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2. Explain the following words and word combinations in English:

  1. double glazing 4. fuel bills

  2. a fully-equipped kitchen 5. modern security system

  3. a candle stick 6. landmark

3. Continue the sentences using your active vocabulary (add at least 4 sentences).

  1. The Sparkle Hotel in Blackpool, England is a family hotel with a difference. What makes it stand out from all other hotels in town, is that....

  2. There is terrible draught coming from under the door.

  3. James decided to set up his own business.

4. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. We must bring the rest of the committee around to our point of view.

  2. Tom has brought out another new book.

  3. The thieves waited until it was dark enough to break in.

  4. The children broke into the conversation with demands for attention

  5. The sun broke through after days of rain.

  6. Fire broke out in the hospital last night.

5. Translate the dialogue into English.

- Мне никак не удается убедить Джима в преимуществах подземного водного резервуара, переделанного в практичный домик без сквозняков. Подобный дом будет из ряда вон выходящим, он может стать настоящей достопримечательностью нашего квартала. Он не верит в практичность этого дома, а ведь счета за отопление будут очень низкими. В такой домик никто из грабителей не ворвется, не будет никакой необходимости устанавливать систему безопасности.

- Не знаю, Джейн. Я боюсь подобных неординарных идей и не одобряю их. Кому-то подобное жилье и будет по душе (понравится), а кто-то ведь страдает от клаустрофобии и чувствует себя отрезанным от окружающего мира. Построить дом с нуля намного проще, ведь у вас есть средства.

- Я согласна с тобой, но нам в последнее время не хватает жилплощади, и я хотела придумать подобную практичную пристройку к нашему особняку.

6. Fill in prepositions where it’s necessary and make up sentences of your own with the expressions.

___ the ordinary

appeal ___ smb

extention ___ a house

suitable ___ smb

___ the suburbs

___ the outskirts

to be absent ___ work

to accuse ___

to agree ___ smb ___ smth

to convince ___ smb ___ smth

to beg ___ smth

to be busy ___ smth

popular ___ smb

___ scratch

become short ___ space

resist ___ doing smth

suffer ___ smth

___ the country

___ the outscirts

to become accustomed ___

to approve ___

to apologise ___ smb ___ smth

to apply ___ smb ___ smth

to believe ___ smth

fear ___ smth

___ ruins

7. Paraphrase the following sentences using the phrasal verbs to break, to bring.

1. That boy hit me and made me fall.

2. Finally the professor managed to persuade his young opponent.

3. The negotiations were not successful and the agreement was not achieved.

4. It is hard to carry out this experiment, but in spite of many obstacles we are still moving on.

5. The house of my neighbours is surrounded by the police cars: somebody has entered in by force.

6. My enterprise is very profitable.

7. And now your having a walk without your hat on caused a serious illness!

8. Why are you always interrupting my speech?

9. In 1666 a fatal disease began suddenly and carried away many lives.

10. The publishing house has just released a new book by my favourite author.