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Учебное пособие по англ языку.doc
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4.Do the tasks according to the variants

Variant 1

Fill in the table using the information below

Corpuscular elements








White corpuscles; numerous cellular elements; have elasticity and flexibility; have granules in the protoplasm; pass through small capillaries; have a short span of life; have a lobed appearance of the nucleus; take part in the function of respiration; contain red colouring substance ( hemoglobin ); protect against infection; arrive at the wound and engulf the bacteria.

Variant 2

Answer the questions to the text “Blood and its elements”. Translate the answers.

1.What kind of tissue is the blood?

2.What is the blood compose of ?

3.What is the charachteristic of leukocytes?

4.What is the function of leukocytes?

5.What do leukocytes do when a wound becomes infected?

6.What are the most numerous cellular elements?

7.What features do erythrocytes have?

8.What is the important part of erythrocytes?

9.What is the total blood volume divided into?

Variant 3

Translate into English using the text “Blood and its elements”.

  1. Кровь – это жидкая соединительная ткань.

  2. Кровь состоит из плазмы, красных кровеносных телец, белых кровеносных телец и тромбоцитов.

  3. Лейкоциты содержат гранулы.

  4. У лейкоцитов есть ядро с тремя долями.

  5. Функция лейкоцитов – защищать от инфекции.

  6. Эритроциты – это многочисленные клеточные элементы.

  7. Их физические свойства – эластичность и гибкость.

  8. Эритроциты играют важную роль в функции дыхания.

  9. Эритроциты содержат вещество гемоглобин.

Variant 4

Continue the sentences using the text “Blood and its elements”. Translate the sentences.

  1. Blood is …

  2. Blood is composed of …

  3. Thrombocytes are …

  4. The protoplasm of leukocytes …

  5. Leucocytes have …

  6. The function of leukocytes is …

  7. Erythrocytes are …

  8. Erythrocytes have …

  9. The important part of erythrocytes is …

  10. Erythrocytes play an important role in …

Variant 5

Match the parts of the sentencesusing the text “Blood and its elements”. Translate the sentences.

  1. Blood is a fluid …

  2. Blood determines …

  3. The corpuscular elements are …

  4. The protoplasm of leukocytes contain …

  5. The nucleus of leukocytes has …

  6. Leukocytes …

  7. Erythrocytes are …

  8. The features of erythrocytes are …

  9. Erythrocytes contain …

  10. Red corpuscles take part in …

  • granules.

  • protect against infections.

  • connective tissue.

  • red substance hemoglobin.

  • erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes.

  • respiration.

  • three lobes.

  • elasticity and flexibility.

  • the activity of the body cells.

  • red corpuscles.

8. Match the idiomatic expressions with their definitions. Learn them

1.blood is thicker than water

2.to chill the blood

3.blue blood

4.flesh and blood

5.you can’t get blood out of a stone

6.it runs in the blood

  1. the sign of aristocracy

  2. human with all the weakness of human nature

  3. to get very scared

  4. the ties between relations are closer than those between friends

  5. to have inherited traits

  6. a passionless man

9. Answer the questions

1.Have you ever got situations which chill your blood?

2.Do you have examples when you can’t blood out of a stone?

10.Speak about blood.


1. Fill in the gaps with the missing remarks

Teacher: Good day. Glad to see you and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.Do you know

what it means.

Student: …

Teacher: What do you usually do from the bottom of your heart?

Student: …

Teacher: Let’s see how our heart works.

2. Study the new words. Learn them.

  1. cardiovascular system - сердечнососудистая система

  2. blood circulation - кровообращение

  3. artery - артерия

  4. vein – вена

  5. capillary - капиляр

  6. blood vessel - кровеносный сосуд

  7. to pump blood - выталкивать кровь

  8. oxygen-poor blood – кровь, бедная кислородом

  9. oxygen-rich blood – кровь, обогащённая кислородом

  10. chamber of the heart - камерасердца

  11. atrium (atria) - предсердие

  12. ventricle - желудочек

  13. valve - клапан

  14. cardiac cycle - сердечный цикл

  15. vascular system – сосудистая система

  16. pulmonary system - лёгочная система

  17. to separate-разделять

  18. portal system – венозная система