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1. Do you agree with these statements?

  1. Housework isn't really work.

  2. One parent should stay at home with the children.

  3. Women are better than men at looking after children.

  4. Parents should spend some time with their children every day.

  5. Women can have children and a career.

2. Read the text. Which of the statements above would Mike and Tina agree with?

It's early evening and Mike Beaver, 41, is sitting in the living room of his suburban house near London. He's reading to his daughter Louise, six, and his baby son Eddie is playing with his toys. Aha, you think, Mike has come home from work and he's enjoying quality time with his children.

But you'd be wrong. Mike is a house-husband. He looks after the children full-time, and he does the same things any housewife does. He wakes the children up and gives them their breakfast, takes Louise to school, and one day a week takes Eddie to the nursery. Then he cleans the house, does the shopping, and picks the children up from school. He makes dinner for his wife Tina. Then he puts the children to bed - all while she's at work.

Tina is the director of a PR firm in London so she earns a good salary, but she works long hours. She goes to work at 7.00 in the morning and she often doesn't get home until 8 p.m., when the children are usually asleep, so she hardly ever sees them during the week. But at the weekend they spend time together. They go shopping, go for a family walk, the children sometimes invite friends over, and in the evening they all sit in front of the television. For these two days, Tina forgets her career, and she enjoys being with the children. 'Many people, especially men, don't believe me, but I'm enjoying life. I'm doing what I want to do,' says Mike. And what does Tina think? 'It means that I can have a career, which I love. And I admire Mike for being so good at what he does - he does a better job than I ever could!' she says with a smile.

3. Discuss these questions.

What do you think of Mike's 'job'? Could you be like Mike? Would you marry someone like Mike? Why / Why not?

4. Look at the text again. Complete the gaps.

a) He………..to his daughter Louise.

b) He……………the children full-time.

What tenses are used in sentences a and b? Look at the text again and find three examples of each tense.

5. What is the he / she / it form of these verbs? Try saying them, and put them in the right column, according to pronunciation

sit, drive, start, make, pass, go, work, earn, look, speak, kiss, watch, understand, belong, put, do




6. Here are some everyday activities. Complete the gaps with a suitable

verb: earn, work, clean, get, go, look, make, sit, do, take, invite, put.

  1. _____after children

  2. _____them to school

  3. _____friends over

  4. _____in front of the television

  5. _____home to work

  6. _____long hours

  7. _____for a walk

  8. _____the house

  9. _____the shopping

  10. _____dinner

  11. _____the children to bed

  12. _____a good salary

7. Listen to the dialogues. Listening 1. Ask and answer questions about the people.

Is David doing the shopping?'- 'No, he isn't, he's ..."

'What are John and Sara doing?'- 'They're

8. You're going to interview someone about their lifestyle. Make as many questions as you can.

Part 4

1. Try this questionnaire to see if you are addicted to work. Circle the numbers and add up your score.

Are you a workaholic?

1= never 2= rarely 3= sometimes 4= often

  1. I find it difficult to find time to relax at home.

  2. I take work home.

  3. I spend my evenings and weekends working.

  4. I spend my holidays worrying about work.

  5. I work during coffee breaks and lunchtime.

  6. I work late and go home late.

  7. I forget about arrangements which are not work arrangements.

  8. I talk about work when I'm socializing.

  9. I find it difficult to find time to go out.

  10. I like to be in control.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

10-20 You find it easy to leave your work at work and relax at home ... perhaps too easy! Make sure that you can work hard when it's important.

21-30 You work hard but you know when the time is right to relax and leave your work behind.

31-40 You are hopelessly addicted to work! Slow down, try to relax and enjoy life more. Are you working to live or living to work?