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VI. Найдите в тексте и запишите английские эквиваленты следующих русских слов и словосочетаний:

1. валовой национальный продукт

6. издержки, затраты

2. брать взаймы

7. измерять

3. процентная ставка

8. уровень безработицы

4. биржевой курс

9. расширять

5. ключевой показатель

10. стоимость валюты

Вариант 2

I. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты большей частью переводятся придаточными предложениями (см. п. 1 раздела I, таблицы 3 и 4, образец выполнения №1).

1. The 16 percent of world population living in the industrial countries are said to receive nearly 80 percent of the world income.

2. For a company to prosper, the shareholders' best interest must always be considered.

3. We advise you to train your staff to deal with customers in a more polite manner.

4. The discussion is expected to focus on production and consumption of energy.

II. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения с причастиями. Укажите, какое из них включает независимый причастный оборот (см. п. 2 раздела I, таблицу 5, образец выполнения № 2).

1. International trade increasing competition among producers, domestic firms have to raise efficiency of their production.

2. The number of small businesses involving such services as shoe mending or car repairing is rather high in most countries.

3. Not understanding the language I found it hard to get around on my own.

4. Being a big international organization the ILO has its official agencies in many countries of the world.

III. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Укажите номер предложения с придаточным предложением нереального условия 3 типа (см. п. 3 раздела I, образец выполнения №3).

1. Many companies would lose their stable position in the market if recession continued.

2. If the wage paid in a certain industry had risen, workers would have been attracted from other industries.

3. If you have any question, I will deal with them at the end of my presentation.

4. Will you open a Letter of Credit if you don’t receive a cable of readiness of the goods for shipment?

IV. Перепишите предложения. Обозначьте вертикальными чертами границы главных и придаточных предложений. Обратите внимание на бессоюзную связь. Переведите предложения на русский язык (см. таблицу 8).

1. If you buy something that you feel was very good value, it’s a bargain.

2. This is the customer we received the complaint from.

3. They promoted the manager whose sales team was most successful.

V. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующий текст.


In most large corporations, long-term planning is absolutely essential. A businessman must organize his planning with great care. A plan functioning properly serves as a motivating force in business.

When business plans are made, a budget—that is an esti­mate of income and expenses — must be projected. To avoid cash flow problems it is advisable to plan on a de­posit on goods ordered. This can only be done if one can look back and learn from previous experience — if not one's own experience, - then the experience of others. The cash flow — ready money that can be accessed when needed — is an essential aspect of an active business venture, and it must be planned into the budget.

Forecasting techniques mean setting up a schedule of antici­pated events such as ordering, production, advertising, at­tending conferences, and filling orders. Dates need to be set up for accounting periods. Such accounting periods are, as a rule, related to the fiscal year, but this term means something quite different in different parts of the world. For example, December is mid winter in Europe and North America, and because it is the Christmas season, it is a very active time commercially. However, in the Southern Hemisphere and in places where a gift-giving season is not observed, things may look quite different.

It is easy to see that planning might become a very complex matter, particularly in a large-scale business that would involve surveyors, builders, carpenters, plumbers, and interior decorators. For such large-scale businesses, linear programming is, probably, the best technique. Linear programming is a system by which events that have to happen are put on a line prior to other events. The line is seen as a road to that hoped-for business goal. For a small business, even a simple checklist of things that have to be done by a certain time is better than nothing. However, even with the best-laid plan, every businessman knows that flexibility must be an integral part of the planning.

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