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2. Proof these statements

  1. He was a popular lecturer.

  2. He was a skilful surgeon.

  3. Pavlov made contribution to medical science.

  4. Pavlov was a hard-working man.

3. What principles do these people follow?

  1. Tom always does his work with pleasure and interest.

  2. If Mary doesn’t know something she always asks questions about it.

  3. Max is a good specialist in his work. But he keeps on learning.

  4. Anton never passes on to the next work until he has finished the previous one.

4. Speak about Pavlov I.P.


1. Compose the text about N. I. Pirogov by putting the words into the right order. Read the second part of the text and translate it.

Part I

  1. Nikolai Pirogov, a, great, Russian, is, scientist.

  2. was, he, in, born, on, Moscow, November 25, 1810.

  3. helped, his devotion to science, Pirogov, obstacles, to overcome; and in 1836, already, was, he, a, of surgery, professor.

  4. “There is, medicine, no, surgery, without, and surgery, no, anatomy, without!” was his motto.

  5. Pirogov, isolated, generalized, ideas, and, of the surgery, experience, of his days; and gave, a, foundation, it scientific.

  6. produced, Pirogov, complete, the first, exact, and, work, in the world, on anatomy, which, “Topographic Anatomy’, entitled, he.

  7. this Atlas, to train, generations, helped, several, of surgeons, and has not, his, lost, to this day, value.

Part II

  1. Pirogov wrote 24 major works and delivered 146 communications to scientific societies.

  2. This Russian scientist contributed greatly to the fields of biology, medicine, anatomy pathology, surgery.

  3. He was the first who divided the Achilles tendon, performed osteoplastic operations, operated on the intestines in cases of bullet wounds.

  4. Pirogov took part in wars where he helped lots of wounded.

  5. To save wounded limbs Pirogov arrived at the idea of the rigid plaster cast.

  6. The prominent surgeon was the initiator of the extensive use of anaesthesia during operations.

  7. Thanks to the discoveries made by Nikolai Pirogov, in the 19th century the real development in the field of surgery began.

2. Choose the right variant

1.Pirogov was …

a. a physiologist

b. a biologist

c. a surgeon

d. a lecturer

e. a scientist

2. … helped Pirogov to overcome obstacles.

a. money

b. friends

c. devotion to science

d. societies

3.Pirogov generalized …

a. all medical knowledge

b. major scientific works

c. experience of surgery

4.Pirogov produced the work on …

a. medicine

b. surgery

c. anatomy

d. physiology

3. Ask the questions to the underlined words

  1. Pirogov wrote 24 major works.

  2. This Russian scientist contributed to biology, medicine, anatomy, surgery.

  3. He performed osteoplastic operations and operations on the intestines.

  4. He helped lots of wounded during the wars.

  5. The prominent surgeon used anaesthesia during operations.

4. Translate into English

  1. Наука требует преданности.

  2. Твоя сила воли поможет тебе преодолеть препятствия.

  3. Это выдающийся тренер. Он уже подготовил несколько поколений хороших спортсменов.

  4. В университетах существуют научные общества.

  5. Как ты пришел к этой идее?

  6. Где Сидоров? Он делает сейчас доклад для студенческого общества.

  7. Работы этого ученого имеют огромную ценность.


1. Read the text

S. P. Botkin

S. P. Botkin was born on September 17, in 1832.

After finishing one of Moscow schools, he entered the Medical Faculty of Moscow University. Botkin was very interested in medicine very much and soon became one of the best students.

After graduating from the Medical Faculty in 1855 Botkin went to the Crimea where he worked as a physician at the Simferopol Military Hospital under the direction of the well-known Russian surgeon Pirogov.

In 1860 Botkin began to work at the Medico-Surgical Academy in Petersburg. In 1861 he became a professor of the Therapeutic Clinic at the Academy. He worked hard. He wanted to have a model clinic at the Academy. Botkin organized a well-equipped physiological laboratory for clinical experiments. Botkin was a brilliant therapeutist and diagnostician. One of his greatest achievements was his theory of nervosism, which is the most progressive theory in clinical medicine.

Botkin was not only a brilliant scientist but an excellent teacher too. Many of his pupils became famous physicians and worked at Russian universities as professors.

Botkin was also one of the founders of military therapeutists. He worked at the front during the Russo-Turkish war giving much of his time to the organization of medical aid.

During his whole life he never stopped working for the good of the Russian people. His name is one of the most famous names in medicine and it will always be remembered in the history of Russian science.