wrecks, murders and suicides.

Eat a healthy diet.

A healthy diet has many benefits. Heart disease, certain cancers, stroke, diabetes and damage to your arteries can be linked to what you eat. By making healthier food choices, you can also lower your cholesterol and lose weight.

Lose weight if you're overweight.

Many Americans are overweight. Carrying too much weight increases your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, gallbladder disease and arthritis in the weight-bearing joints (such as the spine, hips or knees). A high-fiber, low-fat diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight and keep it off. 


Exercise can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression. It can also help prevent colon cancer, stroke and back injury. You'll feel better and keep your weight under control if you exercise regularly. Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week, but remember that any amount of exercise is better than none. 

Don't sunbathe or use tanning booths.

Sun exposure is linked to skin cancer, which is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It's best to limit sun exposure and wear protective clothing and hats when you are outside. Sunscreen is also very important. It protects your skin and will help prevent skin cancer. Make sure you use sunscreen year-round on exposed skin (such as your face and hands). Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 15 and one that blocks both UVA and UVB light.

Should I have a yearly physical?

Health screenings are replacing the yearly physical. Instead of every person getting the same exams and tests, only the appropriate ones are given. Talk to your family doctor about your risk factors and what tests and exams are right for you. 

Comprehension questions:

  1. How much alcohol a day can you drink?

  2. What benefits does the healthy diet have?

  3. What diseases can exercises prevent?

  4. Why should you use sunscreen?

  5. What illnesses can tobacco cause?

Exercise 6. Suggested topics for conversation

Suppose that:

  1. You’ve scalded your hand;

  2. You have undergone an operation and are telling your friend about the surgeon who performed it;

  3. You complain to the doctor of the illness you have;

  4. You are examined by the doctor who gives you the necessary recommendations;

  5. You came to a chemist’s to get some medicine made up for you

Exercise 7.Write a composition on one of the following topics. Discuss your composi­tions in class.

  1. The system of public health in Russia and in the USA;

  2. The problem “Health and sport”;

  3. An advertising campaign for healthier lifestyle in your country.

  4. What can you do to reduce the risks of disease?


Употребление форм нереальности/проблематичности

Эти формы встречаются в основном в придаточных предложениях. Действие придаточного предложения представляется либо проблематичным, либо нереальным. Употребление этих форм необходимо в следующих случаях:

В обеих частях сложноподчиненного предложения с придаточным нереального условия (когда придаточное выражает нереальное условие, из-за которого не может осуществиться действие главного, и оно тоже становится нереальным)


а) were или Past Simpleв придаточном предложении, should/would + простой инфи -нитив – в главном предложении

б) в придаточном предложении - Past Perfect, а в главном – should/would + перфектный инфинити

в) соответствующие формы в зависимости отнесенности по времени.

a) If he were not so busy he would go with her to the club.

If my child slept at day I should not be so tired now.

б) Nothing would have hap- pened if he had kept silent.

в) If Pete were not so lazy he would have done it yesterday.

If I had learned the rule then I should known it now.

a) действия главного и придаточного предло-жений относятся к


б) если оба действия относятся к прош -лому,

в) действия главного и придаточного относят- ся к разному времени.


Нереальное условие, помимо придаточного предложения условия, может быть выражено еще двумя конструкциями:

а) if it were (had been) not for…

б) but for…

If it were not for his friend

(but for his friend) he would feel very lonely in the big city.

If it had not been for the wind (but for the wind) they would go by plane yesterday.

Exercise 8. Open the brackets, using the necessary type of the Conditional Sentences.

  1. If he (be) here, he would answer you. 2. We will be very sorry if he not (call) us tonight. 3. If he had not lost his spectacles, he (be able) to finish this work in time. 4. If I were you, I not (say) this. 5. We won’t go out if it not (stop) raining. 6. Your health won’t improve if you not (take) better care of yourself. 7. I (come) if I (have) free time yesterday. 8. He would leave Moscow tonight if he (get) necessary documents. 9. I not (catch) cold if I had worn my overcoat. 10. The man (be killed) if the train hadn’t stopped quickly. I would come and see you off if I not (live) so far away. 11. If I had the money, I (buy) that overcoat. 12. If you (stay) here a little longer, you will see him. 13. I would be disappointed if they not (come). 14. If we had no luggage, we (walk) home. 15. If the goods had been loaded quickly, we (receive) them in time.

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences into English observing the rules of Conditional Sentences

  1. Если бы я принес с собой словарь, я мог бы перевести этот документ сейчас. 2. Если бы я не пошел к ним вчера, мы бы ничего не знали об этом даже теперь. 3. Если бы у меня было больше времени, я бы учил французский. 4. Почему вы не взяли такси? Если бы вы взяли такси, вы бы приехали на вокзал вовремя. 5. Если я буду там и увижу его, я скажу ему об этом. 6. Если бы мы послали письмо вчера, они бы получили его завтра утром. 7. Если бы вы пришли сюда между двумя и тремя часами вчера, вы бы застали его. 8. Я буду очень огорчен, если они не придут. 9. Я был бы очень рад, если бы вы зашли к нам завтра. 10. Если бы я не был так занят вчера, я бы поехал на вокзал проводить его. 11. Было бы очень любезно с вашей стороны, если бы вы могли это сделать для меня. 12. Если мы не получим вашего ответа до 20 сентября, мы передадим заказ другой фирме. 13. Мне очень нравятся эти часы. Если бы они были меньше, я бы купил их. 14. Если бы мы выехали завтра, мы бы приехали в Одессу в понедельник утром. 15.Почему вы не позвали его? Я уверен, он бы пришел, если бы вы его позвали.