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Учебное пособие по англ языку.doc
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10. Match the English proverb with its Russian equivalents. Comment on the their meanings

1.Two heads are better than one.

2.Better bend the neck than bruise the forehead.

3.Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

4.Better the foot slip than the tongue.

5.Walls have ears.

6.Fear has magnifying eyes.

7.A horse stumbles that has four legs.

8.Scratch my back and I scratch yours.

1.И у стен есть уши.

2.У страха глаза велики.

3.Конь о четырех ногах, да и то спотыкается.

4.Услуга за услугу.

5.Две головы лучше, чем одна.

6.Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят.

7.Лучше нагнуть голову, чем ушибить лоб.

8.Лучше оступиться, чем оговориться.

11. Speak about the human body


1. Fill in the gaps with the missing remarks

Teacher: Good day. Nice to see you. Do you know the saying «Every family has a skeleton in

the cupboard».

Student: …

Teacher: It means that everybody has a secret which he tries to keep. But we will tell all

the secrets about our skeleton.

2. Look at the picture and translate the names of the bones into Russian

  1. skull

  2. cervical vertebrae

  3. clavicle (collar-bone)

  4. humerus

  5. scapula (shoulder-blade)

  6. breastbone

  7. rib

  8. lumber vertebrae

  9. radius

  10. ulna

  11. carpals

  12. phalanges

  13. femur

  14. knee cap (patella)

  15. tibia

  16. fibula

  17. tarsals

  18. metatarsals

  19. pelvis

3. Read and translate the text about the human skeleton.

The Skeleton

  1. bony framework – костная основа

  2. spine – позвоночник

  3. thorax – грудная клетка

  4. joints – суставы

  5. ligaments – связки

  6. cartilages – хрящи

  7. sacral vertebrae – крестцовый позвонок

  8. coccyx – копчик

The skeleton is the bony frameworkof the body. It consists of 208 bones of various size and shapes. The skeleton gives support to soft tissues. It protects delicate structures such as the brain, the heart and the lungs. Thejoints, cartilages and ligamentsbetween the bones determine the degree and the quality of the motion. The bones forming the skeleton are divided into the bones of the head, the bones of the trunk, and the bones of the upper and lower extremities.

26 bones of the head form the skull which protects the brain. The bones of the trunk are the spinal column ( spine ) and the thorax. The thorax includes 12 pairs of ribs and the breastbone. In the spine there are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumber, 5 sacral vertebrae and the coccyx.

The arms join the body at the shoulder. The shoulder is formed of two bones – the collar-bone ( clavicle ) in front and the shoulder-blade ( scapula ) behind. The bones of the upper extremity are humerus, ulna and radius. The bones of the lower extremity are femur, tibia and fibula.

The skeleton gives the upright strength to the body. The bones serve as a storehouse for calcium and phosphorus.

4. Match the bones of the skeleton and its functions





5.joints, ligaments, cartilages

gives support to soft tissues.

protects the brain.

protects the heart and lungs.

serve as a storehouse for calcium and phosphorus.

determine the degree and the quality of the motion.

gives upright strength to the body.

5. Fill in the gaps using the text

  1. The skeleton is ….

  2. The skeleton protects …

  3. 26 bones of the head …

  4. The bones of the trunk are …

  5. The thorax includes …

  6. In the spine there are …

  7. The shoulder is formed …

  8. The bones of the upper extremity are …

  9. The bones of the lower extremity are …

6. Answer the questions

1.What do the joints, cartilages and ligaments determine?

2.What groups of the bones form the human skeleton?

3.What do the bones serve as?

7.Make up the sentences

  1. is, the skeleton, framework, bony, the.

  2. consists of, 223, the skeleton, bones.

  3. the skull, the bones of, form, the head.

  4. the thorax, the bones of, the spinal column, the trunk, are.

  5. includes, the breastbone, the thorax, and, the ribs.

  6. the shoulder, are, the bones of, and, the clavicle, the scapula.

8. Match the idiomatic expressions and their Russian equivalents. Learn them

1.all skin and bone

2.brain twister

3.bone of contention

4.cudgel the brains

5.head of the family

6.get into one’s head

7.have one’s head in the clouds

8.from head to toe

a.от головы до пят

b.яблоко раздора

c.витать в облаках

d.глава семьи


f.кожа да кости

g.забивать себе голову

h.ломать голову

9. Fill in the gaps with one of the idiomatic expressions

1.The old man was just …

2.The money prize became … between them.

3.Mr. Thompson is .. of the noble family.

4.You should … to solve this problem.

5.She is in work …

6.When one falls in love he …

7.It is not easy to … Latin grammar … of the students.

8.Peter is a clever boy. He easily does …

10. Speak about the human skeleton ( structure, function)


1. Teacher : What do you know about muscles?

1.1. Read the information below and find the answers to the following questions.

  1. Why are muscles important?

  2. What are muscles?

  3. Do I have lots of muscles?

  4. What types of muscles are there?

  5. What do muscles do?

  6. How do muscles move?

  7. Can you hurt muscles?

1.2. Pay attention to the new words for better understanding.

  1. tissue – ткань

  2. elongated cells – удлиненные клетки

  3. contraction (contract) – сокращение (сокращаться)

  4. major reasons – главные причины

  5. propel – двигать(ся), приводить в движение

  6. motion (movement) – движение

  7. move – двигаться

  8. make up – образовывать, составлять

  9. voluntary (involuntary) – произвольно (непроизвольно) сокращающийся

  10. mend – заживать, поправляться

  11. striated muscles – поперечнополосатые мышцы

  12. smooth muscles – гладкие мышцы

  13. cardiac muscles – сердечные мышцы

  14. attach – прикрепляться

  15. tendon – сухожилие

  1. Muscle is a tissue composed of bundles of elongated cells capable of contraction and relaxation to produce movement in an organ or a part of the body.

  1. Muscles are very important for two major reasons:1. Muscles are the "engine" that our bodies use to propel ourselves. They turn energy into motion. 2. It would be impossible for you to do anything without your muscles.

  1. Muscles simply move you! Without muscles you couldn't open your mouth, speak, shake hands, walk, talk, or move your food through your digestive system. There would be no running, climbing, smiling, blinking and breathing. The fact is, without muscles, you wouldn't be alive for very long.

  1. On average, 40% of your body weight is in muscles. You have over 650 muscles that move you.

  1. The cells that make up muscles contract and then relax back to original size. The cells of your muscles use chemical energy from the food you eat to do this. Without food, and particular kinds of nutrients, your muscles wouldn't be able to make the energy to contract. Muscles can be voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary muscles are muscles that you can move whenever you want to. Involuntary muscles contract and relax automatically inside your body. We cannot control our involuntary muscles.

  1. Yes. If you hear someone says that they have "pulled" a muscle, they have, in fact, torn a muscle in the same way that you can tear a ligament or break a bone. And, like other living body parts, they generally mend themselves.

  1. There are three types of muscles: striated muscles, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles. Smooth muscles make up the walls of the internal organs and control their movement. They are involuntary muscles. Striated muscles move bones. They muscles work in pairs. When one contracts, the other relaxes. These muscles are attached to bone by tendons. They are voluntary muscles. Cardiac muscles make up the heart and control its contractions.