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Listening. Speaking.

2.9.Translate the words and word-combinations below into English and use them in your own dialogues.

Dialogue 1.

Card 1.

Я видел вашу рекламу в газете …

Какова цена лодочных моторов, которые вы предлагаете?

Я бы хотел узнать ваши цены и условия.

Если цены разумны, мы скоро сможем сделать вам заказ.

Вы можете сделать твердое предложение?

Card 2.

Наша наименьшая цена $1000 за мотор.

Если ваш заказ успеет до 20 мая, мы можем дать вам 10% скидку.

Есть скидки на оптовые заказы. Но я не могу назвать вам размер скидки, пока не знаю, сколько вы хотите заказать. Да, это зависит от количества.

У нас особые условия скидки на повторные заказы.

Dialogue 2.

Card 3.

Это специальное предложение на новые товары. Мы хотим, чтобы как можно больше клиентов попробовало наши …

Боюсь, что это самые лучшие условия, которые мы можем предложить.

Уверяю вас, ниже цен вы не найдете.

Цены включают в себя страховку и доставку.

По телефону слишком долго перечислять все наши цены и условия. Я вам отправлю все завтра по электронной почте.

Card 4.

Мартовский прайс лист все еще действителен?

Обычно нам давали большую скидку за повторный заказ.

Это ваше лучшее предложение? Я думал, что теперь цены начнут снижаться.

У вас еще в силе специальное весеннее предложение о продаже … ?

2.10. Task 12.

You have received this letter from a friend in Madrid.

Calle Columbia 14


Why didn’t you come over for a week’s holiday?

Flights to Madrid are very reasonable. Find out if you can get an excursion ticket around 6th April, then you can spend Easter with us.

Now ring up the travel agent and get some information about flights. You don’t want to pay more than $ 165. You may listen to the cassette first to help you.

III. Conversation practice

3.1. Act out the following situation:

  • Discuss the restaurant menu with you friend (Basic Survival, unit 35) and make your order to the waiter. Discuss the meal when you’ve finished eating.

3.2. Watch Unit 7. Appointments of Video Conference.

Unit 7. Appointments.

Daniel Conway, Isabelle Pelletier.

  • Daniel: What did you think of Ron’s presentation?

  • Isabelle: I thought it was excellent.

  • Daniel: Me, too.

  • Isabelle: This afternoon is free. What are you planning to do?

  • Daniel: I want to buy some gifts to take back home. How about you?

  • Isabelle: I’d like to go shopping too. Shall we go together?

  • Daniel: Sure, I’d love to. What time shall we meet? I’m giving a presentation to the new sales representatives next. That finishes at one.

  • Isabelle: And I’ve got a meeting with Bob Davis. Let’s meet in the foyer at, say, ten past one?

  • Daniel: OK. Shall we have lunch here before we go?

  • Isabelle: No, why don’t we have lunch in town for a change?

  • Daniel: Good idea. My presentation starts in five minutes. I’m going to check the room. See you later then.

  • Isabelle: OK. Bye.


Bob Davis, Barbara Little

  • Barbara: So, here are two possible sights for the new distribution centre – Amsterdam and Birmingham. You saw the Amsterdam sight last week. Later this week we are going to visit the sight at the Birmingham Business Park.

  • Bob: Who are we meeting there?

  • Barbara: Helen Mills. She is the regional development officer. She is going to show us this sight here.

  • Bob: And when are we meeting her?

  • Barbara: I’ll call her now and make an appointment.

  • Bob: Would you like to use my mobile?

  • Barbara: Don’t worry. There’s a phone in the lobby. I’ll use that.

  • Bob: Hello. Bob Davis.


Barbara Little, Helen Mills, receptionist.

  • Receptionist: Good afternoon. Birmingham Business Park.

  • Barbara: Good afternoon. May I speak to Helen Mills, please?

  • Receptionist: Who’s calling, please?

  • Barbara: Barbara Little from Phoenix Business Consultants.

  • Receptionist: Just a moment, please.

  • Barbara: Good afternoon. Thank you for sending the information about the business park. Is it possible to make an appointment to visit the site?

  • Helen: Certainly. Would Wednesday be convenient?

  • Barbara: I’m afraid one of my colleagues can’t make Wednesday. Is it possible to come on Thursday?

  • Helen: I have a meeting in the morning, but I’m free in the afternoon. Would two o’clock be convenient?

  • Barbara: Yes, two o’clock is fine.

  • Helen: How many of you are coming?

  • Barbara: Four. Charles Millbank, President of Transglobal; Bob Davis, U.K. sales manager; Ann Richards, U.K. deputy sales manager; and me.

  • Helen: Fine. I look forward to seeing you at two o’clock on Thursday, then.

  • Barbara: Thank you. Goodbye.

  • Helen: Goodbye.


Ron Jacobs, Bob Davis.

  • Bob: Ron!

  • Ron: Hello, Bob.

  • Bob: I really enjoyed your presentation this morning.

  • Ron: Oh, thanks. What are you doing this afternoon?

  • Bob: Nothing in particular. Why don’t we get some fresh air and exercise?

  • Ron: OK. What do you suggest?

  • Bob: How about a game of tennis?

  • Ron: I’m afraid I don’t play tennis, Bob.

  • Bob: What about a round of golf?

  • Ron: Can we hire the clubs?

  • Bob: Yes. Here, at the hotel.

  • Ron: OK. Let’s have a game.

  • Bob: So, when shall we play?

  • Ron: I have a short meeting with Charles at two o’clock. But I’ll be free by two-thirty. We can meet in reception at two-forty five.

  • Bob: Fine. See you later, then.

  • Ron: Oh, by the way, Bob, what’s your handicap?

  • Bob: Twenty two. What’s yours these days?

  • Ron: About eleven.

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