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Home task:

1. Letter Writing: in Business Letter

  • Learn the vocabulary on pp. 56 – 57

  • Do ex. 5, 6 (10 – 13) p. 63 – 65.

2. Conversation practice: Video Conference

a) Learn Vocabulary list 7

b) Act out the following situation:

- Make an appointment with a manager of some company to see the site for the exhibition of you new goods.

Lesson 16

Lesson Plan:

I. Letter writing

1.1. The right address

Listen to the recording and address each envelope correctly. (Later, you can check your answers in File 4)

1.2. Business Letter

  • Vocabulary drill (pp. 56 – 57)

  • Go over your home exercise – ex. 5, ex. 6 (10 - 13) p. 63 – 65.

II. Telephoning

A. Listening practice (Basic telephone Training, Unit 22a)

2.1. Write the dates you hear:

1. ……………………… 4. …………………………

2. ……………………… 5. …………………………

3. ………………………

2.2. Write the letters from the tape:

1. ……………………… 4. ………………………..

2. ……………………… 5. ………………………..

3. ………………………

2.3. Circle the correct time:

1. 7.15 19.15 4. 3.15 3.50

2. 8.40 8.14 5. 5.15 4.45

3. 1.50 2.10

2.4. Make a note of the address in Sweden from the tape:





B. Getting the Message (Basic Telephone Training, Unit 22 b)

2.5. Listen to the message on the tape and note down the important information.

To ………………………………. …… Date ………………………….

From …………………………………. Time …………………………







Message taken by ……………………………………………………………

2.6. C. Phone Play

Student A. You work for the Office Paper Shop. Phone Mr Pitts at Paper Suppliers Ltd to place an urgent order for 8000 white window envelopes.

Student B. You work for Paper Suppliers Ltd. You are Mr Pitts’ colleague. Mr Pitts is on holiday for 2 weeks. You sell envelopes. Orders under 10 000 – no discount. Orders over 10 000 – you give 10% discount.

2.7. Role play (task 13)

Sit back-to-back in pairs. Student A, who has information in File 5, should “ring” student B who has information on this page. Change roles when you have done the calls once.

B1 You are Donald Scott, a salesman with Supersit Inc. Your price per chair (model A1) is $ 32.95. Discounts for large orders are 7% (up to 500), 10% (up to 100) and 12% (over 1000). You can, if you wish, increase these by up to 2%, but not more. You have a new, better chair (model A2) which costs $40 but there is a special introductory discount of 15% (up to 500) and 20% (above 500).

B 2 You work for Global Travel. There are flights from London to Torino at 9.30 (arr. 11.40, British Airways, BA 552, $165 PEX) and at 12.00 (arr. 14.15, Alitalia, AL 791, $ 145 special price)

B 3 You are Jane Lever. You want to buy a Datapower 512 computer. You have seen them at $ 1100 - $ 1250 in computer shops. You have asked Compsell, a big London computer distributor, to ring and give you a price.

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