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  1. Insert the infinitives given in brackets. Use prepositions if necessary.

1. I have a lot of things ... and many problems ... (to think, to consider). 2. How many classes have you got ... this week? (to attend). 3. There were usually hundreds of matters, big and small, ... (to attend). 4. He would never fail to find something ... even if there was little or nothing ... (to say, to speak). 5. She always came with some little story ... , looking for somebody ... it (to tell). 6. Tell the child matches are a dangerous thing ... (to play). 7. There are two more games ..., and the tournament will be over (to play).

  1. Paraphrase the following so as to use the infinitive as attribute.

I.1. There was nothing that might keep him at home that night, and he gladly accepted the invitation. 2. He is not the man who would shirk his duty. 3. This is a mineral that can be found only in this part of the country. 4. There are so many letters that must be answered! 5. I have so many letters that must be answered! 6. She had no one in whom she could confide. 7. Can you entrust the work to anyone? 8. Here is the list of medicines which are not to be sold without a prescription. 9. We could not spare a moment. 10. Can anything be done in order to prevent such accidents?

II. 1. The parcels are all sorted out. Here are the ones that will go by air (that are to be sent by air). 2. The questions that are going to be submitted for discussion must be circulated two days before the opening session. 3. The ship with the pictures which will be displayed at the internation­al exhibition has arrived. 4. The delegates to the scientif­ic conference which will be held on the 19th of July have to register with the organizing committee. 5. The library has received a prospectus of the books which will be published this year. 6. We must have five more reports printed.

  1. Insert the infinitive in the appropriate form and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Mr. Snodgrass was the first ... the astonished silence (to break). 2. The first patient ... was a small boy in his early 'teens (to examine). 3. Safety is the first principle ... in shooting competitions (to observe). 4. He complained that he was always the last ... (to inform). 5. I am the last man ... a question of the kind (to ask). 6. Among the last ... , they attracted the attention of the entire gathering (to ar­rive). 7. He found that he was the only one ... the discrepancy (to notice). 8. If there is to be a vacancy I would like to be the one ... the job (to offer). 9. These houses were among the few ... after a great fire (to survive). 10. Mikhail Tahl was the youngest Soviet chess player ... the title of All-Union Champion (to win). 11. The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre players were the second British company ... the Soviet Union (to visit). 12. The Nuremberg trial was the biggest international trial ever ... (to hold).

  1. Complete the following, choosing a suitable infinitive phrase from the following list:

what to say, where to change, whom to address, how to do it, which to choose, when to come, what book to refer to, with which to open, what to speak about, to whom to turn, whether to agree to it or not.

1. He hesitated ... . 2. Show me the key ... the drawer. 3. Can you advise me ...? 4. ... is the first thing to decide. 5. Do you know the station ...? 6. I can’t make up my mind ... . 7. The trouble is ... .

  1. Paraphrase the sentences so as to use the infinitive as adverbial modifier.

1. He must have got into a pretty fix if he had to take a risk like that.

2. The girl waved her handkerchief that she might be taken notice of. 3. The father came home late and did not switch on the light lest the child should wake up. 4. The man made in my direction as if he was going to stop me, then turned abruptly and walked away. 5. Miss Pinkerton did not know a word of French, but she was very proud and would not confess it. 6. She did not have courage enough, otherwise she would have said it to your face. 7. The foreigner was very careful to pronounce every word distinctly for fear of being misunderstood.

8. His behaviour was such that it aroused everybody’s indignation. 9. On hearing me say that she shrugged her shoulders as though she wanted to express her indifference. 10. If you hear him speak you might think he had never been in the wrong. 11. He turned to me as if he were going to say something.

  1. Think of all possible ways to convey in Russian the idea expressed by the infinitives in bold type.

1. He returned to his motherland never to leave it again. 2. He went to Africa to die of malaria. 3. When the first two cantos of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage саmе off the press, the success of the poem gave Byron every right to write in his diary: “I awoke one morning to find myself famous.” 4. He yawned, stretched himself vigorously, and went on deck to be told that they were almost abreast of the lights of Brighton. (R.K.) 5. They heard a voice above them, and looked up to see a woman’s head thrust through a small window-hole under the thatch. (J.L.) 6. He went out into the street to find himself alone. 7. At times he smiled softly to himself – only, immediately after, – to relapse again into gloom.

  1. Replace the finite verbs in bold type by the infinitive, making all other necessary changes.

1. Oliver heard the side gate open, and, looking out of the window, she saw John walking up the garden. 2. When I came back I found the door locked and the key hanging from a nail in the hall. 3. He opened his eyes and saw clouds and drenched trees and felt the drops splashing on his face. 4. He tried to persuade her not to do so, but only broke down and had to stop. 5. On entering the house she saw her son walking up and down in an agony of doubt. 6. When he re­turned he found his wife already come home and seated with some work.. 7. He looked towards the door and saw the butler standing in the conventional attitude. 8. He joined the Philharmonic Orchestra, where he very soon became the leading violin soloist. 9. He had toured the world and understood how true the saying was which went, “East or West, home is best.” 10. After a long separation they met at last, and never did they part again.

  1. Translate into Russian. Pay special attention to the use of the infinitive.

1. To make a long story short, the company broke up, and returned to the more important concern of the election. (Ch. D.) 2. She had broken a precious china, one of her husband’s wedding presents, and, to make the things still worse, she never told anyone about it. 3. To meet the increased demand for industrial goods, a great number of new shops have been opened in the towns this year. 4. She had become one of those London girls to whom rest, not to say pleasure, is unknown. 5. To crown all, there was a story full ten years old now, which had lost nothing in the telling, of his treatment of a cattle driver. (Glsw.) 6. To claim damages was not a pleasant thing to do. 7. It was awfully cold, to be sure. 8. To put it crudely, whatever is man’s manner of life, such is his manner of thought.

  1. Make up sentences, using the following infinitive phrases parenthetically.

to be quite frank; to tell the truth; to make a long story short; to put it more plainly; to be sure; to put it mildly; to crown all; to be more precise; to say nothing of ...; to make things worse.

  1. Translate into Russian. Pay special attention to the use of the infinitive.

1. The reason of his success is easy to understand. (B.Sh.) 2. Her neighbour was difficult to talk to. 3. The house was charming to look at, but rather inconvenient to live in. 4. Is your friend easy to deal with? 5. The date of the letter was impossible to make out. 6. Gemma was pleasant to look at and interesting to talk to. (V.) 7. The Gadfly was difficult to convince. (V.)

  1. Change the structure of the sentences according to the model.

Model: It is difficult to explain his behaviour.

His behaviour is difficult to explain.

1. It is rather hard to read his handwriting. 2. It is very pleasant to listen to him. He sings so well. 3. It is hard to polish a diamond. 4. It is easy to answer such questions. 5. It is very comfortable to work at this desk. 6. It was very amusing to watch the scene. 7. It was easy to follow the track. 8. It was difficult to get along with him.

  1. Complete the following.

1. The book was difficult ... . 2. She is pleasant ... . 3. This problem will not be difficult ... .4. The boy is hard ... .5. What he says is pleasant ... , but rather hard ... . His stories are too incredible ... . 6. The sentence is easy ... and useful ... . 7. All she cooks is nice ... and delicious ... .

  1. Make up sentences according to the model to Exercise 28. Use the following infinitives with the adjectives from the following list:

funny, interesting, hard, (un)pleasant, difficult, nice, easy, (un)comfortable, (in)convenient, amusing, useful, charming, restful.

to deal with; to remember; to understand; to carry; to see; to hear, to forget; to persuade; to argue with; to sit on; to follow; to look at; to talk to; to account for; to avoid; to watch; to agree to.

  1. Translate into English.

1. В туристских автобусах установлены откидные кресла, в которых удобно спать. 2. С его доводами трудно не согласиться. 3. Такую роль, должно быть, очень интересно играть. 4. Как приятно танцевать под эту мелодию. 5. Когда смотришь на море, это действует успокаивающе. 6. В пьесе слишком много сцен: ее не легко поставить. 7. Вряд ли это было удобное место для ночлега. 8. Это заболевание трудно поддается лечению.

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